Hu6280 Alpha 0.9 Released!

OK, I know I'm still a GP2X noob but I've tried the last 4 revisions and all I get is a black screen with lockup every time. I'm running firmware V2.

Even if I have roms in the wrong place, shouldn't I at least get a menu? I've put roms in a couple different places but still no luck. Does this app have built in overclocking? Maybe I have a dud that won't overclock.

I really want to get some Galaga 88 action goin - anyone have any ideas of what I could try?

---------------------- Fixed -----------------
OK, stupid noob mistake with the directory structure. Once I made a roms/pcengine directory in the root of the SD card it now runs fine. I didn't realize that /mnt/sd/roms/pcengine meant root of the SD card. I guess I've been a prisoner of Mr. Gates for far too long!
PSyMastR posted on May 28 2006 at 07:48 PM said:
Vobbo = guru. Congrats.


Go checkout the web page...

coming sooooon!

Vobbo :ph34r:

Paladin posted on May 28 2006 at 07:26 PM said:
OK, I know I'm still a GP2X noob but I've tried the last 4 revisions and all I get is a black screen with lockup every time. I'm running firmware V2.

Even if I have roms in the wrong place, shouldn't I at least get a menu? I've put roms in a couple different places but still no luck. Does this app have built in overclocking? Maybe I have a dud that won't overclock.

I really want to get some Galaga 88 action goin - anyone have any ideas of what I could try?

I have no Idea why it doesnt run for you :( I dont overclock unless you select overclocking in the menu, and if the emulator doesnt find any roms, it supplies you with the Internal Jamanoid game...

I've tried running the emulator from any directory, and it works fine, with or without roms...
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PSyMastR posted on May 28 2006 at 08:05 PM said:
Vobbo, the new page is looking very sexy. Gradius II Goffer (Vulcan Venture) looks amazing.

I own a PC Engine and have Gradius II Goffer (Vulcan Venture) on CD - your right it is amazing considering how old the tech is now. It still plays great...

The new site looks ace !
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Nickmon posted on May 28 2006 at 08:28 PM said:
PSyMastR posted on May 28 2006 at 08:05 PM said:
Vobbo, the new page is looking very sexy. Gradius II Goffer (Vulcan Venture) looks amazing.

I own a PC Engine and have Gradius II Goffer (Vulcan Venture) on CD - your right it is amazing considering how old the tech is now. It still plays great...

The new site looks ace !

I`ve been busy making iso`s all day... 91 cd's ripped today, and 89 of them run in hu6280!!! woot
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Seems to be making good progress.

I was just wondering if you have an idea when sound will be added to this and how fast it will be with it? I know sound will slow it down alot but it is worth it to me as I don't play without it. Do you think it is possible to be full speed with sound at FS1 with no overclocking eventually? Just wondering what your estimate is.
Dracula-X !


One thing though. You need sound there. Just put the CD in your player and listen to that music. It's easily the most awesome game on the PC-Engine.
DaveC posted on May 28 2006 at 08:40 PM said:
Seems to be making good progress.

I was just wondering if you have an idea when sound will be added to this and how fast it will be with it? I know sound will slow it down alot but it is worth it to me as I don't play without it. Do you think it is possible to be full speed with sound at FS1 with no overclocking eventually? Just wondering what your estimate is.

My personal beta version runs Galaga at 60fps , NO FRAMESKIP with SOUND ON! - I`m aiming for perfect emulation... Frameskip ruins the pc-engine experience as so many games use alternate sprite frames for their effects...

I have no Idea when I`ll do a public release with audio on - I`m toying with the idea of making the ISO/SOUND features only available in a 'Full Version' similar to magic engine on the PC... I dont really know atm... I`ve had zero donations so far, So maybe that's the way i`ll go... I`m spending 6+ hours a day on this at the moment, so It would be nice to make some $$ to cover my initial investments of the gp2x etc.

What do you guys think?
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DaveC posted on May 28 2006 at 08:34 AM said:
Yeah, lame geocities bandwith limit, it sucks, but it is free ;) Come back in an hour.

DaveC posted on May 28 2006 at 08:40 PM said:
Seems to be making good progress.

I was just wondering if you have an idea when sound will be added to this and how fast it will be with it? I know sound will slow it down alot but it is worth it to me as I don't play without it. Do you think it is possible to be full speed with sound at FS1 with no overclocking eventually? Just wondering what your estimate is.
GP32 does that at 133 though.
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vobbo posted on May 28 2006 at 07:55 PM said:
DaveC posted on May 28 2006 at 08:40 PM said:
Seems to be making good progress.

I was just wondering if you have an idea when sound will be added to this and how fast it will be with it? I know sound will slow it down alot but it is worth it to me as I don't play without it. Do you think it is possible to be full speed with sound at FS1 with no overclocking eventually? Just wondering what your estimate is.

My personal beta version runs Galaga at 60fps , NO FRAMESKIP with SOUND ON! - I`m aiming for perfect emulation... Frameskip ruins the pc-engine experience as so many games use alternate sprite frames for their effects...

I have no Idea when I`ll do a public release with audio on - I`m toying with the idea of making the ISO/SOUND features only available in a 'Full Version' similar to magic engine on the PC... I dont really know atm... I`ve had zero donations so far, So maybe that's the way i`ll go... I`m spending 6+ hours a day on this at the moment, so It would be nice to make some $$ to cover my initial investments of the gp2x etc.

What do you guys think?

Well as far as donations I think that may be because of the lack of sound. I still will donate $40 or so to you but since I don't use the emu now because of the lack of sound I haven't donated yet. I only donate for emus that I use. I will though when audio is added, and it runs at full speed at least fs1 no OC that is a *promise* . I know for me sound is the difference between me using or not using an emu. Maybe that holds true for others too?

There is also another good way to inspire donations. Reesy did it originally and it seems to work. What you would do is (here come the flamez) limit the public releases to major ones released much less than you do now. Private betas would be distributed by e-mail to the ones that donated to you for it. So donators would get beta releases earlier and more often, "leechers" would have to wait.

Maybe also release the version with just the audio even before the ISO part is perfected. Also is the personal version at 60 FPS with sound overclocked? If so for me I would like to have an option in there for FS1 and NO overclocking. Even though it hurts the experience as you say, it also hurts the experience when my batteries go out so soon with the OC. Since you also have a GP32 try out GP-Engine. Full speed with sound at fs1 and 133 MHz is not to bad.
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hey sam, thanks for hosting this exciting project from vobbo

donation sent and will do it again when i can hear :)
it sucks that people haven't been donating but its probably been due to the alpha without sound status of the emu combined with the basic site you had up earlier. now that you have a site which shows cd games run and looks nice plus you have sound working just haven't released it yet you may get more donations and im sure you will get a lot more donations once you have sound working. i will even donate a little once you release a version with sound.

adding frameskip 1 as an option wouldn't hurt the experience so those who don't want to overclock wont have to.
jbrodack posted on May 28 2006 at 09:17 PM said:
it sucks that people haven't been donating but its probably been due to the alpha without sound status of the emu combined with the basic site you had up earlier. now that you have a site which shows cd games run and looks nice plus you have sound working just haven't released it yet you may get more donations and im sure you will get a lot more donations once you have sound working. i will even donate a little once you release a version with sound.

adding frameskip 1 as an option wouldn't hurt the experience so those who don't want to overclock wont have to.

Thanks for the feedback... I guess i`ll add a frameskip option so people can play at fullspeed without overclocking...

I must have got lucky with my GP2X , mine runs 4+ hours playing hu6280 overclocked at 266mhz on batteries :)

anyway... back to the coding... I`m trying to gain some more speed...!

Vobbo :ph34r:
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vobbo posted on May 28 2006 at 08:55 PM said:
DaveC posted on May 28 2006 at 08:40 PM said:
Seems to be making good progress.

I was just wondering if you have an idea when sound will be added to this and how fast it will be with it? I know sound will slow it down alot but it is worth it to me as I don't play without it. Do you think it is possible to be full speed with sound at FS1 with no overclocking eventually? Just wondering what your estimate is.

My personal beta version runs Galaga at 60fps , NO FRAMESKIP with SOUND ON! - I`m aiming for perfect emulation... Frameskip ruins the pc-engine experience as so many games use alternate sprite frames for their effects...

I have no Idea when I`ll do a public release with audio on - I`m toying with the idea of making the ISO/SOUND features only available in a 'Full Version' similar to magic engine on the PC... I dont really know atm... I`ve had zero donations so far, So maybe that's the way i`ll go... I`m spending 6+ hours a day on this at the moment, so It would be nice to make some $$ to cover my initial investments of the gp2x etc.

What do you guys think?
Seeing as you spend so long on it I say do what you want. Finish the emulator but if you do not get enough donations as you would expect then feel free to like release a version without sound & iso support and say it will not be released completed until you have more donations and when a donator donates send htem the full version in the email.

moz posted on May 28 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
hey sam at thanks for hosting this exciting project from vobbo

donation sent and will do it again when i can hear :)
YAY! I'm glad I did as this means that Vobbo doesnt have the 4mb an hour geocities limit. :D

vobbo posted on May 28 2006 at 09:33 PM said:
jbrodack posted on May 28 2006 at 09:17 PM said:
it sucks that people haven't been donating but its probably been due to the alpha without sound status of the emu combined with the basic site you had up earlier. now that you have a site which shows cd games run and looks nice plus you have sound working just haven't released it yet you may get more donations and im sure you will get a lot more donations once you have sound working. i will even donate a little once you release a version with sound.

adding frameskip 1 as an option wouldn't hurt the experience so those who don't want to overclock wont have to.

Thanks for the feedback... I guess i`ll add a frameskip option so people can play at fullspeed without overclocking...

I must have got lucky with my GP2X , mine runs 4+ hours playing hu6280 overclocked at 266mhz on batteries :)

anyway... back to the coding... I`m trying to gain some more speed...!

Vobbo :ph34r:
I also get the same time as you and guess what Vobbo. By a miracle since running your emu everything now works stably at 266mhz! Thank you :P
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vobbo posted on May 28 2006 at 10:14 PM said:
Big thanks to Sam Fisher and Moz for the donations! :D
I assume you mean webspace either that or my paypal account has a mind of its own. I dont have much money but I will donate some when Its finished. thing is I have to convince my parent to let me and that paypal wont suck their card dry etc. Until then at least I have given you webspace.


The 'Donate' pay pal thing at the top of Vobbo's homepage.
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