Fishynes 0.01a

Here's a splash screen and a background image for this fishy.



This emu is really fast and I hope that more features will be included (save states, overclocking...).
I also saw several glitches in some games but i don't know if it's my roms or the emu.

EDIT : Here's the BMP's pack
[cite]is it possible to put the screen up side down and use Y, A, B, X for the joy and Vol+/- for the A and B buttons?[/cite]
there no response for this ;)

Is it possible to have autofire with X and Y button?
Button mapping works for me now too, just reversed. I had named the config file fishynes.cfg instead of fishyNES.cfg, my mistake.
Yod4z posted on Mar 14 2006 at 09:44 AM said:
Is it possible to have autofire with X and Y button?

Yes. Again, not a priority.

Tootai said:
Button mapping works for me now too, just reversed. I had named the config file fishynes.cfg instead of fishyNES.cfg, my mistake.

OK, glad it worked. Maybe mixed case filenames is asking for trouble! I'll look into the A/B mapping problem as soon as I can.
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mooseknuckle2000 posted on Mar 14 2006 at 07:37 PM said:
This is cool...Keep kickin' ass on this fishybawb. I can't wait for fullspeed (no overclock) NES. If you keep updating this emu, fishyNES will be a necessity on the 2x. Thanks for your hard work

Some games just flicker the menu, but nothing happens. Is it a compatibility issue (Castlevania III does it, which is known for being hard to emulate) but so does Castlevania II, which is generally a lot better about it.)
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GeminiDomino posted on Mar 15 2006 at 08:57 AM said:
Some games just flicker the menu, but nothing happens. Is it a compatibility issue (Castlevania III does it, which is known for being hard to emulate) but so does Castlevania II, which is generally a lot better about it.)

Castlevania II works fine, albeit with some minor graphical glitches on the menu screen. The flickering sounds like the (continuing) long filename problem - try renaming your ROMs to be <= 32 characters long. I've got this fixed in the current WIP version.

Castlevania III does do some very weird stuff though, and isn't supported yet. I love the game though, so I'll get around to fixing it at some point :)
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Just tried this bad boy tonight and boy was I surprised!! The sound was really nice! And nearly full speed.

I'm glad I tried it. Nearly overlooked it.

Almost forgot to mention. I think there is a "quirk" with long filenames. If the length of the filename exceeds the cut-off size (and the emulator chops it off) the ROM will not load.

My guess would be it is looking for a ROM name which is the same as the chopped off version.
Decided to make a new background image for fishyNES.

My art skills suck, so it's all cut and paste, but I quite like it myself... ;)

Sevish said:
I've been testing some games for the wiki and this is great so far! I wonder how good this release will be by version 1.

Thanks for that Sevish, it'll come in handy once I get to the compatibility improvements!

naples39 said:
Decided to make a new background image for fishyNES.

My art skills suck, so it's all cut and paste, but I quite like it myself... ;)

Haha, I love it! Good work :)

I might release a maintenance version (fixes all the reported bugs and adds a staggering 1-2fps :P) over the weekend just so that people know I'm still working on it. I'm planning a bigger release that should see a decent increase in framerate, but haven't had as much time as I'd like to work on it during the week. Luckily my weekend's looking fairly uneventful :)
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I'm all for a maintenance release soon, even if it fixes nothing other than the issue of long file names not launching.
An update would be great. Even if speed isn't significantly increased, it would be nice to have the filename thing fixed, the # of roms thing fixed, and it definately would be nice if the "skin" folder was renamed to "fishy skin" or something else as "skin" conflicts with other emus I have on my sd root (I believe this was mentioned earlier). All in all this is shaping up to be a very nice emu. Keep up the good work fishybawb!
mooseknuckle2000 posted on Mar 17 2006 at 05:45 PM said:
An update would be great. Even if speed isn't significantly increased, it would be nice to have the filename thing fixed, the # of roms thing fixed, and it definately would be nice if the "skin" folder was renamed to "fishy skin" or something else as "skin" conflicts with other emus I have on my sd root (I believe this was mentioned earlier). All in all this is shaping up to be a very nice emu. Keep up the good work fishybawb!
You can run it from its own folder. I'm running it out of the fishyNES folder right now myself.
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I know. That's what I'm doing now, but with the way I like my sd layed out, I have all my homebrew games in folders in a "Homebrew" folder and all my emus on the root, so the icons for each are readily available. This isn't possible with SSNES on the root also (I'd also like it if Squidge changed the "skin" folder for SquidgeEngine).
New version

Just a minor release to keep people going:

Code optimisations that no one'll notice. 1-2fps faster in some games.
Long filenames should be OK
Completely untested SRAM support
Button configs/relative path tweaks

Big thanks to naples39 for his background (now the default skin, along with a simple splash screen based on it) and NeoStuey for his NES icon. It was for FCE, but I've stolen it and included it in the zip :)