Gpx2 Unvailed!!

It looks ok too rectangular and big. Weak specs, I thought Gamepark said it would blow all the current handhelds out of the water. Looks like pocket pc's are more advanced. I can't see much more being emulated on this than whats fcurrently on the Gp32. SNES and Neo Geo CD already fantastic on the PSP. Hm and a huge price tag no less and no first party support. It seems too litlle too late. And AA batteries? What are we in the middle ages? It needs li-ion batteries..........

I like the Dpad on the PSP its better than the clicky joystick thats for sure.
Ok, I'm kinda sick about the negative comments here.

I like this GPx2, and I really would like to get one too. I think it will be a great system. OMFG THE CPU SPEED IS ****ONLY**** 250MHZ!!!!!!! Sheesh, the GP32 was only "133"mhz, and look how good it is.

Personally, I think the emulators are fine, but I really am more interested in homebrew. I mean, it's fun making games. :)

I'll get this, as soon as I learn what the price is. ^_^

Ok, for goodness sake, if you think a PSP or a DS or <game console> is better, why don't you just get that and go away. ¬_¬
Oddly enough this is almost exactly the console I thought it would be.... Except I never suspected a dual-core CPU, or such a low processor speed. I'm not worried about the low speed, though, I'd get plenty of use out if it even if all it would do is play movies, and besides, who knows what clever ways a clever programmer can use the dual processors to get amazing results. Anyone complaining about how two processors will be difficult to program should be thankful that it isn't the 5-processor monster that was the Jaguar.

EDIT: And I forgot to mention: Even though it's speed is not amazing compared to new consoles, it's still faster than my old GP (which I would pick over PSP any day) and that's good enough for me.

EDIT 2: Typo.
kotd posted on Jul 28 2005 at 03:14 AM said:
It looks ok too rectangular and big. Weak specs, I thought Gamepark said it would blow all the current handhelds out of the water. Looks like pocket pc's are more advanced. I can't see much more being emulated on this than whats fcurrently on the Gp32. SNES and Neo Geo CD already fantastic on the PSP. Hm and a huge price tag no less and no first party support. It seems too litlle too late. And AA batteries? What are we in the middle ages? It needs li-ion batteries..........

I like the Dpad on the PSP its better than the clicky joystick thats for sure.

PPCs are more advanced. They are faster than the PSP too. The controls on PPCs blow so?

Why does it need li-ion batteries? That way you need to always buy replacements only from them? I will take easily obtainable NiMH off the shelf batteries any day.
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DaveC posted on Jul 27 2005 at 10:34 PM said:
Why does it need li-ion batteries? That way you need to always buy replacements only from them? I will take easily obtainable NiMH off the shelf batteries any day.

This is a very sensible comment.
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SbS Studios posted on Jul 27 2005 at 10:19 PM said:
I'm not a fan of touch screens, one way or the other they end up scratched or broke, and most of the time pretty smugged, although it would be very handy for a virtual keyboard and mouse in linux.

[brainwave] How in the hell is anyone going to use linux with out touchscreen or a keyboard, it will drive people insane using the D-Pad over some keyboard [/brainwave] :huh:

I think that Gamepark Holdings should provide official support for external keyboards (like Chatboards), and buy them in bulk so that they can sell them to users for a cheaper price than what we've been getting so far. That would pretty much destroy the need for a touchscreen, and would be quite usefull.

About the 2D processor - I'm guessing that that's needed in LARGE part due to the movie-playing capabilities (to resize the movie to the right size).

Also, for the record, I think tv-out is an excellent idea! This'll mean that when I travel I won't have to lug around my heavy VCR/DVD player to play on motel tv sets (there should be an option to turn off the LCD, though, if there is tv-out).

Yeah, and what's going on with the dissappearing suggestions on the GPx2 page? I'm scared to submit anything now...
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They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but whatever idiot's running around the suggestions box with my (and others') username is doing quite the poor impersonation...

In the meantime, let's Photochop this into the official GPX2 smiley!
hello fanboys.
Some of these commands are just crazy AND expected, you guys own a GP32 so you almost have to be a fanboy.
IMO the GPx2 Specs are just laughable at a price tag of 200$!
Its nothing more than a little advanced and better designed GP32.
But hey! Even the cheaper Nintendo DS is more powerfull - and this thing has GBA direct compatibiliy, 2 Screens, Micro, Touchscreen, WiFI (virtual keyboard!) and more..
Anyone recently watched the major PSP Homebrew (Emulation!) development ? Its just crazy, daily emu releases, so to speak. PSP is a little more expensive but its power let the GPx2 look like a SNES compared to the PS1. Two things here:
You dont need to flash the latest firmware (until its cracked).
The controls (analog + digital) are just excellent. And the the screen..iam telling you, its just blowing away everything. If you want correct apsecs, just dont use fullstretch - still bigger than GP32 / GPx2 screen.
With the innovations (NDS) and the power (PSP) i see absolutly no reason for the GPx2 in this form. GPx2 ..
- is too expensive for its features
- does not offer a 3D GPU
- has no commecial games
- too weak compared tp its competitors
- no innovations
i've been following the thread all day and my guess at 100 posts was way low! cool to see all the heads popping up B)

honestly the main reason i got a gp32 was because M-.-n decided to write a tracker for the platform. we're both avid LSDj users and helping him test a new tracker based on the same design has been awesome fun.

so, if the GPx2 is honestly backwords compatible out of the box, i'll pick one up, to see if LittleGpTracker woks there or not :rolleyes:

all snide comments regarding BLU/BLU+ incompatabilities aside, since the GP32 uses the ARM920T processer and the GPx2 is sloted to have a ARM920T, backwords compatability seems quite feasible.

including more processors rather than upping the spec on a single processor is not an unprecedented move--nintendo did this to retain compatability between GBC->GBA, and then GBA->NDS. it may actually be quite a smart move on GPH's part. we won't know how hard it is to develop using multiple processors until we see the API. if you look at the GBA SDKs that exist, it is not that hard to utilize multiple chips from a clean API.

people who want one new, fast processor AND backwards compatability out of the box are asking for two different things, it's really one or the other :blink:

on top of that, many europeans are using the original gp32 SDK. i have faith GPH will come through with something useable for developers, the livelyhood of their system rests on that and they know it--stating development and the benefits of helping developers as features of the console!!! it's very cool they have switched to linux for their native development enviornment--we all know a lot of devrs are linux geeks. :)

if you want a single, stronger processor: back the ninja and follow that project. from the work mr. mirko is doing i think it will be very cool--a homebrew console built from the ground up! a lot of work, but an amazing accomplishment.

i don't want to ever read another post mentioning a touch screen. sorry VIMACS, but it really sounds like you want a zodiac :o :ph34r: :rolleyes: :lol:

back to the GPx2's design--i definitly like the new case w/ the headphone comming out of the top of the unit, but hate the idea of having the ext port on the side of the unit! yes, i've writen on the now-hate-message-filled suggestion site :ph34r: ... i also like using regular AA batteries, and once again: thank GPH/god for a battery indicator!!! i can't count the number of times i've shed tears when my batts suddenly ran out ;)

i'm still confused, will there be another new console from gamepark besides this one? craigx seems to be behind the GPx2 so maybe not.

finally, menion: sweet pic (sun-gp32-blonde) :wub:

EDIT: i didn't realize someone was using my name to spread hate on the suggestions page, uhhg. i would have posted my serious suggestion under a different name. oh well :(

EDIT2: maniaX, you're missing the point, it isn't all about the specs. yes, we are fanboys ... but not just of gamepark! we're fanboys for the idea that a comercial company would back up developers instead of shitting on them. sure hacking firmwares can be great fun and give you underground cred, but it just FEELS RIGHT to be supporting a product like the GP. i honestly haven't touched my DS since my GP32 showed up, and have no interested in the PSP/SONY. looking at the specs it's obvious GPH isn't trying to go up against sony! this new unit is an attempt to keep the manufacturing costs of their console down and add a few little perks, that simple!
maniaX posted on Jul 28 2005 at 05:04 AM said:
hello fanboys.
Some of these commands are just crazy AND expected, you guys own a GP32 so you almost have to be a fanboy.
IMO the GPx2 Specs are just laughable at a price tag of 200$!
Its nothing more than a little advanced and better designed GP32.
But hey! Even the cheaper Nintendo DS is more powerfull - and this thing has GBA direct compatibiliy, 2 Screens, Micro, Touchscreen, WiFI (virtual keyboard!) and more..
Anyone recently watched the major PSP Homebrew (Emulation!) development ? Its just crazy, daily emu releases, so to speak. PSP is a little more expensive but its power let the GPx2 look like a SNES compared to the PS1. Two things here:
You dont need to flash the latest firmware (until its cracked).
The controls (analog + digital) are just excellent. And the the screen..iam telling you, its just blowing away everything. If you want correct apsecs, just dont use fullstretch - still bigger than GP32 / GPx2 screen.
With the innovations (NDS) and the power (PSP) i see absolutly no reason for the GPx2 in this form. GPx2 ..
- is too expensive for its features
- does not offer a 3D GPU
- has no commecial games
- too weak compared tp its competitors
- no innovations

DS? yeah really great, smaller lower res screen, yeah I really want that :rolleyes:
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trooper posted on Jul 28 2005 at 05:15 AM said:
Is it worth PMing Craig regarding the situation over at GPX2, Just to put him in the picture ?.


Must be a bunch of disgruntled Zodiac owners that are pissed off that Tapwave has folded up and abandoned the Zodiac today.

Don't know why anyone from here would do it.
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In what may be the greatest show of competency in Gamepark history, someone at the GPX2 site is actually going back, deleting the offensive posts, and adding a page-jumping feature. :blink:

Now, if they'd just take a couple of our suggestions...
Hey, the site admin is actually responding to our queries in coherent English!

Launch is set for October!~

RAM will be expandable! dead. :( Oh well, we can always re-port our apps to use the extra power...

(Guess it's a little late to change could already be on the assembly line for all we know...) :(
Admin reply summary: ask redundant questions, get redundant answers! Here we go...

Thank you for your interest in GPX2.
It is going to be launched in Oct.
Thank you ^^

Hello Ola,
Thank you for your interest in gpx2.
It is going to be launched in Oct.
Concerning the commercial ad we are planning it.
Thank you^^

Thank you for your nice comment on gpx2.
We are planning to make options to choose bigger ram.
What do you exactly mean "digital pad"?
And unfortunately Gpx2 will not run Gp32 software
Thank you again,,^^

Thank you for your nice comment on gpx2.
Regarding the wireless capability we are going to make it for gpx2 successor.
Have a good day!^^

>Author's note: Somebody kill me. Now.


Thank you for your kind suggestions !
We will do our best to reflect your opinion and WIFI would be possible for gpx2 successor also we are planning to make options that you can choose various ram details.

thank you for your interest in gpx2
We do have black color,you can see the pic on the gallery.
I also think that black is better ^^
And we do have digital pad and planning to make options to choose ram.
Thank you,^^

Thank you very much for your continuous interest in our product line.
So far ,the maximun size of SD card is 1GB and you can use it on gpx2.
Thank you^^

sure it has ^^ (a backlit screen)
Thank you

Thank you for your nice comment on gpx2.
It will be launched coming Oct.and starting price would be under 200
We hope we can export gpx2 as many as countries^^ but right now i can surely say that it will come in America Europe,Asia and so on...
Thank you ^^

>200 what? USD, I'm guessing...and I assume by European and American sales they just mean resellers/retailers like GBAX, GP32z, Play-Asia, etc.)

Thank you for your interest in our product line.
CPU clock speed is 200mhz.
Thank you ^^

>Get your pencils ready! Or your flaming pitchforks...

We do not support tv out.but we will study it for gpx2 successor.
Thank you
Have a good day^^

Thank you for your interest in gpx2.
We do think that those features (GPS, Bluetooth, camera) would be on gpx2 successor.
Thank you^^

>Argh, the GPX3 is going to be the greatest handheld ever...when it launches in 2009! :angry:

Thank you for your interest in gpx2.
Software support Co-processor with floating poing operations.
Thank you ^^

(And even if this person doesn't know the difference between a commercial game and a commercial advertisment, it's nice to see they're trying. Maybe it's really a automated reply bot!)