Gp2x Game Development Update

no_skill posted on Sep 30 2005 at 02:12 PM said:
dos box
knowing that the dos box emulates a cpu stronly relying on floating point operations makes this look even more insane.
x86 did not have an included FPU until the 486DX. 386 and 486SX supported an optional FPU (80387 and 80487). So emulating a 286 shouldn't have to worry about FPU at all. But as DaveC said only a handful of MHz are probably realistic.

I don't think PSX has FPU either... however it has a lot of custom hardware. Hardware 3D assist (Geometry Transform), Data Decompression Engine, 2D GPU (sprites, rotation, scaling, etc), and a sound processor. (See
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Skitzo posted on Sep 30 2005 at 05:05 AM said: has just released a list of 'game development facts'


SMS (Sega Master System)
Dos Box (PC emulator of MS-DOS)
PSX (!!)

3D work, 3D graphics library, 3D engine and examples
Naruto 3D
Wipeout 3D racing clone
Gunbound clone

Other Development:
Game SDK with GCC 4.x
Sound core
Utility development for ARM
SDL/Lib C cross compiling toolchain
Damn it! Looks like I have to get a GP2X now :P

BTW, all this hype and what not leads me to think that there's going to be a LOT of empty promises. As much as I hate to admit and want to believe all this is true, I have a feeling that most of this info (At least all the insane stuff like GBA, Neo-Geo, PSX, etc.) is just to build hype and convince people to buy the system (Then GamePark Holdings will pull a "firestorm" on us).

Nevertheless, if all of this is true and we're talking full speed with sound (FS2 or less), I'm definetly going to have to get one of these (Especially since I was planning on buying all the stuff that couldn't be emulated; you know, buy GBA games, buy a SNES with a BUNCH of games, buy a Neo-Geo, buy an old computer off someone to play classic games like Tyrian and what not)

EDIT: Only $189.99?! Wow, I definetly have to pick this up (Though now my GP32 will be quite jealous).
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garteth posted on Oct 1 2005 at 07:47 AM said:
I wish GPH would be more clear with the things they post, they seem to have a habit of confusing their customers.

Only the ones that let themselves be confused. From the start anyone with a clear understanding would know GPH themselves can't have any involvment in making emulators.
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Azure posted on Oct 1 2005 at 08:41 PM said:
Nevertheless, if all of this is true and we're talking full speed with sound (FS2 or less), I'm definetly going to have to get one of these

I doubt some of the more demanding stuff will be anywhere near fullspeed by the time GP2X is released. But the cheap price and relative ease with which stuff is already being ported (check Squidge's progress on Quake, PC-Engine and UAE), GP2X is really a no-brainer. Get one :P
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Huxley posted on Oct 1 2005 at 04:02 PM said:
Azure posted on Oct 1 2005 at 08:41 PM said:
Nevertheless, if all of this is true and we're talking full speed with sound (FS2 or less), I'm definetly going to have to get one of these

I doubt some of the more demanding stuff will be anywhere near fullspeed by the time GP2X is released. But the cheap price and relative ease with which stuff is already being ported (check Squidge's progress on Quake, PC-Engine and UAE), GP2X is really a no-brainer. Get one :P
Well, since I already have a GP32 and have a ton of other stuff that I still need to get, I'll only get the GP2X if it can do most of the stuff listed. Mainly:

SNES (Full Speed w/ sound FS1 or less)
GBC (Full color support a la mono games on a GBC)
GBA (Full Speed w/ sound FS3 or less
GENESIS (Full compatibility)
Neo-Geo (Full speed with sound; compatibility for most games)
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Alpha2 posted on Oct 1 2005 at 09:53 PM said:
garteth posted on Oct 1 2005 at 07:47 AM said:
I wish GPH would be more clear with the things they post, they seem to have a habit of confusing their customers.

Only the ones that let themselves be confused. From the start anyone with a clear understanding would know GPH themselves can't have any involvment in making emulators.

Well that seems like quite a few by looking at this thread.
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Jarska333 posted on Oct 1 2005 at 05:23 PM said:
Azure posted on Oct 2 2005 at 01:15 AM said:
GENESIS (Full compatibility)

Hum, was it Virtua Racing or what... Well, full compatibility isn't given even in original hardware...
Heh, you know what I mean! :D

Here's to the prospect of full speed Neo-Geo emulation with sound!
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Azure posted on Oct 1 2005 at 11:15 PM said:
Well, since I already have a GP32 and have a ton of other stuff that I still need to get, I'll only get the GP2X if it can do most of the stuff listed. Mainly:

SNES (Full Speed w/ sound FS1 or less)
GBC (Full color support a la mono games on a GBC)
GBA (Full Speed w/ sound FS3 or less
GENESIS (Full compatibility)
Neo-Geo (Full speed with sound; compatibility for most games)

I think everything you've listed bar GBA emulation is pretty realistic. Although their won't be much call for 'colour support' of mono GB titles - ED's idea for full 256 colour graphics sounds much better :)
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I think we can just hope for everything the GP32 can pull off but at better speeds... which IMO would be great seen as I sold my GP32 about 6 months ago when i was mega poor :(

add to that the fact it'll play DIVX, has SD card support (bigger sizes!) and has more ram meaning SNES should be better... I'm buying one for sure anyways... anything better is a bonus for me :)

At the end of the day even if people can't utilize the 2nd CPU soon, its still going to be like a GP32 OC'd to 200mhz, which should mean some damn good SNES and Mega Drive speeds :D

whats it going to be like porting GP32 stuff to GP2X anyways? is there going to be much difference or can we expect most of the GP32 stuff on the GP2X within a few weeks/months? :)

I'm considering getting into some GP2X devving myself once I get mine, currently doing so much C# and .NET work at work I'll need something to keep my C/C++ skills up to scratch for when I return to University in a years time!
scarface posted on Sep 30 2005 at 09:08 PM said:
I hope the gunbound clone is ready for launch.anyone else play gunbound?

I hadnt play gunbound until i read this post. I now Im totally addicated :) If anyones wondering what its like its basically a revamped version of worms. The best thing is is its free : you just need to register.

320x240 seems a little small for this game though. Hopefully changes will be made that help this problem in the port. B)

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Huxley posted on Oct 2 2005 at 02:43 PM said:
Although their won't be much call for 'colour support' of mono GB titles - ED's idea for full 256 colour graphics sounds much better :)

Huh? :huh:
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Shikigami posted on Oct 2 2005 at 11:59 PM said:
Worms and Gran theft auto were envisaged officialy from gamepark for the gp32, i won't trust them anymore <_<

Huh ?, Yeah!. :rolleyes:

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you know what !! If they can honestly do mega cd at a decent speed I may have to do a little more sniffing around the gp2x

love mega cd, nobodys mentioned it probably because it might have gone down as the biggest mistake in history but I had one !! Proud to say so !!!

Its as unique as the gp32 itself, it even probably had a smaller scene

:lol: :lol:
Shikigami - you're being pesimistic for no reason, remember this is only what they've been told is in the works it'snot like they have any say whether the things on that list get finished or never even see the light of day. They're only the messenger.

Sega CD could be possible, I mean if we can get such beautifully close Genesis emulation then it's just a matter of figuring out how to add the extra features the CD offered without puttin to much extra strain on it. Let's hope who ever figures that out eventually is hard at work on it now.