Atari Lynx Emu V0.03c

hm, from the website...

in my first (unedited) post i wrote that i had savestates probs. i couldn't load any savestate.
i just cleared every file and after a few restarts (gplynx even reseted my gp32 several times) it began to work properly.
i don't know, why it didn't worked from the beginning, but now it is.
maybe he's checking it again....

only "bug" i found, is that if you don't have any savestate and you want to make your first one, you see a blank screen, but you can press "a" and it will be saved.
after that, you can choose if you want to create a new file (slot) or overwrite the existing one. so, a minor bug ;)
I've uploaded a new version with several fixes and some new gui tweaks.. Furthermore you can overwrite old savegames now..
ok, i realized, what the bug i had was about:

i just cleared the /handygp folder and put the new version in it.
if you want to save your first file, you can't select anything and the savegame is saved into the zip from the rom you are playing.
so you can't choose the game in the gameselector anymore. the second game you save is then properly saved in the /handygp/saves folder.

strange thing....

hm...and i can't load every savestate. especially the first one seems to be broke.
something twisted seems to be in the savestate menu....

edit: finally! i found it out for sure this time. (sorry, i am absolutely amazed and i overlooked several things ;) )

the problem i described only occurs, if audioenable=0
i don't know why, but for saving and loading, audio seems to be on.
WOW. This should be re-posted on the front page, IMO.

Version 0.03e scans the ROMS and runs sooo much faster. It also saved my config settings, from within the menu (I didn't have to edit the autoboot file by hand :D )

Amazing emu. Thank you so very, very much. :D
SWEET! Very nice piece of work Tuskenraider! I have a Lynx stashed under my bed, never play it any more after my AC adapter melted, literally... luckily it didn't take the Lynx with it, but I never did get around to getting another adapter, and of course, I'm not even gonna think of running the thing off batteries.

Anyways, have only tried a few games so far, but at 160mhz, frameskip 1 or 2, seems to run fullspeed, very smooth at FS2, sound is okay in some games seems perfect, in other games not so great but still it's amazing it has sound at all already... very good work and you keep updating it so fast! Hopefully this means sound will improve soon otherwise this emu is another great GP 32 emu, making my invesment even better.

oh and my BLU is a BLU + and it works perfect!
TelcoLou posted on Mar 15 2005 at 12:27 AM said:
WOW. This should be re-posted on the front page, IMO.

Version 0.03e scans the ROMS and runs sooo much faster. It also saved my config settings, from within the menu (I didn't have to edit the autoboot file by hand :D )

Amazing emu. Thank you so very, very much. :D
Yes, I had forgotten the isue with "not saving the conifg", therefore I took the version e for a short time from the website :-)
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I found one small bug... very small and would most likely not affect anyone, but figured I should mention it.

When I first downloaded the emu, I only put one rom and the lynxboot.img file onto the SMC, and then I started the emu, and you can tell it's working, but the one rom I put on the SMC (Blue Lightning) did not show up at all... so at first I was confused and was trying to put the rom in different places (I created a roms folder in gplynx folder) and could not figure out why my rom did not show up.

So then I read everything again and moved the rom back into the gplynx folder... still it didn't show up on the rom selector screen when I start the emu... so I press the A button anyways and even though there was no game on the list sure enough the game starts!

Anyways, as soon as I added more roms, then an actual list shows up and all my roms show up fine.
Thought I'd mention a weird bug I had. It's only happened once. I ran the emu and it looked to me as if it was running in BLU+ mode (I have an original BLU) The top of the screen was displayed at the bottom. As I say it's only happened once but I thought I'd mention it. That was on d though I've not tried e yet.
BaDToaD posted on Mar 15 2005 at 10:27 AM said:
Thought I'd mention a weird bug I had. It's only happened once. I ran the emu and it looked to me as if it was running in BLU+ mode (I have an original BLU) The top of the screen was displayed at the bottom. As I say it's only happened once but I thought I'd mention it. That was on d though I've not tried e yet.
I also run over that isue :-( , I don't know where the problem is yet..
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found another possible bug.

Many times during actual game play, it seems the A button will get 'stuck'. However, it isn't really stuck, but instead will trigger about every 1-2 seconds or so.

For instance, in Super asteroids, if you hold down A button, it will fire rapid fire. But then I let off the button, and it will shoot one shot ever 1 second or so, but then I push the button and let go again, and it will stop shooting by itself.

In many games when I start the game this will cause the game to start automatically, bypassing start/title screens, and menus and stuff, so can be a problem sometimes.
tuskenraider2k posted on Mar 14 2005 at 08:47 PM said:
I've uploaded a new version with several fixes and some new gui tweaks.. Furthermore you can overwrite old savegames now..


I e-mailed you about how the background picture pallet is done. I wanted to know how many colors it uses and how to create my palette. I was doing a background pic for it but it seems to lose much color when displayed in the emu.

Could you help me with this? I didn't get a response from you. Maybe you missed the message, or maybe you don't want me changing the background picture? Please let me know either way.

Thanks much.
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you can edit this with every image editing program (photoshop oder paint shop pro for commercial ones, gimp fe. is freeware).
you can save the palette from the original one and load it in a new image, or you can just paste your image into the existing image. the colors will change a bit, because your image propably uses different colors as the original palette has.
DaveC posted on Mar 15 2005 at 06:49 PM said:
tuskenraider2k posted on Mar 14 2005 at 08:47 PM said:
I've uploaded a new version with several fixes and some new gui tweaks.. Furthermore you can overwrite old savegames now..


I e-mailed you about how the background picture pallet is done. I wanted to know how many colors it uses and how to create my palette. I was doing a background pic for it but it seems to lose much color when displayed in the emu.

Could you help me with this? I didn't get a response from you. Maybe you missed the message, or maybe you don't want me changing the background picture? Please let me know either way.

Thanks much.

I made a background today in 256 colours that corrupted on the GP. However I reduced the colours to 16 and dithered the image in Personal Paint running under Amiga emulation. The end result looked quite good and worked fine on the GP. I'm not sure if 32, 64 or even more colours will work. I didn't have time to try.

NOTE! I did have to save the image as a 256 colour PNG even though only 16 colours were used.
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0-bake posted on Mar 15 2005 at 07:00 PM said:
you can edit this with every image editing program (photoshop oder paint shop pro for commercial ones, gimp fe. is freeware).
you can save the palette from the original one and load it in a new image, or you can just paste your image into the existing image. the colors will change a bit, because your image propably uses different colors as the original palette has.

I know that I can alter them but the emu will cut out colors on its own and the background that I made looked bad. I have no way of knowing what and how many colors it will cut. That is why I asked the author how it works as he would know.
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Hey guys what are you using as background pics??

No offense to Tuskenraider but I'm not diggin that background pic either, would really love something that actually had to do with the Lynx itself. If any of you guys do a cool background pic could I get on a list to have it emailed out or something? Would be greatly appreciated :)
bast525 posted on Mar 15 2005 at 11:56 PM said:
Hey guys what are you using as background pics??

No offense to Tuskenraider but I'm not diggin that background pic either, would really love something that actually had to do with the Lynx itself. If any of you guys do a cool background pic could I get on a list to have it emailed out or something? Would be greatly appreciated :)

I did one but as I said it turned out crap when I loaded it in the emu. It took a 256 color image and cut it to what looks like 64 or something. I can't seem to get the author to reply to me so I guess he is pissed that I wanted to change the image :blink:
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bast525 posted on Mar 15 2005 at 11:56 PM said:
Hey guys what are you using as background pics??

No offense to Tuskenraider but I'm not diggin that background pic either, would really love something that actually had to do with the Lynx itself. If any of you guys do a cool background pic could I get on a list to have it emailed out or something? Would be greatly appreciated :)

In case you missed the other post:

Try this. I hacked it together in a couple of minutes. I have to warn you that is looks kind of crappy when in the emu. It cuts out most of the colors for some reason.

Just right click and then do a "save as" just make sure it is still with extention ".PNG" otherwise it won't work.

If/when I find out why the colors are cut I will try to fix.


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