Atari Lynx Emu V0.03c

LOOM posted on Mar 11 2005 at 07:52 PM said:
Thanks for your work tr2k but I downloaded it again from your website and the blu+ white bar is still there... if it's the fixed version than it's not working and if it isn't please give us the link... I just can't wait B)

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Hello, I've just uploaded a new version, I think BLU+ should work now :) And the Startup is much much faster!!

(If you only use one ZIP-File for all games, it's also faster..)
0-bake posted on Mar 9 2005 at 08:23 PM said:
as i posted in the old thread, with some games, the emu freezes while saving the game.
fe. xenophobe, rygar

and why isn't this news on the frontpage ???

thanks again :)

xenophobe freezes you are right :-( , I don't know the problem yet..
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the strange thing is, it didn't freeze in the version 0.3 and 0.3b
even with sound=off it freezes....
tuskenraider2k posted on Mar 12 2005 at 03:15 PM said:
Hello, I've just uploaded a new version, I think BLU+ should work now :) And the Startup is much much faster!!

(If you only use one ZIP-File for all games, it's also faster..)

Hehei, it works... Except that my lynxboot.img seems to be faulty. :P

Esn posted on Mar 10 2005 at 07:11 AM said:
Finding the lynxboot.img file was a lot harder than I expected! :P

Uh, wondering, if you could possibly PM me some directions... :rolleyes:

None of the lynxboot.img files I find trough google, yahoo etc. work. Every site I've found has the exact same file, judging from date and such, (either zipped or not), and it does not work! Argl... :unsure: Odly enough, the same file worked in Porb...

Additionally, how is the db-saving supposed to work? It scans the folders, finds the roms, ask me, if I wish to save them, I say yes, next time, the exact same thing happens.

I think I'm missing something obvious...

Oh, anyone happen to know a good site on the tech specs of lynx? CPU, sound?

Edit: :blink:

This, is what the lynxboot.img contains, when opened with notepad...

\gpmm\handygp\ALIENV~1.LNX=519864129=0=alien vs predator (prototype) (1993) [!]=Game
\gpmm\handygp\APB-AL~1.LNX=1957009307=0=apb - all points bulletin (1990)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\AWESOM~1.LNX=145657582=0=awesome golf (1991)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\BASEBA~1.LNX=-1941672183=0=Baseball Heroes (1991)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\BASKET~2.LNX=1206180363=0=Basketbrawl (1992)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\BATMAN~1.LNX=-1541470790=0=batman returns (1992)=Game


Edit: Yep, for some reason, saving the romlist to my smc overwrote the lynxboot.img with the first lines of rom list... If I don't save the list, it works marveluosly. :D
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New version onf the Lynx emu out!


It includes correct background Gamma for much improved contrast, as well as some GUI speedups. It ROCKS! try it :)
DaveC posted on Mar 12 2005 at 03:15 PM said:
New version onf the Lynx emu out!


It includes correct background Gamma for much improved contrast, as well as some GUI speedups. It ROCKS! try it :)

for some reason I can't get this version to work... just hangs at a loading screen; wierd since .03c worked fine :huh:
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triksR4rabits posted on Mar 12 2005 at 10:39 PM said:
DaveC posted on Mar 12 2005 at 03:15 PM said:
New version onf the Lynx emu out!


It includes correct background Gamma for much improved contrast, as well as some GUI speedups.  It ROCKS! try it  :)

for some reason I can't get this version to work... just hangs at a loading screen; wierd since .03c worked fine :huh:

Did you replace all of the files that came with it? Try deleting the old romcache file. It does work and very well. Make sure you put all of the files and directories in the GPhandy dir.
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Awesome work, seems to run fullspeed at fs0 with 200mhz.

Gates of Zendocron.... simply great, so many child hood memorys.... sadly my Lynx broke.... but now I can play all the games on my GP32, thank you so much!

EDIT: Hmmm, quick save and load works just fine, but normal save seems to freeze my gp32 :(
I still have 5MB free on the smc, should be enought right?
Has anybody tried Klax yet? That game is seriously too addictive for its own good! :(
It's actually not all that uncomfortable the way you need to hold your GP32 to play it.

Anyway, I notice that the emulator has a new function at the bottom of the menu, to save settings. Only it's weird, because that menu option dissappeared after I used it one time. :huh: I'm really confused about why it's not there anymore.

Other than that, this is an excellent release; are there some speedups in the actual emulation itself? It certainly feels like it; Klax pretty much runs fullspeed now, and Slime World runs closer to fullspeed. I really think that this emulator needs an option for "automatic frame-skip", though, like Reesy's DrMD. It's certainly fast enough to afford it! :)

One more thing, I found a bug in "STUN runner"; the timers at the bottom of the screen are messed up, and at the end of the level the game for some reason waits for one of the timers to count down to 0 before it moves to the next level. This can be annoying sometimes because it can be 20-30 seconds of waiting... :(

Also, I'm confused about saving:
Is there only one slot per game?
How do I load saved games?
Do the games automatically save when they would on a normal Lynx (ex. the high scores in Klax)?

In any case, thanks for your great work Tuskenraider!
Esn posted on Mar 13 2005 at 07:38 AM said:
Has anybody tried Klax yet? That game is seriously too addictive for its own good! :(
Do the games automatically save when they would on a normal Lynx (ex. the high scores in Klax)?

In any case, thanks for your great work Tuskenraider!

There were no SRAM games on a Lynx. Everything was password save, or you just lost your game/score when you turned the system off. Atari was too cheap to put battery backed saves into their cart. So that is no bug.
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I got round to trying this little beauty at the weekend and I must say it's running a treat. Excellent work Tusken Raider. I've dedicated an entire 16mb SMC to this on a permanent basis. A few minor tweaks here and there and this could gain the best emulator crown on the GP :)
I just tried version 0.3d myself and I've got to say I'm am well impressed!

at 160Mhz:

Rampart - runs perfectly (apart from slurred speech)
Joust - 100%, runs a treat.
Lemmings - not bad, some music slow down on the task menu.
Toki - excellent

Must try more later...

Many Thanks Tusken Raider!

PS Two issues
how do I turn off the 'waving' screens? Does my head in!
Why does it not remember the CPU speed setting between games?
you can stop the gui wobbling by adding these to lines to the autostart.txt


and i think, that a savegame system with slots would be much better. if you play a game and save after each level (guess lemming for example), you'll have 20 savegame-files, but you just need 1 you always can overwrite when a level is completed.and maybe a second or third one for experiments...
oh my goodness!

tuskenraider released a new version (0.3e)!
with savestate fileselector (animated savestates!).

edit: uups...i made a mistake, everything works absolutel perfect!
thanks, awesome process in the last days! :)

edit: omfg. it seems to be faster as well. i just tried the bmx-part of california games and it has very less vertical distortion. in screen mode [0] and audio=off @160MHz it runs like the original with vertical synchronization!

absolutely brilliant!