tuskenraider2k posted on Mar 12 2005 at 03:15 PM said:
Hello, I've just uploaded a new version, I think BLU+ should work now

And the Startup is much much faster!!
(If you only use one ZIP-File for all games, it's also faster..)
Hehei, it works... Except that my lynxboot.img seems to be faulty.
Esn posted on Mar 10 2005 at 07:11 AM said:
Finding the lynxboot.img file was a lot harder than I expected!
Uh, wondering, if you could possibly PM me some directions... :rolleyes:
None of the lynxboot.img files I find trough google, yahoo etc. work. Every site I've found has the exact same file, judging from date and such, (either zipped or not), and it does not work! Argl... :unsure: Odly enough, the same file worked in Porb...
Additionally, how is the db-saving supposed to work? It scans the folders, finds the roms, ask me, if I wish to save them, I say yes, next time, the exact same thing happens.
I think I'm missing something obvious...
Oh, anyone happen to know a good site on the tech specs of lynx? CPU, sound?
Edit: :blink:
This, is what the lynxboot.img contains, when opened with notepad...
\gpmm\handygp\ALIENV~1.LNX=519864129=0=alien vs predator (prototype) (1993) [!]=Game
\gpmm\handygp\APB-AL~1.LNX=1957009307=0=apb - all points bulletin (1990)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\AWESOM~1.LNX=145657582=0=awesome golf (1991)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\BASEBA~1.LNX=-1941672183=0=Baseball Heroes (1991)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\BASKET~2.LNX=1206180363=0=Basketbrawl (1992)=Game
\gpmm\handygp\BATMAN~1.LNX=-1541470790=0=batman returns (1992)=Game
Edit: Yep, for some reason, saving the romlist to my smc overwrote the lynxboot.img with the first lines of rom list... If I don't save the list, it works marveluosly.