Case Improvements and the keymat

About the prototype assembly: According to tracking, the missing parts have arrived today when I wasn't in the office, so I guess they left it with the dentist (which closes Wednesday midday)
So I have to wait until tomorrow until I can grab them and continue :)

Well, the day has changed. I can only assume ED is hard at work and that we should bother him as little as possible.

@EvilDragon Are they done yet? Are they done yet? Are they done yet?
Well, the day has changed. I can only assume ED is hard at work and that we should bother him as little as possible.

@EvilDragon Are they done yet? Are they done yet? Are they done yet?

I have the package, but I'm at work and I'm doing the assembly at home :D
I've got an Amiga and two consoles to mod today, so I'm not sure I'll find the time for the Pyra tonight, but surely over the weekends .)
Yay! \o/

I have the package, but I'm at work and I'm doing the assembly at home :D
I've got an Amiga and two consoles to mod today, so I'm not sure I'll find the time for the Pyra tonight, but surely over the weekends .)

I can almost see the runing prototyp befor my inner eye! :p&|a:
I wonder if at the end it would not have been faster and cheaper to make case with aluminum :) At least if it wasn't commissioned to a Greek foundry :)

It is incredible the time and money lost with that previous company. And now, we have problems with marks on case, that we wouldn't have with aluminum.

Of course, now we must go ahead. Aluminum case may be an option someday, but now we are stuck with plastic problems.

PD: I wanted a black or dark-grey or dark-brown case, all mate without marble tracks, but now I don't know if I will can get that.
I'm not sure if an aluminium lid of the same dimensions would be more or less robust than the polycarbonate lid we're likely to get at present. Any time you drop it, you're more likely to dent aluminium permanently (until you take it to a car garage and get it beaten out from the inside at least), while polycarbonate has an entirely plastic stretch response until it fractures.
pyra_alured2.png pyra_alured.png
I'm not sure if an aluminium lid of the same dimensions would be more or less robust than the polycarbonate lid we're likely to get at present. Any time you drop it, you're more likely to dent aluminium permanently (until you take it to a car garage and get it beaten out from the inside at least), while polycarbonate has an entirely plastic stretch response until it fractures.

Wheh! Spoilsport
Well, it's noon on Sunday at ED's place. He may have said he'd be assembling the production prototypes over the weekend, but patience is still a virtue.

Look, I won't even ping him this time.