I'm out of ideas for news-titles

Before 1985? Wrong, sir, most of these are after 1985.

Also, Sonic? In an NES pipe collection? I think you're seeing things...

That seems to be it. It's scaling it up to 96x96, then converting it to JPG, which obviously destroys the animation.

I'll see if I can fix it, but that will take a bit.

Sonic is the last thing to appear ;)
All that I can say is:
This is why we are so good in red wine!

Sure writting perfect french is hard. Many french fail at that too :D

kabaiakh is now known as Maître_Capello <-- basically my life at work

if( reader.country != FRANCE || reader.age < 40 )
printf( "Jacques Capelovici (nicknamed Maître Capello) was a french linguist"
"best known for participating TV-shows as a grammar referee." );​

(btw, you forgot so many rules with exceptions)

public flood detected from kabaiakh <-- wanted to avoid this ;=)

See that english is way harder now ?

/me while sebt3 had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.

After thousands of years developing languages, there are still tunings && optimisations to be made.
Yet, some people still think we can achieve neat work quickly (also basically my life at work).
AFAIAC, I'll be a patient (but quite useless) news zombie.
I find it quite curious that some actually like and want animated GIFs! With most web pages, the first thing I do after they load is hit Shift-Escape to stop everything from wiggling about. If I didn't have a browser plug-in for this, I'm sure I would go quickly insane! I absolutely _hate_ website wigglies, I find them staggeringly annoying! Now if only I had a way to stop those irritating slide show widgets that appear at the top of many websites... . (The only recourse I have discovered for those is to position the mouse pointer over the widget's forward or back button.)
I don't see french as easy.
Me too. And the words are not a problem. When I was in France, I could walk to bakery and ask with simple words for 5 cakes (breads?) I wanted and buy them, it sounded awfully, but it was possible. I can roughly translate error messages of French software I use everyday. The problem in my case is inability to perform parsing of speech into words.

I find it quite curious that some actually like and want animated GIFs! With most web pages, the first thing I do after they load is hit Shift-Escape to stop everything from wiggling about. If I didn't have a browser plug-in for this, I'm sure I would go quickly insane! I absolutely _hate_ website wigglies, I find them staggeringly annoying! Now if only I had a way to stop those irritating slide show widgets that appear at the top of many websites... . (The only recourse I have discovered for those is to position the mouse pointer over the widget's forward or back button.)
I like it when it's not abused. In 99% of websites they are abused (as most of web technologies). e.g.
- Putting lots of animations on the same single view, generally multiple moving/changing things at once. This is a bad practice everywhere, not only in web pages.
- Using GIF for movies/clips. We have better ways to do this. We had better ways when GIF was the most popular format on the web, we had better ways when movies were played on TV connected to PC through special ISA board because VGA was too slow.
- Using flashing colors, typical for ads.
- Not using the transparency when it needs to be used.
and many other.
However, e.g. slowly fading bullet designating the most important point in page's summary, an interactive slideshow-like element of full-screen menu, actvated by mouse-on a still image, one item at once, or animation of machine's operation in a semi-technical drawing is not abusing at all and has practical value.
Sonic is the last thing to appear ;)
I'm pretty sure you're seeing things, dude. It's a Nintendo pipe collection. Why would Sonic be there? o_O

Personally I'd rather have animated PNGs (hell, I've made a few myself), but for some reason, those have just never caught on, likely due to the APNG vs. MNG debacle. It's kind of crazy that we're in 2018 almost, and if we want some animated images, we are still depending on a file format from the 1980s, especially given its low quality and (now) inflated sizes despite some considerably smaller/better things.
Nice photoshop, dude. What sort of weirdo would put Sonic into an NES Pipe Collection? That's heresy, I tell you. Heresy!

Anyway... to get it back on topic... I guess there's not much to do but wait and see news of the RAM results. IIRC that's the only major issue left to be worked on, and the other stuff's just refinements and testing to optimize things.
RAM... If only RAM...
I look at the Kernel list for updates regarding porting, and I see recently posts about something called AESS, which works with firmware coming from generator, loadable at boot-up (we had no sound?).
If we have generator so we can mess with what the chipset can do, how about using the controller to fix some problems solved initially with loadable modules (e.g. this analog volume wheel support)? This would definitely decrease battery usage.

OK, there was no question, my fault. It's still a blob, only saved as a .c file.
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@fantomid is the french event manager.
He's currently in talks for the TGS.
This year, we were supposed to share a booth with a geeky association, but the TGS refused the asso, so I suppose we are gonna get a stand alone.
about something called AESS, which works with firmware coming from generator, loadable at boot-up (we had no sound?).
There is an additional DSP inside the OMAP5 (like the one in the OMAP3 used in the OpenPandora). It is not required to have sound on an OMAP5/3 system. And we have DSP-less sound working.
What is the benefit of such a DSP? It can be used for filtering, equalization, mixing and echo-cancellation for telephony and for other tasks. And since the DSP is separate, it does not burden the ARM cores with DSP functions. This improves system performance and power consumption. Similar to using a GPU instead of a software 3D renderer.
TI provides a pre-compiled set of "filter programs". That firmware, how to get it loaded and how it is used with Linux Audio is what the AESS discussion is about.
So there is no need to worry about a missing feature. AESS is a nice add-on to make it potentially better.
@fantomid is the french event manager.
He's currently in talks for the TGS.
This year, we were supposed to share a booth with a geeky association, but the TGS refused the asso, so I suppose we are gonna get a stand alone.
Whoa, just looked it up on French Wikipedia, apparently there is something called Toulouse Game Show.

And here I thought X was making a joke about Tokyo Game Show. It's good to learn.
There is an additional DSP inside the OMAP5 (like the one in the OMAP3 used in the OpenPandora). It is not required to have sound on an OMAP5/3 system. And we have DSP-less sound working.
What is the benefit of such a DSP? It can be used for filtering, equalization, mixing and echo-cancellation for telephony and for other tasks. And since the DSP is separate, it does not burden the ARM cores with DSP functions. This improves system performance and power consumption. Similar to using a GPU instead of a software 3D renderer.
TI provides a pre-compiled set of "filter programs". That firmware, how to get it loaded and how it is used with Linux Audio is what the AESS discussion is about.
So there is no need to worry about a missing feature. AESS is a nice add-on to make it potentially better.

Is there already a use-case for the DSP? As i have read in the modem datasheet, the modem itself already has echo-cancellation.
Whoa, just looked it up on French Wikipedia, apparently there is something called Toulouse Game Show.

And here I thought X was making a joke about Tokyo Game Show. It's good to learn.
Wasn't there a post on this board about the Toulouse Game Show somewhere?

Edit: found what I had in my mind: pyra-handheld. com/boards/threads/promote-community-and-devices.77230/#post-1373282

can't post links unfortunately :(
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