Vienna is worth a trip!

(Not to start another keypad design conversation, but I also found myself immediately unsatisfied with the layout of the Space bar and the fact that the Enter/Ctrl/Shift keys are indistinguishable from the other keys - i.e. they should be a little larger, imho. Anyway, too late for that now, but that was my first-impression of the Pyra prototype, anyway.. I'll definitely be able to live with it, however I think that anyone who argued against making the modifier/enter keys a half a mm larger, and for the position of the Spacebar, may have doomed us a little to forever getting the keys mis-pressed.. seriously!)

Keyboard Wars 2 - The Aftermath
but you also have the issue that once depressed, the keypad sinks in rather deeply into the Pyra casing, which made me worry a bit about stuck keys - especially when combined with the tilting phenomenon so well-described by Yoyobuae above with his animation.

No, that can't happen, not even with the current travel distance.
The top of the keys currently is 1mm above the case.
Current travel distance is 1mm (but should be 0,8mm in the finished one), so right now, it reaches exactly the top of the case, and when it's finished, it should still be 0,2mm above the case.

Then you have the plastic caps that surround the keymat with a height of about 2mm (don't know it exactly out of my head, but that's an estimation).

The case plastic surrounds these caps with a height of about 1mm.
This gives the keys both stability and also makes sure they can't get stuck.

So, let's think about it:
The keys are 1mm above the case, which means about 1mm of the plastic caps are surrounded by the case.

If you press down the key, the plastic cap will sink into the case (1mm right now, 0.8mm ideally when they're fixed) and the height of the surrounding it 1mm.

To get them stuck, you need to push the keys AT LEAST below the surrounding of the case. So the travel distance would need to be at least 2mm before that can happen... that's twice of the travel distance we have right now.

So nope, they can't get stuck. Not a chance.
No, that can't happen, not even with the current travel distance.
So nope, they can't get stuck. Not a chance.

Full ACK, I'm sure you're on top of it ED. My glib analysis versus your comprehensive understanding of the discussion = no worries, mate. :)
hi, how much time do you estimate for the battery to see the pyra goes from 100% to 10% charge in standby mode? (wifi and all network connections off)
hi, how much time do you estimate for the battery to see the pyra goes from 100% to 10% charge in standby mode? (wifi and all network connections off)

The short answer is that nobody probably knows for certain yet. However, we can make inferences.

My Galaxy Note 3 (USB 3.0 charger) has a 3200 Mah battery and takes 2.5 hours to go from 10% to 100%. The Pyra's battery is about twice the size and charges via similar USB chargers. So... @5-6 hours 10-100%?
how much time do you estimate for the battery to see the pyra goes from 100% to 10% charge in standby mode?

My Galaxy Note 3 (USB 3.0 charger) has a 3200 Mah battery and takes 2.5 hours to go from 10% to 100%. The Pyra's battery is about twice the size and charges via similar USB chargers. So... @5-6 hours 10-100%?

I think he meant the other way around Grench; If the Pyra was fully charged and left to idle, how long would the battery last?

Well, if you go by the Pandora "standard", you're going to have a very long wait. The Pandora can play music with the lid closed for over 100hours, according to the Wiki -

Estimated 8.5–10+ hour battery life for games, 10+ hour battery life for video and general applications, 100+ hours for music playback (with maximum power management), and 450+ hours in suspend-to-ram

The Pyra has a larger battery, but other components will take a higher toll than Pandora. But hopefully it'll be at least as long and probably longer.

Of course, this is mere speculation for now.
100 hours sounds rather optimistic to me, but my unit generally lasts for about 50 hours between charges if only used as a music player for a few hours of that time. I turn off wifi, USB host power, display, bluetooth and tv-out, but I leave it running at 1.1GHz and rely on the idle mode scaling to deliver only the power I actually need (mine is a GHz model).
yes i meant from 100% to 10% ^^ (discharge way)
thanks for answers
The Pandora, on idle, will last a week or so I've found, multiple weeks if actually put into suspend.
On the other hand, I updated the Android ROM in my HP Touchpad, a 6000mah battery; I fully charged it 3 weeks ago and haven't used it since. Today it is at 78%.
So the simple answer is the only answer: nobody will know until we actually try it, and even then it might improve over time. My Touchpad used to last a week between charges, now it's an estimated 3 months!
I'd be surprised if it does, it just seems there are a number of things still to be sorted. I would guess 1st Qtr 2017.
Could well be. Mass production January perhaps?
The stuff remaining to be sorted seems like it might be really trivial to fix, though.
Quite probably; Ed is being cautious so that the Pyra will be perfect, no issues like the Pandora, wonky shoulder buttons etc
The stuff remaining to be sorted seems like it might be really trivial to fix, though.

Like it has been for the last year or so right :P

Remember when it seemed close and people were guessing the end of last year for release. I actually took a stretch back then and said June this year.
How about we celebrate the anniversary of the Pyra's releases each year with a coding compo or such and maybe more. It might be a nice novelty - Pyra Day!
Like it has been for the last year or so right :p

Remember when it seemed close and people were guessing the end of last year for release. I actually took a stretch back then and said June this year.
Yeah but the longer it goes on, the closer we get. So I'm not sure it can be compared that way.
You've got to be careful about looking at things like that... you don't want to become known for discovering the Zeno's Paradox of Pyra Production. ;)

Which one? So many of them feel applicable on any given day.