pandian - MARK2

I've got a fix for the keyboard problem. The xmodmap table wasn't read in.
So I added its absolute path to my ~/.xsessionrc . There is also a quick and dirty fall-back solution

setxkbmap en_US
xmodmap /home/pandian/.pndXmodmap
There is still another problem which I experienced. Since I, personally don't like LXDE, I have set up the ordinary Openbox session. The Problem are several not working battery monitors. I'm using tint2 and it seems to look for the wrong path (energy_now instead of capacity).

Is there a workaround for this issue? (I don't like to use conky there. It would take too much performance.)
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There is still another problem which I experienced. Since I, personally don't like LXDE, I have set up the ordinary Openbox session. The Problem are several not working battery monitors. I'm using tint2 and it seems to look for the wrong path (energy_now instead of capacity).
Not sure about tint2.

However, I use ratpoison as my window manager with trayer to provide a docking station for applets. For power monitoring, I use the xfce4-power-manager applet which works very well. The screenshot on message 32 in this thread shows the battery monitor, top right of the screen along with nm-applet.
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In this case, you have to distinguish between two different builds:

1. The Super Zaxxon Build which comes with tint2 and warlockbar and is set up perfectly.

2. The preinstalled Pandian Build where you have to set everything up on your own. I had to change the hotkeys in rc.xml, write a menu.xml, there is no background image, no panel, no tray, no applets and I also had to put polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 in autostart so pcmanfm can mount/unmount file systems.

Now, it performs well. I can even logout, which didn't work in LXDE.
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Just for those curious guys, a screenshot:

As you can see, compositing works(true transparency with good performance). I never expected, Gimp would run properly, but it does. I used it ON MY PANDORA  :)   for the wallpaper. Excuse the magenta color, it looks more reddish on the screen  B) .

...Ans sorry for double posting.
Yes, it's awesome! It's almost like Debian on a PC. Since there is a Debian ARM version, there are tons of software. Almost everything which has an amd64 build also has a armhf build.

Also the small storage problem is solved because the OS runs completely from SD card ... and there are big SD cards nowadays ;)
Thanks!  Have to give this thing a try this weekend!  I'm running Pandora Super Zaxxon on SD card and amazed how well it runs - no notice of slowness whatsoever compared to running the OS on NAND.  And yeah, no NAND limitation once you run the OS from SD card.  This little device is really awesome the older it gets :)
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Well i download the to verify the problems N3Cr0 had.

  • i unzip it like its written in the wiki ... okay works ( btw, i need to make an tar.gz ;) )
  • i dd with bs of 4k.. works also fine
  • plug the sd card to the pandora.. first-start-wizard starts fine..
  • Use en_GB.utf8
  • config timezone and keyboard
  • entered root-password, also fine
  • add the pandian user
  • calibrate the touch screen
  • pandora boots up
  • login was successful
  • okay open lxterminal and try to login as root... works also
but ( jep there is always one ) i can remember that i had the same problems in the past, with my pandaboard. After weeks of debugging i try another SD-CARD an wooooop it works.

Did you try to use another SD-CARD ?
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Some Updates for the package:

i work on the black background, finished ( was easy with gimp )

also there some issues i mentioned:

  • ssh key should be recreated by the package ( everybody have now the same key ) and add this to first start wizzard
  • fix keypad
  • add low power-mode on lid-close
  • remove pulseaudio from dependencies
  • fix asound.conf ( nearly done )
  • change xscreensaver ( or maybe remove it ) i even don't know which dependencies this come from o.O

also LXDE becomes for me more and more unattractive. This Logout-Bug is also very strange ( i had this also, thats why i create this zenity work-around )

N3Cr0n's solution looks really nice for me :)

Somebody else some suggestion on an easy to use desktop?
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but ( jep there is always one ) i can remember that i had the same problems in the past, with my pandaboard. After weeks of debugging i try another SD-CARD an wooooop it works.

Did you try to use another SD-CARD ?
Yes and that probably solved my problem, but I also used another computer (my laptop sometimes corrupts big files on SD cards, no matter which card reader or *nix OS).

stackshadow said:
[...]also LXDE becomes for me more and more unattractive. This Logout-Bug is also very strange ( i had this also, thats why i create this zenity work-around )

N3Cr0n's solution looks really nice for me

Somebody else some suggestion on an easy to use desktop?
I even tried lxde-logout from terminal and could logout, but then login failed each time.
Another great 'desktop' is Fluxbox. It's just a window manager, but it has enough features to be used as desktop environment. 

It should take even less performance than openbox and it comes with it's own panel, a menu and wallpaper. The config files are very easy to handle and also very small (no xml).

My favorite DE is Mate, a Gnome2 fork, but I guess, it takes too many resources.

If someone needs an easy tiling WM, I think, he should try wmii or ratpoison.



I hope, I'm not spamming, but I am so amazed, even eclipse (Java SDK) runs on the Pandora. OK, it takes some minutes to start and the performance is really bad, but it's possible to work with it. Also, the swap memory is kept untouched. :D

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Maybe I should have taken a look for that. xD

Anyway, Gimp is mighty and takes a moment to launch, even on my fast PC. I thought it will take very long on the Pandora, but it's the same as on all the other computers.
GIMP works just fine on slackware (latest version of GIMP) and the older version is on the repo for SZ as well. Why are you surprised?
I think the surprise comes from the low expectations generated by crippleware on other small devices (e.g. Android based phones with incredibly fast processors and large memory). Once you start thinking of the Pandora as PC/laptop that just happens to come in a very small form factor, the surprise is no longer there. The power of apt-get install etc. is wonderful on this system!
Another great 'desktop' is Fluxbox. It's just a window manager, but it has enough features to be used as desktop environment.
When I want a desktop that uses the window metaphor, Fluxbox is what I use. It's light on resources yet does provide enough features to make most people happy.

If someone needs an easy tiling WM, I think, he should try wmii or ratpoison.
Ratpoison is what I am using on the pandora. It maximises the use of the small screen. It's fantastic.
If you do try ratpoison out, I found that setting the Pandora key to be what ratpoison calls the escape key is quite useful. I have these lines in my .ratpoisonrc file:

# make pandora key act as ^t normally does
definekey top XF86MenuKB readkey root 
# and allow for switching windows by hitting twice
definekey root XF86MenuKB other