XStylus Crayon is finally ready to ship (compatilbe with Pandora)

^ If it would help at all, the Other Consoles section (located down at the bottom of the main forum index) would be a good place to make an entire topic about the XStylus Touch. ;) It's quite an active section, since we all want to talk about other systems/games/etcetera from time to time.

Can you help and move this thread over? Thanks

@Grench Yes, a metal core would be nice but it will definitely jack up the price, based on my experience with XStylus Touch, the cost of a metal core stylus, even a small one will be quite expensive, $15+ each.

Our device prices out at $500 - if a person can even get their hands on one.

I spent $25 on a stainless steel sculpted stylus for my Tapwave Zodiac years ago. Then later I bought 3 more of them when they were closing them out so I'd never be without one (3/$20 at the time).

$15 would feel like a bargain for a folding stylus with heft that clipss into my Pandora's socket

$20 would feel about right

$25 would feel high, but I'd probably do it if shipping is included in the price

They would have to have screw-in nylon or the like replaceable tips of course - wouldn't want the stylus to damage the screen.

You are rich guy, a lot of people think $15 for a good stylus is too much. I wish I have more customer like you.
This is definately looking great :)

But it seems it sticks out of the Pandoras slot a bit, would you say this is a problem?
Awesome :)

Glad to see you managed to pull the project off :D

Now I need to pull Pandora production in Germany off and maybe we can include one of your stylus' with every Pandora from then on :)

Would be great :)

Well, let me know if you are ready to do it. elton.leung@greenbulb.com

This is definately looking great :)

But it seems it sticks out of the Pandoras slot a bit, would you say this is a problem?

it is the design not a problem, it is a stopper to prevent the pen to flip 360 degree.
Hmmmmm...Shameless advertising plug. Now I want some!...great idea. I will be looking into this. I wonder if they are compatible with some military touch screens?

military touch screens??? is it a capacitive touch screen or resistive? The XStylus Touch works great with capacitive touch screen and XStylus Crayon works with resistive one
it is the design not a problem, it is a stopper to prevent the pen to flip 360 degree.

I see:


I shold stop posting without thinking :P
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@Grench Yes, a metal core would be nice but it will definitely jack up the price, based on my experience with XStylus Touch, the cost of a metal core stylus, even a small one will be quite expensive, $15+ each.
Wow, even if they are made in China?

The metal core used in XStylus Touch is iron alloy which gives the pen a good weight. The way we manufacture it is by WAX mould, the same method that is used to produce Jewellery parts. Yes, even if they are made in China. Alumium core doesn't need to be manufacture by wax mould but it would not give you the weight that you are looking for.

it is the design not a problem, it is a stopper to prevent the pen to flip 360 degree.

I see:


I shold stop posting without thinking :P

hahaha, it is ok.
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Kuru, I am sorry. I will fix that link soon. Please send your paypal account name to info@greenbulb.com and I will confirm it for you.
Stuffing envelop is killing me, 3000 XStylus Crayons have just sent out on Saturday to 24 countries. :D




I'll be selling these styluses, hopefully in a better way than I sold the EXT connectors. I think I've got 250 of them coming. Something like that.

I should really do a review of the prototype some time but I'm just too lazybusy. It really is great. I love being able to slide it out and flip it to a comfortable grip with one hand and hold my console in the other. It is way, way better this way than the 3DS's original stylus. I find it a little better than the Pandora's stylus as well, but not nearly as good as it could have been if he'd gone with the original DS length. I understand why he decided to go with the 3DS compatible stylus instead of the original DS one, but that extra 4 or 5 mm would have made it so much more perfect.

So - when are you going to start selling these?

I have to admit - I'm a bit confused. I don't see any mention of the Pandora on the Xstylus order site - is there a special version that Wizardstan is getting?
No, it's the exact same, the Pandora just isn't listed in the marketing. As I understand, Elton's wife made the packaging (and it is some pretty snazzy packaging, I like it) but she's not as nerdy as we are so simply didn't think of the Pandora. It fits fairly well though. I just received the box yesterday, so expect to see some kind of official notice on Monday :)
please include pics of how it looks inside the pandora, and maybe a little review strictly for pandora use
Sorry about the huge delay. I've been meaning to post my intentions to sell what I have but I needed to make sure of supply first. I bought a bunch from Elton's original run and I gave them to my parents to sell in their booth at fall fairs and stuff. Now that that's all over, I've still got a bunch left that need to go! Order now and I should be able to have them delivered for Christmas.

I'm selling each package for $20 plus $3 to $6 shipping (domestic, vs international). One package consists of the standard, 4 styluses in mixed colour (black, blue, white, and solid red) as well I am throwing in an extra X-Stylus Crystal, exclusive only to those that pre-ordered from the original IndieGoGo run.

Let's see... pictures... pictures... I am apparently a terrible photographer!

Here's an XStylus and 3DS stylus, closed, side by side. This is the Blue/Red one, my personal favourite.


Here they are, opened now, with the Pandora stylus in the middle. The Pandora stylus is slightly shorter than the other two, as you can see. The XStylus is comfortably wide: the Pandora stylus can actually fit through the gap that is formed in the Xstylus when opened. That gap makes an excellent finger rest, and I've found it increases control over the stylus immensely.


The packaging. I've removed the Xstylus crystal (which will go into the section on the left where the bright flash is; it looks red but that's just the cardboard backing. The real solid red one is on the right) and opened it up partially so you can see it better.


And last but not least, the XStylus taking the place of the Pandora's stylus. While the XStylus closed is slightly smaller than the Pandora's stylus, you'll be happy to know that it does lock into place quite well. It doesn't make as final of a "shunk" sound when slid in, but there is a definitive click as the end butts up flush. I've never had a problem with it falling out accidentally. I've even held the Pandora by the opposite end and just flung it around a bit to try and dislodge the stylus: no good, it stays in place surprisingly well.


If anyone is interested, send me a PM. I have a very limited selection so first come first served. I've learned a lot from my fiasco with the EXT connectors, going to do things right, with proper order and shipped dates, and a more reasonable shipping container this time. WOO!

And to make things interesting, 5 people chosen at random who request a pack in the next 48 hours will get TWO packs. That's 10 styluses for the price of 4! I was going to say the first 5 people to request one, but this is an international community and that makes it not really fair to those currently sleeping.