Ok, here is a list of bugs I want to report...
Bug nr1:
If I still have 400$ I sill can’t buy the building or the tank who actually cost 400$!
Bug nr2:
Though the enemy tank I have bin shooting at have only one HP left its life meter is gone, like if it was dead already!
Bug nr3:
If a large group of my tanks have bin ordered to move to (for example) the top left corner of the map the move there of course but the ones who get there last will still try to get to the corner but there is no room so the drive straight down then when they hit the bottom of the map they take a left and so on! So, I think that they should go as close as they can to the corner but not try so bad! If they can’t get closer make them stop!
Bug nr4:
I tried to kill my self by firing all my 5(!) Nukes at ones! But the GP32 reboots after the first explosion. (I pressed select, select and A really quick trying to fire all nukes at ones)
Bug nr5:
I don’t really think this is a real bug, it’s probably only the AI but here goes: When I order my tanks to fire on an enemy tank they will fire at it until its bin destroyed and after that they just stand there taking damage from the other enemies! I think (would like) that the tanks should start shoot at the nearest enemy instead.
Bug nr6:
This has already bin mentioned but it needs to be said again. When you repair a tank the money goes below zero, (which I like

) but it’s wrong :angry: !
Keep up the great work!! :lol: