GP32 Gp32 Ide


Apr 2, 2004
Liguria, Italy
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Hi everybody.
This is Alessandro writing from Italy. I'm moving from GBA development to GP32, and I've almost finished my first public release of my IDE.
I've started developing it in my free time last year to code for GBA, and now i've rewritten it from scratch to use for GP development, so i've heavily optimize it, used freeware components, translated to english, and speed it up. B)

I used to have a site on geocities, but they sucks, coz bandwidth limitation <_< , and I don't want to waste money on other hosts for something i want to give for free, so i was thinking if was possible to host it on gp32x :rolleyes:

I'm gonna release a first public beta version of my IDE to you all in the next days, so you can take a look at it. B)

I'll tell you more of this on the next days.. now i'm gonna continue conding ;-)

You can edit your existing code/makefiles, or you can start a new project from a included template with pre-made makefile, program skeleton, header file ;-)

I'll post, maybe tomorrow or in the next days, a more detailed description. now i'm gonna code..

Hi again all! :-)
I've worked a lot this weekend, so I'm almost ready to post it ;-)

I've fixed a lot of things, like recent files, added the configuration window, so you don't have to mess with the ini file manually, added syntax highlight for GPSDK Api calls. ;-)

I've letf off some things, and some help will be apreciated.. I'd like to write an HLP file for all the APIs, coz i'm adding support for context-sensitive help. ;-) I'd like to have a page to post new releases, ... ;-)

I was also planning to support multi language (later), so I'll need some translations :-)

I think I'll post it on the beta forum, for now, later today.

I'm gonna recompiling it, wirte a small txt file to explain how to set it up, package it and then post it ;-)

Cya later

Beta forum upload is limited up to 1 mb. If you can upload it somewhere, send me a link via PM and i will mirror it on If you can't upload it anywhere, send it to me by email to hando[AT]emu[dot]pl
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