Where Can I Find Pce Roms

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Never ask for ROMs. warez or anything illegal here. We all have them but this is to keep the forums safe from other companies.
Use google, emule or newsgroups.
But better dont ask in forums, because most people are scared when it comes to roms.
Use google, emule or newsgroups.
But better dont ask in forums, because most people are scared when it comes to roms.

We are not scared but we just want to respect rules because rules ARE rules
Roms request is something forbidden on this forum so this has nothing to do with fear.... :angry:
Check your PM's
Another dude who should be kicked out of here... :angry: :angry: :angry:
You can have good PCengine roms on http://www.pdroms.de

see you :lol:
oi... meanie. Theres nothing wrong with sending information over a PM. We all use roms and all I am doing is helping him :(

You can't ask for ROMs or pirated games. Simple as that. Under the above rule nobody can tell you anyway, except via PM. And none of us want GP32X's boards to become full of ROM requests. So all such threads will be locked and their posters dealt with.
people can be so hostile here sometimes :(
I would reccommend that it should be done over email, that way the inforamtion does not reside within the forum database.
people can be so hostile here sometimes
dont take it as hostility but more like advice...
that could be bad to this forum to have a lot of request with a lot of PM talking about that....think about the admins...it is taking times to verify PM...

We all use roms and all I am doing is helping him
True : everyone is using roms....of course...but yaustar is right : email would be better for that kind of buisness.

see you :lol:

BTW : PC-engine is a great console:d
sorry I was too harsh on my previous post...since you were just helping someone who cant use google...:P...
Don't talk about roms here.
Don't say you PMed or email him links.
eMail him without saying anything, if you think you have to do that.

Only exception is made for PDRoms (where most if not all can be found on www.pdroms.de).

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