Xgp/xgp Mini News


Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2005



XGP "Bar-type" Spec.
4" TFT LCD, 1 - 1.5 million polygon processing per sec., DDR 64MB, NAND 64MB, SD card, DMB, wibro or wifi, open SDK, 300 U$

XGP "Swivel-type" Spec.
none info.

XGP mini Spec.
2.2" TFT LCD, DDR 32MB, NAND 64MB, SD card, 150 U$, open SDK

omg...my mistake that will not 'compatible with gp32'
sorry :(
So hang on... the XGP will have a bigger screen, WiFi, and be more expensive.

The XGPmini will be comaptible with the GP32, and be cheaper, but have a small screen.

For $150 US, I'd get me one at some point.
"Be compatable with GP32 official games or homebrew?"

Probably both. That's pretty cool really, not only are they both open it appears, but the mini (who looks kinda spiffy, like the gameboy advance mini) is also compatible with the now OOP GP32 (and has some nice specs too, and supports ds cards).

This is way better then the original XGP design,
I'm gonna get me one (the mini, atleast) if it comes out. :P
The game software is sold in the knock-down road form which leads an internet, the game cone theyn chu it follows and it is a policy where the fee my method which is various will be adopted. The forecast consumer price became known as 30 full opening adult things.

At least it confirms that we can develop for it, right?
And 30 full opening adult things, that sounds nifty. But the mini only has 15!

Personally, the mini is too small for me. If they come out, id rather get the XGP than the mini. That said however, where are the speakers on the XGP? I can see one speaker on the mini, but none on the XGP!
I fail to see how they can realistically expect to launch 2 different consoles with pretty important differences in spec (memory, screen, etc) when even nintendo and sony fear the logistic challenge.

I imagine that they are still playing with ideas for the final design and trying to guage what people will be most likely to buy. Probably one of these designs will be dropped some time before launch.

That or it's all just vapourware and they'll never get anything even similar to market.
Of all the different designs they have come up with, these are looking like they might get somewhere but I agree they are probably vapourware, especially the mini.

But I find it interesting that there is talk of homebrew on this, as that was the reason for the split in the first place.
ifhe mini is complatiable with the GP32 programs, then I would definitely get one. Definitely not the larger XGP version though..
That seems weird. The larger one has a widescreen and analog stick (poor for emulation though, screen stretching and analog) while the mini has a 4:3 screen and d-pad (better for emulation, worse for your eyes). Are these even going to be compatible with each other? Will games made for he mini just be scaled (bah) on the large one? One thing for sure is it will fragment the scene and pull devs away from the GP2X. Kind of bad news really. I also don't understand the recent obsession with tiny hard to see screens that are even smaller than a GBA :rolleyes:
Draken posted on Mar 2 2006 at 01:20 PM said:
"Be compatable with GP32 official games or homebrew?"

Probably both. That's pretty cool really, not only are they both open it appears, but the mini (who looks kinda spiffy, like the gameboy advance mini) is also compatible with the now OOP GP32 (and has some nice specs too, and supports ds cards).

This is way better then the original XGP design,
I'm gonna get me one (the mini, atleast) if it comes out. :P

You never got a GP2X. Are you just going to get one of these instead and forget the GP2X?
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I agree with DaveC on the mini. I'm not down with the tiny screen. If the price on the regular XGP were less and it didn't have an analog stick I'd definitely be interested in it, though.
Ravnos posted on Mar 2 2006 at 03:19 PM said:
I agree with DaveC on the mini. I'm not down with the tiny screen. If the price on the regular XGP were less and it didn't have an analog stick I'd definitely be interested in it, though.

Yeah, that higher res widescreen means smaller screens in emulators and alot of distorted 16:9 stretching too. I guess it was made for new 3D type games hence the 3D chip. But the question there still remains, if you want 3D why not just get a much better supported PSP or DS?
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I can deal with bars on the sides to get a proper aspect ratio. That's not a big deal, since SNES and GBC on the 2X already have them. As for why I don't have a PSP or DS, well, I do have a DS. But the main reason I'd pick up one of these is to tinker with, if there was an open SDK. If there's not going to be one, they can fuck off and die.