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UK GP32 & GP2X Owner
Oct 18, 2003
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GamePark Unveils New Portable Console

GamePark Unveils New Portable Console South Korean company Gamepark has revealed details of its newest handheld console and follow-up to the cult GP32 portable. Named the XGP kids, the console is a cross between the GP32 and the new XGP line of consoles revealed earlier in the year.

Unrelated to the GP2X from the similarly named Gamepark Holdings, the first details of the core XGP console were revealed in March when it was positioned as a direct competitor to the PSP, with the ability to play downloadable commercial games and free homebrew content (along with emulation software). The console is compatible with both the Linux and Windows CE operation systems, as well as Gamepark’s own GPOS.

The original XGP is able to play movies, MP3s, has wireless connectivity and is compatible with the mobile television standard T-DMB. The console features a 4” widescreen display and features a full analog controller. The XGP uses an ARM 920T 266MHz CPU with 64MB of DDR memory and another 64MB of NAND Flash memory. The console has a target price of around $300.

The XGP mini, priced at $150, was also revealed in March and is similar in concept to the Game Boy Micro, with only a 2.2” screen, no wireless features and just 3MB of DDR memory.

The new XGP kids, revealed this week, differs more substantially from the core XGP, being more similar to the original GP32. As such it features an ARM 940T 140MHz CPU, 8MB of DDR memory, 2MB of NOR Flash memory and a 2.2 inch display.

The XGP kids still features an analogue controller, but is listed as compatible only with the GPOS operating system, uses AA batteries and has no wireless functionality. Software is not directly compatible with the GP32, but at just $75 the console is still likely to become a firm favorite with homebrew fans.

Although GamePark Holdings did set-up distribution for the GP2X in Europe the GP32 has not been widely available in the West and there are as yet no indications from GamePark as to whether the new consoles will be officially launched in North America or Europe.
POSTED: 03.45AM PST, 09/13/06 - David Jenkins - LINK
I wonder what the difference between GP's idea of 'launched' and actual commercial availability is. GPH seemed to launch the GP2X 3 times. Probably just for free publicity. :P