Xgp News, Rumors,& Updates.

Aug 17, 2005
There is really no rock solid information known about the XGP, few good hypothesis but no real facts. This thread is setup for accurate factual info and sound rumors as well as changes you want made on the XGP: updated specs, cosmetic changes, game dev. info, ect.

We know that most of the hardware has been settled upon and some early game development has begun. There are several cosmetic changes being made, surface gloss, center key arrangement, even a possible complete design change.

Specs known so far:

Screen 480 by 272, 12 million colors, 4 inch TFT LCD.

Main CPU ARM920T 200mhz

OS Updated GPOS

Graphics Accelerator 1 million polygon per second (OpenGL-ES supported)

Sound 64Polys 44.1KHz, 16 bit sound

Network WiFi (802.11 b/g)

NAND Flash Memory 64MB

RAM 64Meg DDR SDRAM (200Mhz)

Storage SD card

Battery Li-Ion

Features TV-Out

We have seen a lot of photos so I am not going to post a lot of them but if you missed them and would like to see. Here is a link to the best photos.



If pictures arn't your thing here is a link to a good video showing both types of
XGP, just read down to "video" link and click and get an eye full.

Ironic thread title... there's nothing new or updated. ;) No offense. I realize it's intended as a place to post info, but if/when news is announced, people are more likely to just post new threads on the news forum. That's what the news forum is intended for, so people notice when real news gets posted.
New info from trusted source:

It is confirmed that CAPCOM will develope a portable MMORPG for XGP, and is due out Q3 next year.

It is a fantasy themed action MMORPG but that's pretty much all the info out for it.

And if you're really buying this rumor, you need help.

Why not :) It can be even true :) I remember that even for GP32 there was a Capcom title in the line up which never saw a public light. Why ? Because what actually Gamepark did was acquiring the license for publishing a capcom title but the problem was that Gamepark thought that Capcom was going to create a game, but Capcom only sold the licence and said ".. here is the licence, you can now do you port on your own :) ...". And as probably not many of you know, Korea is mostly a "PC country". Everybody uses PC, to work, to play, to develop new stuff. There was no big console market at all before Xbox / PX2 actually :) Of course you could probaly buy whatever console you wanted, but there was practically no console developers and I think today it is still a problem. So in the end Gamepark just have licence to publish Capcom game for GP32 but there was nobody to port it.
And I am a little bit afraid we have similar situation here, because it is not a problem to get a license. Of course it costs money, but not that much as you could think. So to conclude :) It can be true, that they are going to release Capcom's game for XGP, but we have to wait to see if it ever come true.
They're trying to port FPShooters so they much have someone to code for them. I have a feeling that the licence they had from capcom probably experied by now though.
Who cares about the XGP? Why not just buy a PSP instead? I would rather have a GPx2 for homebrew and emus anyway.
That goes without saying on the Emu front, but I'd suspect if they really do as I think and make it a portable PC game platform (sans keyboard) somepeople might actually become more interested in it.

Not enough to make it a PSP killer by any means of course. :D
But if by any chance Europe and the north america picks up on that DMB service, improve XGP design, make it an open license, and they may have some chance against PSP.

I like the idea of watching TV on crystal clear wide screen on Train or at college.

Just imagine you and all your friend gathering around XGP watching NHL or NFL during class when the professor leaves the classroom for like 5 minutes...

Hah, good stuff.
^do you live in korea? Because I don't know how you are going to watch tv on it without living in korea unless you like watching pre-recorded football games.
It's not likely that the US will pick up the DMB service as there are already serveral competator services who'd just as soon swallow them whole than work with them.
reallynotnick posted on Aug 30 2005 at 10:30 PM said:
^do you live in korea? Because I don't know how you are going to watch tv on it without living in korea unless you like watching pre-recorded football games.

No, I said I like the idea of it. :P

I'm residing in Canada as a Canadian citizen. ;)

Even yet in Korea watching terrestial channels wirelessly is not possible. DMB is going to change that very soon though.

But I'm pretty sure North Americans or Europeans can arrange something so they can air DMB signals. Only thing is that DMB is much more economic and plausible for practical purpose in Korea as population density is much greater than that of either Americans or Europeans.

That's all. :D
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I have posted a few months ago that probably Capcom are going to release some titles for the XGP and I hope that the news about the MMORPG are right. Even if it is a port it is a great achievement (for Gamepark, of course). If it is open source I will really put a big expectation on this handheld. But I think that if they release the handheld later than Q1 2006 which is very possible they will make a great mistake because it will be after ALL of the other scheduled 'till now handhleds are released and most of us (all the handheld gamers not only the GP32 owners) will have bought a system untill then.
While they could be accused of many things, good timing is just not one of them. They may talk like they want to storm the world with their handheld but they act as if they haven't thought outside the boarders of Korea.
I posted this as an annual update type of thing in the NEWS section look there it says “moved”, but this is as good I suppose.

Did you all see the video?

I can see DMB getting use in the more populated areas of the U.S. but the probability of that type of broadcast seeing a nation-wide implementation is going to require a lot more than just the XGP. If perhaps a similar setup were done with the portable TV area it would pick up, sure would be nice getting away from those green and red lines.

I agree about the release date though, it needs to be out in or before Q1 of next year.

It sounds like they are referring to it as the next big thing and I seem to think that their rather seemingly pompous statements are in reference to what they expect it to do in Korea. I mean what is the PSP in Korea anyway. It is very plausible for the XGP to be a
more sought after handheld there because of all the Korean only type programs and hardware features.

“(DaveC) Who cares about the XGP? Why not just buy a PSP instead?”

We care, we as in myself and all the people who show interest in the system form now till it comes out. Why, because what if the Sony PSP
just isn’t the bag of chips we thought it was? You want plain, and I know they are more popular but some of us want ruffles.

What does the PSP offer that the XGP can’t? Commercial games? Have you played the games on the PSP there are maybe 3-5 games that are worth a play, most of witch is ports or drag-overs from another chain of games. I know I want Grand Theft Auto 5, more than that I want a hundred more sports titles that are the same game in a different wrapper. Better than that, what does the amount of games that a system have on it give in the way of demand for that system if the games are all crap? Now I realize there are going to be a few GREAT titles on the PSP and it is those games that make the system worth owning. But imagine if you could pick and choose the best of the best in the realm of PC gaming, how many great games would you get.
What would happen if there was a port of Diablo 2 made for the XGP and through its wi-fi it could connect to Battle.net? What if when the hardware finally comes out it turns out being a good bit more powerful than we anticipate and devs turn a lot of attention toward it? What if the next big thing turns out to be PC game porting and it turns out the XGP is the perfect canadate?

My point is there are hundreds of unknowns and very few things known. The XGP is a little rough around the edges as far a looks but at least it isn’t an exact direct knock off of another system
‘PSP’…….. ‘Gameking’

And there are many reasons why this system might just be better than it appers at first glance.
......long winded....... :blink:
I think what Dave and many other people are saying is that there are a LOT of conditions that need to be fullfilled before thins can even become a quarter the system that the PSP is. Yes it's powerful, Yes it has lots of features, Yes there is a lot of potential but they havent shown they know how to take advantage of it. Most of the things that make the system look appealing are largly speculative.

If they can get PC game licences, If they can get people to care about DMB outside of Korea, If they can market a system that's currently being outmatched by a handheld with only about 5 worthwhile games at a price point that makes it more tempting.

It's currently just a better deal to get a PSP atleast until they show they can produce something that gives you an experience comparable to or better than that of the PSP.