Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

Everyone should start keeping track of all the ways to get the special levels or even tips to make levels easier and sit on them for atleast a month. After that we can put something together. I'm in no rush for spoilers though.
greenmikey. I was already compiling a faq/walkthrough so if you find anything, send them my way. I'll credit everyone.
PSyMastR: I might go through and take some notes later after seeing Superbad. I have mostly A's on the first half of the game other then some of the crazy ass levels that are from secret paths.

Question for Hao: Do you guys have any plans on publishing this on other platforms? I really think you could get some serious money for such a polished wonderful product. Normally I would be selfish and want you to keep it here but you REALLY do deserve giant acclaim and credit.
greenmikey said:
PSyMastR: I might go through and take some notes later after seeing Superbad. I have mostly A's on the first half of the game other then some of the crazy ass levels that are from secret paths.

Question for Hao: Do you guys have any plans on publishing this on other platforms? I really think you could get some serious money for such a polished wonderful product. Normally I would be selfish and want you to keep it here but you REALLY do deserve giant acclaim and credit.
So true... this is the most addictive puzzle game I've discovered in years, pretty much since I started playing Go. Ok, it's not quite on a par with that game (very little is), but there's so much skill involved that it really is moving a little in that direction...
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Tobriand said:
So true... this is the most addictive puzzle game I've discovered in years,
Indeed. I usually don't have the patience for puzzlers, but this has kept me totally hooked. I have cramps in my right thumb from rotating blocks, and I dream of elementals :)

I've now reached The End, the second coming - Yay me! G-levels next! And more secrets and stuff.

Woot! I just discovered the stats page is up! Now I can see I'm at least on par with the rest of the people on the Puzzles - Seems like everybody except shinra got stuck on E2, too :D
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Same here. I'm not usually into puzzle games but this one is so challenging and have so much modes and content that I can't stop playing it.
I'm pretty sure that people who like Puzzle games would be amazed by it.
I will test it on my girlfriend (half crash test dummy, half guinea-pig).
If you release it on the NDS for exemple, I think it will be selling well.
Awesome game! Love it! Can't wait to get my sprite too ;) A "sprite queue" on the Yuan Works web site would be great so we can see how far down the list we are :D
I am beyond E2 in puzzle ;)
Seems many are dreaming elementals, or viewing many in their visions field as me :D
It's strange when I think about the game I can really see a W&W board over my vision, that's terrible !!!
Are we hipnotized by Yuan Works ?
Yeah the most addictive puzzle game ever.
When I turn off my gp2x I want to power it on again & again to play more & more...
I don't think the game should be ported on other systems as it could expand the gp2x community a lot if it stays on gph console ! Maybe a port on the "gp3x", but not on DS or PSP as their politics are not based on the same spirit...
But that game needs a review on console magazines, and need to be showed as the gp2x with great developpers/graphic designers have an amazing potential.
Ok, this question goes out to all you secret hunters. On stage C7 I was trying to find the special win when I noticed some odd things. The goal of the level is to clear 100 blocks in a minute. If you press select during the stage it shows you a block and a second countdown however the countdown is only for 1 minute. Oddly enough the fastest you can beat this level is in 59 seconds. There are times when I had 150ish blocks and it still didnt stop till it was at the 59 second mark. I have also tried 4x elementals, full combos, wind and water combos (sometimes tricky to get because you have to get it in less then 100 blocks but not too bad it you take an extra second to set up cooler shit for more special).

The problem is I cant think of what else to try to get the special exit. If anyone has got it just send me a PM. No need to spoil it for the people that want to try to do it on their own. Thanks!

That stat page is rockin..I really dont remember getting such a high 3xelemental combo..must have been during my 1 hour practice stage I did. Rock.

EDIT: A score of 4k in time battle is a nice feat. I have 33XX and that was with an 80+ time combo and some full clears and elemental combos..mostly luck :D Im thinking that will be my hardest making of to get. Im only missing 50 full combos, 8k in endless, and 4k in time battle. But I do have number 46 :0
Hi everyone!

First of all, we have created a new index page where you can see some quick stats, and well from there you can see the Top Rankings, as well as user stats (search by Nickname or random stat).

Also here's a new thread with the information.

Here's a little screenshot from the website with some insane records (I think chemaris is gonna sue us after burning his GP2X, still can't believe he has played more than 30 hours, well he hasn't beat the game yet!):


greenmikey: We haven't thought of other consoles yet, I do agree with you that it would be a killer on many mainstream handhelds. But hey, let's enjoy while it's exclusive for the GP2X and we can upload stats (I haven't had time to restart the game, will do so soon so be prepared) :P and let's hope other GP2X users decide to play this game (at least the demo)!

C7... hmm...

motorollin: Your sprite is ready :D as well as many more, so no need for queue! Yuan is making them lightning fast! (Like 10 a day)

*Uploading new stats...*
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virusx said:
Great update!
This Stats website is simply awsome. Once again, great design.
Indeed. Am I right in assuming that the pages are only changed 3 times a day (every 8 hours, or something like that)? If so, may I propose a little "Time left till next update" countdown in a corner somewhere - My work suffers greatly from me refreshing that page (and this page) again and again :unsure: :D

Anybody got a tiny teeny hint for puzzle E3? I'm stuck like a very stuck thing in a sticky mess...

I thought D6 was bad, with lots of blocks, many colours, and large distance between the blocks. But I found something out in the end. Here, there are a few blocks, two colours, all nicely clumped together in the middle...and I get bl**dy nowhere! Soon, I'll start enumerating all possible move combinations and just go down a list, mechanically...
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Thanks guys! My sprite is amazing. It looks just like me! ;) Hello new avatar B)

What a great game, and a great team. Thanks again guys. I hope your game will bring you lots of success.
Hi everyone!

motorollin: Glad you liked the sprite :P I'm simply amazed at how Yuan draws them. I can recognize every single sprite he has done, it really helps me alot, since after he makes the sprites I simply look at them and know who they are, no need for names!

moxie: The website says 8 hours, but in fact I update the stats page when I see enough new saves :P, but it'll be a good idea to add a counter. 40+ stats and more than 150 saves have been uploaded :D it's fun seeing so much info! Hope everyone who is missing uploads theirs!

I'll be adding some "category" system, so that you can compare users based on the time they have played or their skill. This way new W&W can upload their saves and compete for beginner places :)
By the way if this game was ever released for the Nintendo DS I would definitely buy it again. I think the DS touch screen would work very well. Come to think of it, a Wii port would add an extra challenge too, using the Wii remote to point at the blocks and "drag" then around.
Actually a Wii version would be incredibly cool. Just the sort of "insanely fun" game that they're famous for.

It's a shame that if it did get commercially ported to other consoles/handhelds, though, I can't see whosoever the puiblishers are allowing it to remain DRM-Free :(. One of those extra little things that persuaded me that, yes, I really did think this was worth buying :D
A r k said:
greenmikey: We haven't thought of other consoles yet, I do agree with you that it would be a killer on many mainstream handhelds. But hey, let's enjoy while it's exclusive for the GP2X and we can upload stats (I haven't had time to restart the game, will do so soon so be prepared) :P and let's hope other GP2X users decide to play this game (at least the demo)!

I was at the GC2007 in Leipzig and the Guys of Redspot Games sayed, the've talked with yuan works. ;) Because I was a little bit confused because of this 4-Player mode of the DC version, hmmm. I have some nice W&W Flyers by the way ^^. The booth of Redspotgames wasn't that full but I've seen some people playing W&W at the 4 GP2X (on GP2X was stolen! O_o"), there also was a big presentation Screen with a Video of the game, I think the game will be a success in the future. :) Girls seem to love such games ;)

Oh, cool Highscore Website. Damn, it looks like I have to buy the Full-Version....hnnng...must....resist....can't....^^""""
I hope, somebody will make a german translation. :)
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