Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

It is just used for the stats published on the w&w homepage and in the stats section of the game. Besides you can use it as an avatar because it just looks awesome :)
Hi everyone!

I'll try beating stage A15 to see if there's anything wrong with it :) It's supposed to be REALLY hard anyway! But I don't think there's a need to cancel. Anyway, I'll try it out and see!

TJFBryant: Glad you like the sprite :D

FallenAvanger: Wow! Now you're only missing the Story Mode and extras :P

Also, about the sprite, I think we could make invoices for anyone who wishes to order the sprite. :) Email us if you're interested!

10 new saves! Uploading them right away :) (and expecting some sick scores)...
Just been playing the full version and really enjoying it - mounted up 7 hours play time so far, although I haven't got far, keep trying to get better and practice on the early levels and increase the rank as far as I can before I move on, and it does seem to be helping - plus I don't want to get to the end too quickly ;)

One thing I was wondering, is there any way to see the best time in which we have completed a story level? If not, could I make it as a tiny suggestion? It'd be really nice to know the best time we've beaten a level and to keep going back to try and beat it, also it would help in trying to reach a better rank on the level, and add yet more lastability/gameplay, trying to beat ourselves at the levels. Not sure if this is possible, just thought I'd say in case :)

Other than that, really enjoying the game so far - the amount of work and effort you have put into it is clearly evident. I keep seeing elements and diamonds in my head now ;)
ThorC said:
Just been playing the full version and really enjoying it - mounted up 7 hours play time so far, although I haven't got far, keep trying to get better and practice on the early levels and increase the rank as far as I can before I move on, and it does seem to be helping - plus I don't want to get to the end too quickly ;)

From what I've seen so far, I don't think you have to worry too much :lol:
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I love H01 and H07, I always try to play puzzle as a fast chainer and survive the press on H01 was tough, H07 needs another way not so speedy but i dont care because if i manage to beat it that way i'll be better at chains, I love this game, also i wanna finish the game without chesse :P.
I dont remember what level it is but its the one with the goal of time combo 80.. I know Ive had a time combo 96 but holy crap thats a tough order to fill. While trying to get it ive been above 70 a few times and many times in the 60s but that took almost an hour of attempts.

It doesn't seem that if you do a giant combo and then a full clear that they stack correctly. Either way I know you get like 14-15 seconds on your combo timer instead of 20 if you start the full clear off with a big combo.

It also feels like chains dont add enough to time combos. Maybe thats just because im trying to get an 80 chain but I dont understand why I get a 4-5 chain and then end up with a time combo of 5 or 4.
Had a problem in story mode

When finished H09 no new path opened, i thought it needed a special clear for it, then teleport to the shop to buy the beeper to see if it has a special clear but the game chrased back to gmenu 2x once i tried to enter the shop. I opened the game again and notice the game was not saved an I had to finish over again stage H09 but this time a new path opened but with no special clear

I really, REALLY* want a "next update"-countdown! Every time I upload a new save I wear out the F5 key waiting to see whether I beat any records... :o :D

About that 80-combo level: Yeah, I found it recently, too. I spent an inordinate amount of time to manage to set up something that gave me a 50-combo (and managed to hit 48 and 49 so many times it went past not being funny, even), and then I cleared it, followed the new path and got: "Do an 80xtime combo"...

...That's when I decided it was time to go do some press-surviving instead :)

*No, not really that much. I'm just impatient and curious :P
Hi! First of all, I'd like to explain a little about Time Combos:

When you burst blocks and you are not in Time Combo Timer, this Combo doesn't count. For example, if I burst 50 blocks, they won't count on that time chain, since there is no timer running. Only blocks directly cleared while there is a timer count.

Also, Chains do not count on Time Combos!

Moxie: Ha! Now I understand why you wanted me to upload the stats so badly! Congratulations, check the stats :)


Hi! This stage has a bug, don't play it for now. It was already reported and has been fixed, thank you!

A r k said:
Moxie: Ha! Now I understand why you wanted me to upload the stats so badly! Congratulations, check the stats :)

Woot! The old man rules the 4xElemental-roost, if nothing else :-)

I seem to have gotten a combo as a bonus, too. Which of course is logical, come to think of it - If a combo is the number of blocks burst with one move, then of course a big elemental is a big combo, too...

Methinks I need to celebrate. Hmm...I have a nice whisky here... :D

A r k said:
Hi! First of all, I'd like to explain a little about Time Combos:

When you burst blocks and you are not in Time Combo Timer, this Combo doesn't count. For example, if I burst 50 blocks, they won't count on that time chain, since there is no timer running. Only blocks directly cleared while there is a timer count.

Also, Chains do not count on Time Combos!

No, I find avoiding chaining to be the biggest obstacle in obtaining big combos. Quite often these days, I flip the tiles too quickly and end up with a chain instead of a combo...patience, Moxie, patience...

Do the special clears count towards a combo? Towards a chain?

I still haven't got the tiniest inkling about how to solve puzzle E3, though. Nobody got a hint for me?
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Ya, thats my downfall when I am trying for giant time combos. I think they should award time atleast if they dont count for the combo or whatever. Because there are times when I had like a time combo 50 and it was ruined by a ton of chaining that was random drop chains and not even what I was going for so much. I think there needs to be a TINY balance fix on this..we dont want people getting time combo 300's...oh wait we do! I do most of my playing around on advanced because it is easy for me to do regular combos over and over and over. Im not sure but I think I would have atleast a 150 time combo if chaining was counted since ive had tons in the 70s and a few in the 80s and 2-3 in the 90's without chains counting.

I know that just came out as a rant and im not sure it even was coherent but that 80 combo is frustrating especially how close I am to getting it.

My technique was to set up a full clear with on rotation away. Set up a 5 block combo as well as a giant combo 1 off from full clear. Hit the 5 hit the giant combo, rotate into the full clear and go crazy. I dont know if the ones before the full clear even count its hard to tell when it gets above 30 to know what is counted though.
I cannot stop playing this game! I bought a cradle, power adapter, and SNES USB adapter from (they work perfectly in the Linux environment, BTW) just to play this on my DLP with the best videogame controller ever made....and it is worth every PENNY!!
Sorry Moxie, but I think your party is over ;) "Accidently" made a 64 4xElemental. This was even harder than the 70 3x elemental. But I'm so impressed by Shinra's chain-killing. Man, I would love to be able to do that... I'm still unable to survive the press (vol4)
Hi everyone!

Sorry for not replying, was busy with an update to the W&W stats website! I have added a lot of info about the Story Mode including information not visible in the game Stats (such as number of stages won with each rank), here's a little screenshot so you can see how it looks:


Chemaris, with 47 hours, has finally become a Puzzle Master! Still missing 10% though :)

We'll be adding some interesting ranks too :)

jbrodack: CPU level will be available for one of the next versions, don't worry :) Also, as for now we will be making customized sprites for $8 (the difference), but only for a little while. If anyone who ordered the game without the sprite is interested just let me know!

ThorC: Thanks! :D Glad you're enjoying the game, and if you haven't uploaded your stats don't forget to do so! Also, your suggestions sounds cool :) it was planned but later was removed since it would make the save filesize bigger. But I'll think about putting it back again :)

Shinra: Finishing the game without cheese ir REALLY quite a challenge! You're good (too good in fact...) at chains so you shouldn't have a problem with the press... until you reach THE press stage!

greenmikey: Not exactly sure what you mean! Anyway, whenever I feel frustrated about accidental chains or combos, I play in Master level (where Void and Wind are normal blocks). If possible please explain a little better since I got lost :P!

FallenAvenger: Wow! You're TEN blocks away from clearing the WHOLE board using an Elemental!!! :o! Simply amazing!

Horscht: Hmm yeah, an update is coming REALLY soon :) Not because it is 100% needed, but because of other reasons. As soon as the update is ready you'll know why :P!

Well, it's 4AM so it's time to sleep, I'll upload the new saves and crash!
I got question about the stats page: In which categories can you appear more then once? Hi Time Combo and all elementals definetly, but what about the Time Chains, Hi Combo, Blue Time Combo?
BTW: This game should have been marked with "WARNING - Wind & Water is highly addictive, start playing and you will never stop!"
Just a quick question: In the early screenshots, you had a "file select screen" so that you could have several games going on at once (Say, one with my data and one with my GFs). Will that show up again in the future?
FallenAvenger: You can actually appear more than once in most categories. Remember that Elementals, Combos, Chains, etc., count on each Skill (Beginner, Advanced, Expert), and Level (Normal, Hard, Master). That's why some users have more than one record on the same category :) but I think I'm gonna limit it to one per category.

Addictive? Never stop? Miss the bus stop to work? :rolleyes: What are you guys talking about?

First of all, about Puzzle Mode E3:
You gotta be REAL fast! Remember that you have a *little* time before a diamond bursts, use that time! (if you need a better tip let me know :P!

File Selection, you mean this one?


It still exists! (BTW wow, notice the difference between what the story mode was gonna be and what it is now!!)
This was also brought back by jbrodack who was interested...

Anyway, the reason why this screen was removed is because when we started thinking of online stats, multiple saves would make it more complex to both us programming the thing and users knowing what to upload. For now, the only solution is to copy the game folder and create a new one :( not too elegant, but works :)

Hmm maybe it will be back, I'll have to think about it :D