Will These Websites Work?


Active Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Sorry if it's been asked before, but...

I play a bit of chess and other stuff on these websites


I'm assuming they will work just fine on the pandora, but just wanted to check.

Thanks (and sorry if it is a stupid question)
If they require Flash Player, they might not work right away. Either Adobe must release an ARM flash player for all platforms or you must get the flash player plugin from a similar but supported device like a Nokia N900 (I do not know if that will actually work but I gather it should). If the web sites do not use any closed-source plugins not available for ARM, they should work.
DrCJBoduma said:
Sorry if it's been asked before, but...

I play a bit of chess and other stuff on these websites


I'm assuming they will work just fine on the pandora, but just wanted to check.

Thanks (and sorry if it is a stupid question)
I can tell redhotpawn.com doesn't use flash, so that should work.

If turnplay uses flash it will almost definitely not work.
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Dutch_Cap said:
I can tell redhotpawn.com doesn't use flash, so that should work.

If turnplay uses flash it will almost definitely not work.
Cool, thanks for the replies.
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Well i have just tried www.redhotpawn.com on my Zipit Z2, Which is an ARM based
portable instant messenger hacked to run debian and that site work`s ok in the
Arora browser on the Zipit Z2, You can move the chess pieces etc.

The downside on the Zipit Z2, Is that it has only got a 2.8 inch 320x240 screen,
So the experience on the Z2 is very unplayable, Because of it`s screen.

Should work great on the Pandora thought.

Just going to try www.turnplay.com, Don`t hold much hope thought.

EDIT: Well the site loads up fine, And looks as it should on any web
browser and can go through the tour too. I don`t have an account so
can not try it any further, Not that i`d really want too on my Zipit`s
really small screen.

If anyone wasn't sure, sites that use Java should work OK, though maybe not particularly fast or smooth.

What won't work pretty much consists of:
Adobe Flash
Microsoft Silverlight
Heavy Java applets
Heavy Javascript/AJAX pages
Particularly large/heavy videos, whether embedded or HTML5 <video>
Weird ActiveX stuff (not common)
Even more weird custom plugins (probably even less common)
I figure some sites have some weird IE(6) specific layouts that could explode horribly in a more standards-compliant browser in such a way as to make them unusable.
quadomatic said:
what about Gnash?
As I understand it, Gnash doesn't support anywhere near all the features it needs to run most flash sites in a usable way. In the near future expect maybe some really popular sites to work, but only if they use flash for simple things (like youtube*). Don't take my word for it, but I think really old sites like zombo.com might also work.

*Note that YouTube will be supported through html5 very soon.
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I too am wondering if and how well certain websites would work on the pandora... like, Pandora Music Genome, or, rhapsody, or even NinjaVideo.net (probably not Ninjavideo due to divx webplayer requirement)

Or how about QuakeLive or browser MMO's? I've never used a browser MMORPG so I don't know if they have a special plugin like QuakeLive, but I'm pretty sure QuakeLive's plugin probably wont work. Either way, I'm not sure how much Java the thing can really handle, and testing some of the goodies google brings seems like a cool idea to me!

- trix
I hope no-one minds me posting this in here, but it seems pointless to start a new thread about it. :P

I was just wondering if anyone's tested playing Live365 internet radio stations (such as the excellent Retro Arcade Radio) with Gnash. :P I can't do so on my system because Gnash causes too much instability on it, unfortunately.
That's a bit beyond me, unfortunately. I've tried to see if there were any client applications or such, but I've had no luck so far.
paulguy said:
If anyone wasn't sure, sites that use Java should work OK

they should? do we have a confimend JavaVM?
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Pleng said:
paulguy said:
If anyone wasn't sure, sites that use Java should work OK

they should? do we have a confimend JavaVM?
IcedTea will run on pretty much anything. It's completely free
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Prometheus said:
That's a bit beyond me, unfortunately. I've tried to see if there were any client applications or such, but I've had no luck so far.
I have a tcpdump of me loading that radio. It uses flash to play the radio. The transport is mp3 stream, but the "handshaking" used is nontrivial (this is the request used to get the audio stream):
GET /play?now=14&membername=&session=peterhirschberg:0&tag=live365&s=peterhirschberg&d=live365&r=0&app_id=live365%3ABROWSER%28live365%29&token=ad71a57e07a53066536cd0817cb9ee4b-2623260080100000&AuthType=NORMAL&lid=es-fin&SaneID= HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100121 Namoroka/3.6
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 115
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Nanocaster/2.7.1-49 08-Nov-09
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 220000000
Content-Type: audio/mpeg
Connection: Keep-Alive

So, not hard to play the media itself (mplayer would do), but all that javascript+swf gets in the way.

EDIT: I created an account on live365.com, went to my listening preferences,
selected that I want to use a desktop mp3 player, clicked on the radio
and it gave me a pls file with a similar huge URL. I dont know if flash
was involved, but atleast it seems possible to play the stream with mplayer.
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Pleng said:
paulguy said:
If anyone wasn't sure, sites that use Java should work OK

they should? do we have a confimend JavaVM?
IcedTea is installed on my beagleboard, and it kinda sorta does something when I run a Java applet, but I suspect the fact that I'm running through a VNC terminal is breaking things. I'm hoping that's the case, anyway.
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urjaman said:
EDIT: I created an account on live365.com, went to my listening preferences,
selected that I want to use a desktop mp3 player, clicked on the radio
and it gave me a pls file with a similar huge URL. I dont know if flash
was involved, but atleast it seems possible to play the stream with mplayer.
Ooh, that is most interesting - thanks very much for that info.


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