Wii 2 - Confirmed

I read this earlier today on a few sites, and almost everyone thought it was admission from Miyamoto that the Wii 2, project cafe, Ect., is indeed real.
Sounds like he's saying "yeah, we're working on something, but we're ALWAYS working on something. Most of the things we work on you'll never see, and this is probably one of them."
I'm not sure if Nintendo has a new system coming or not, but if I come on this forum every month and say a new system is coming, sooner or later I'll be right(if it's this year, or 3 years from now). The same way the "2 more months" line got a ton of use around here, and finally some where right. I've seen enoughe Nintendo "Spins" over the years to read between the lines on this one.

I personally think a new system is very close, as the Wii just keeps losing ground, and Nintendo was in the "positive" from the first system sold. So they have made their money and then some(A whole lot more than Sony or Microsoft). Also, if a new console is not coming, I will be shocked, as this is the most information and rumors for a new system I personally have ever seen in my entire life. So if it's not real, someone has started the biggest hoax in video game history.

Nintendo Confirms Wii Successor. It’s On Sale In 2012.
Today in Japan, Nintendo confirmed the upcoming release of the Wii's successor. The still-unnamed console will be revealed at this year's E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles in June.



Some apparently 'leaked' images of Wii Successor: Wireless option!!!


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Well, well, colour me surprised, and my apologies to all of you for being incorrect.

I'd still be very surprised if all of the ludicrous things from the rumours are true, though. :P

I wonder if they'll do the sensible thing and ditch optical discs, next? (Anyone lack the time for waiting for loading times, or with some machines installations, and the like?)
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Hey P., I don't think it matters who was right or wrong, I'm just glad it's happening.

A proper HD Nintendo system with "Proper" online functionallity, and no friend codes(hopefully)! I'M THERE! Can I preorder today for a Christmas 2012 release in the states? :lol:

Boy, it's gonna be a long, long, long year and a half ;)

Whilst I think that the foot-wide controller is highly unlikely, the one thing I want is the Star Fox game. :P
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Did you miss Star Fox Assault? ;) (Granted, the real meat of that game was the multiplayer, which was worked on first. That part really is brilliant.)

Ok, ok, seriously, I know what you mean. I'm sick of the Star Fox 64 series, myself. Personally, I'd love to see it taken back to the original series that was ended when they wanted to retcon it into the mess that the Star Fox 64 series made of it... :P
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And yet you own a Pandora. Or at least a queue position.
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so who else would be pissed if nintendo went cloud gaming?, also i find it hard to believe that the picture of "cafe" is legit, seeing as how theres an LED flashing w/o any power source plugged in
so who else would be pissed if nintendo went cloud gaming?, also i find it hard to believe that the picture of "cafe" is legit, seeing as how theres an LED flashing w/o any power source plugged in

Confirmed, the new Project Café (A.K.A Super Wii) is equipped with a compact nuclear reactor!

No wire for power, reduced electricity bills and it makes Fukushima cleaner.

If they go cloud, I simply won't buy this shit, I truly hate cloud computing.

I don't want to go back to the dumb client / smart server computing from the early computer days.

And I want to be able to use a software even if the company that makes the platform which runs it, or the company that made the software, choose to drop the support.

That's why I'm still able to enjoy all my retro consoles!

(Some fanatics continue to make new games for retro consoles, recently Solar Pier was released for MegaDrive/Genesis.)