I'm a "first batch" preorderer (Oct 2009) that opted to wait without paying any extra when the survey was sent out. Mostly because of my I'm-not-giving-Craig-Rothwell-another-red-cent policy. Now that he is officially out of the picture I'm warming up to the idea of upgrading, but I'm curious why there is no upgrade option to get a rebirth unit.
From ED's email in September the options were to get a Ghz model for 300, a classic for 100, or wait for the donations to cover your order.
Since the pandora comes in three varieties it seems like one was left out. And that is the one I've been eyeing.
From ED's email in September the options were to get a Ghz model for 300, a classic for 100, or wait for the donations to cover your order.
Since the pandora comes in three varieties it seems like one was left out. And that is the one I've been eyeing.