What's everyone working on these days?

Can't have too many Sokoban clones, right?

I'm currently working on a small (hopefully easy to use) (GUI-)Framework for SDL

Source can be found here: https://github.com/Ellorion/KissSDLF

So far I have:

- buttons

- some sort of labels (alignable, supports forced and automatic linebreaking, aso.)

- whiteboard (to test mouse events and make gimp obsolete... maybe... someday...)

- sound output (to see if buttons would work)

- events passed to non-static member functions (functions in derived classes)

- events to static functions (if you prefer c-style)

- some other stuff

I'm currently fixing/upgrading the event system and added a widget to make other widgets scrollable.

The main.cpp file is basically a testbench, to see if anything works at all ^^"

(in case someone is interested and doesn't wanna look at all the code)
I have a fresh build of zdoom. But I've notice that there is an old version floating around. Does a new PND Would that interest someone, because there are already many doom engine on the repo, so not sure it's worth the effort to package a new one (stil some work to define default setup and so on).

I tested it only on a gigahertz, and it was fluid (using OpenAL).
I'm trying to finally put together a joy mapping wizard for PenjinTwo...

basic idea is that it will detec new usb joys and prompt to map to Penjin's internal SimpleJoy.

From there you can also pick a mapping for player one and for player two...
I have a fresh build of zdoom. But I've notice that there is an old version floating around. Does a new PND Would that interest someone, because there are already many doom engine on the repo, so not sure it's worth the effort to package a new one (stil some work to define default setup and so on).

I tested it only on a gigahertz, and it was fluid (using OpenAL).
Yes I would be  really awesome to have that engine on pandora hopefully that works with brutal doom!!!
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I have a fresh build of zdoom. But I've notice that there is an old version floating around. Does a new PND Would that interest someone, because there are already many doom engine on the repo, so not sure it's worth the effort to package a new one (stil some work to define default setup and so on).

I tested it only on a gigahertz, and it was fluid (using OpenAL).
Yes I would be  really awesome to have that engine on pandora hopefully that works with brutal doom!!!
Well, it do works with zdoom, but I'm not sure it will be playable,seems a bit slow (when there is some action only), and I cannot use Notaz SDL for now (it try to open a 1600x1200 screen, and stays black, I have to dig a bit), but by tweaking a bit the options (like reducing the numbers of particules from 4000 to 1000), I think it can be playable on a Gigahertz (my be using no music might help a lot, OPL emulation is not free on the cpu load). I will try some other compile options too...

Here, a couple of (brutal) screenshot...

But despite the very brutal aspect, I must say it seems an interesting and good looking mod. But a bit too gore maybe...


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Petitseb this one of the greatest things I saw in the Pandora scene; brutal doom became one of my favourite games ever and to have it ported in this awesome litle machine is epic !!!!

If I  you get it to run fullspeed and with maped controls..... I have entertainment for the rest of my life it's a game I will forever play even if in small sessions, I cant thank enaught if it ever runs fullspeed (I dont mind the toned down particle effects)  :D
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Well, it do works with zdoom, but I'm not sure it will be playable,seems a bit slow
I cannot believe zdoom can be slow. Or maybe it have nothing to do with this : http://www.metaviewsoft.de/en/Software/PalmOS/Freeware/ZDoomZ/
zdoom by itself is not slow. I try the standard DooM II Wad and it was just fine, smooth and so on.

It's the Brutal addon that is quite heavy. When you kill the first bad guy, it must be grabbing sounds, pictures, creating thousand (hundreds at least) of particules, and it tend to be much more Cpu intensive.

I don't think it's related to ZDoomZ of tha Palm time. It's this one: https://github.com/rheit/zdoom
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speaking of doom I'm quite surprised we do not have a doom64ex port...
Is Z - Doom the engine that has suport for the 3D models and Hi-Res textures?
That is Risen 3D BUT personally ZDoom is the best source port for Doom as it is more faithful to the original Doom graphics but with cleaner graphics
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