What's everyone working on these days?

Sorry for the slow development but I've been experiencing a lot of burn out from work this year. C'est la vie.
I know exactly what you mean. I haven't done anything worthwhile since the Pandora comp, mainly due to work issues. It affects everything. :(
Ditto - since finally getting a "proper job" finally, I'm struggling to find the time/motivation combo that drives any of my pet projects forward... grr
This is what I've been working on sparodically, whilst trying to move house
Not much at the minute.

The left toolbar (Calendar, Contacts, Tasklist, Passwords (which might just be an encrypted notepad), Sync (which I might remove in favour of just letting ownCloud etc. sync the files), Options, System Tray, and Quit) are all accessible using F-Keys.

You can navigate around the calendar using the keyboard (Left, Right, Up, Down, Home (Today), Page Up (Prev Month), Page Down (Next Month)). Holding shift will allow you to extend the selection. There's no mouse support yet though.

The other pages are pretty much empty at the minute.

It's built using WxWidgets 2.8. I tried to compile it using the Code::Blocks PND, but it gave me some errors about versions or something, so I gave up for now. Once I have something functional, I'll look at a Pandora build again (or just get somebody else to try and build it for me).
This is what I've been working on sparodically, whilst trying to move house

I like this a lot. I would love to get into some PIM development later on.

I currently am still using my Palm T|X for everything. I just don't like what's out there (got rid of my smart phone).

If I could switch to the Pandora for orginization I would in a heartbeat.

I'm really impressed with the projects here. It makes me look forward to the future of the community as well as shows me how far I have to go as a developer.

I'm glad I'm not the only one facing burnout. ;) Let's just keep on keepin' on.
Sorry for the slow development but I've been experiencing a lot of burn out from work this year. C'est la vie.
I know exactly what you mean. I haven't done anything worthwhile since the Pandora comp, mainly due to work issues. It affects everything. :(
Don´t tell me, now I have to move house again as work flopped. I still believe I can pull all stuff together for a release this year though.

On the bright side, I´m really enjoying seeing all these baby projects of everyone, really great stuff! :)
I like this a lot. I would love to get into some PIM development later on.

I currently am still using my Palm T|X for everything. I just don't like what's out there (got rid of my smart phone).

If I could switch to the Pandora for orginization I would in a heartbeat.
Yeah, I dislike most of the products out there, esp' for sync support. Though I'm not sure if I'll end up using ownCloud. Either way though, I don't have a single calendar app that runs on Windows, Linux and the Pandora. Hopefully the wxWidgets for Android project will take off and then I can stick it on my phone too! :)
BTW - If you fancy working on this with me, send me a PM. We got the keys to our new house yesterday, and won't have internet there for a couple of weeks, so it might be a while before I reply. Alternatively, you can just wait and see what I make of it. The source is open and on GitHub anyways.

Anyway, for everyone interested in the PIM, this next week particularly I'm going to have practically zero time, but I will continue to make progress when I can
Nice, more native racing games for Pandora are good, we haven't got many. :)

OnTopic: I am still working on a good and versatile hurdy gurdy line for about 1000€ for beginners,

which cannot afford spending 2000€ for a mediocre one and therefore won't start learning it at all.
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OnTopic: I am still working on a good and versatile hurdy gurdy line for about 1000€ for beginners, which cannot afford spending 2000€ for a mediocre one and therefore won't start learning it at all.
I've been dreaming of learning how to play that for years. As you said, it's hard to spend 2000€ on a "starter" instrument that you'll have to replace when you'll get better at it.
OnTopic: I am still working on a good and versatile hurdy gurdy line for about 1000€ for beginners, which cannot afford spending 2000€ for a mediocre one and therefore won't start learning it at all.
I've been dreaming of learning how to play that for years. As you said, it's hard to spend 2000€ on a "starter" instrument that you'll have to replace when you'll get better at it.
I have spent about 2400€ for my first (and by now only) one and have upgraded it a lot myself by now. ^^

After some years of practice, I am still frustrated, if I see these little kids on the Rencontres Internationales de Luthiers et Maîtres Sonneurs

every year leaving me far behind, but well, I cannot afford driving to workshops and learn everything from books and vids. At least I am good enough for sessions by now

and have found one in Berlin.
OnTopic: I am still working on a good and versatile hurdy gurdy line for about 1000€ for beginners,
I checked what you were talking about after your comment and I must admit I had never heard of that instrument ! It looks and sounds fantastic ! It's kind of a mix between a violin and an accordion. Very interesting indeed. Who manufactures them currently ? 
Who manufactures them currently ?
The best: http://www.weichselbaumer.cc/

Most of the rest can be found here between all the other makers of traditional middle european instruments including me/us:


The mechanics are just like a Nyckelharpa with an endless bow and an inbuilt percussion instrument (mostly like trumscheit/ tromba marina),

which already is a mix between violin and clavichord (no one knows these now either -.-).

Most of the hurdy gurdy makers are from france, because the Région Centre kept the tradition alive,

while Germany, Spain, etc... just had let it die and revive it now since the eighties.

It's just like "Hammered Dulcimer", "Bagpipes/Cornemuse", "Frame Drum", "Nyckelharpa/Schlüsselfidel",

etc... a normal traditional instrument which could be found everywhere in these parts a few hundred years ago,

Chopin and Mozart wrote music for it too and there is a lot of baroque music for it,

but it's mainly used for Folk now, for what it was made in the beginning anyway.

It's sad, that most of our own people do not know our culture anymore,

because of the music industry, which enforces standard orchestra instruments

and "guitar, e-bass, drumset, keyboard, voice" as standards to appeal to the modern peoples hearing habits.

Does the average Japanese guy in your area know, what a Koto, Shamisen, Sho, etc... is?

I often get the feeling, that other countrys have this problem with dead culture too.
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Does the average Japanese guy in your area know, what a Koto, Shamisen, Sho, etc... is?

In Japan these instruments are still actively used even by young people. Japan is still a very conservative country and there is a high respect for people who learn ancient arts. I feel that in the West it's the opposite : when you are not into something modern you are labeled as "uncool", "unfashionable" and so on, but in Japan not so much. 

I know many young people who play koto and shamisen, and I have seen very recently a bunraku performance (ancient theater art from Japan where they use dolls as key characters for the story) all by young people (teenagers). I have it on video and should put it on youtube one of these days. 
Mmm,,, no price... probably means it's expensive :) I will ask my friend in France who owns an instrument music shop if they have it. 
I only know the prizes from 2006 and there the simplest one was about 2200€, the average about 5000€ and the the best with all electronics etc...

about 6800€ but he has raised the prizes one or two years ago. ^^

Considering what the best guitars and violins cost, it is not so expensive, but if you look at the other makers, it does not really go under 2200€ if you

do not want to be frustrated all the time.

I doubt, that a normal shop has an austrian hurdy gurdy, maybe not even a french one,

most of the folk instruments are custom made.

I feel that in the West it's the opposite : when you are not into something modern you are labeled as "uncool", "unfashionable" and so on, but in Japan not so much. 
Sadly - this is true, also regarding my german martial arts, but I do it anyway.

People always think, that Kenjutsu is so much cooler than "Langes Schwert nach Liechtenauer" f.e. until they realize, that most of the actions are very similar or the same,

but the cross guard and second side add a lot of techniques to it. The same without weapons. Judo, Karate, Taek-Won-Do, Kung-Fu are "cool",

while our own middle european styles are labeled as "weird", before people know anything about it.

Most of our culture was already dead at the end of the 19. century, but the Nazis gave it the final killing stroke.

I am working on the revival most of the time, although in the last time I play mainly french dancing music on my gurdy,

to be honest, because it rocks and I dance to them myself at every occasion and know the footwork.

We need proper movies with these arts to make them popular again

(and no stupid sword bashing anymore, where it is swung like a club).

I am glad, that japanese teens maintain culture

and I heard, that you got bow and arrow in some regular schools, I envy that.
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