What's everyone working on these days?

This is what I've been working on sparodically, whilst trying to move house

google sync, pretty please?
pmprog, just want to mention this as I keep thinking it to myself when I check this thread - The purple block indicating the current day looks too dark for the black number in the corner indicating the day of month. A lighter shade would probably work nicer.

That was all though, looks a very useful little program to have on your Pandora for everyday use. Just thought this every time I see this screenshot :)
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On my side I am almost ready to release the small BGS tool to automatise the backup of saved games from emulators and native games, just in case one day your SD card crashes while you spent 20 hours on a great RPG... :)

This may be a useful emergency feature. 
google sync, pretty please?
Maybe, but probably doubtfully (unless somebody wants to make a pull request further down the line).

pmprog, just want to mention this as I keep thinking it to myself when I check this thread - The purple block indicating the current day looks too dark for the black number in the corner indicating the day of month. A lighter shade would probably work nicer.

That was all though, looks a very useful little program to have on your Pandora for everyday use. Just thought this every time I see this screenshot :)
The purple is my Windows theme colour, not sure why the date text is black though (should be white as the "highlight text colour"). The plan was to use system settings by default, but allow the user to override them anyway, but not got that far yet.
Should actually be able to get back working on this soon. Still settling in to the new house, and internet is going in on Saturday.
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My next project.

At last, a working build. I started this one from some time now.

Keyconfig will require a lot of work it seems, and so is Nub integration. Also, I think having touchscreen working for some part may be interesting, but not sure yet on how to do.

Performance wise, I'm using a Gigahertz Pandora. Performance seems a bit low, sub 20fps, but I haven't really played, so it's hard to tell, nor I have played with the ingame parameters yet also (and I have to look for a fps display option too).

Guessed the title ?



My next project.

At last, a working build. I started this one from some time now.

Keyconfig will require a lot of work it seems, and so is Nub integration. Also, I think having touchscreen working for some part may be interesting, but not sure yet on how to do.

Performance wise, I'm using a Gigahertz Pandora. Performance seems a bit low, sub 20fps, but I haven't really played, so it's hard to tell, nor I have played with the ingame parameters yet also (and I have to look for a fps display option too).

Guessed the title ?
Man, I loved Arx Fatalis. I never got to finish it either. If you can get the FPS up then it would be a sweet little addition to the Pandora. The old tricks like limiting resolution and killing AA and other rendering options should help. If you're already at 20 then thats a very good start.
For thoses who have the original disc, and are ok to spend time to test on the Pandora (mainly to refine the control mapping, so first(s) version(s) will probably not really playable), please PM me, and I'll create a closed beta.
I would gladly test it, as soon as my Pandora is back from ED/repairs.

Maybe you need someone for the German version?

@everyone: It is a very underrated gem of an RPG.
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it's a great game, it's unfortunately a bit small, but on the otherside, it's overly details with lots of cool things to do...
From time to time i'm working on OpenPandora PIM with tight integration with Sylpheed E-Mail Client. 

All basic features are implemented:

- Simple Notebook

- Agenda

- To-Do List

- Contacts

- Calendar 

- Exporting/Importing data [OpenPandora <> Desktop PC version]

- Send emails using Sylpheed from PIM

(screen comes from 1st version, screen from new version soon..)

From time to time i'm working on OpenPandora PIM with tight integration with Sylpheed E-Mail Client. 

All basic features are implemented:

- Simple Notebook

- Agenda

- To-Do List

- Contacts

- Calendar 

- Exporting/Importing data [OpenPandora <> Desktop PC version]

- Send emails using Sylpheed from PIM

(screen comes from 1st version, screen from new version soon..)

Very nice, although I'd prefer a task warrior + clawsmail integration. 

I completely dropped sylpheed after it kept crashing on me to download one particular email (after thousands of emails which downloaded just fine). I won't be going back to it :p
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Few new screens from Ultimate PIM




Additional comment to screens:

On first screen: 

Every day has its own to-do list and simple note

On second screen

Simple Global Notepad

On third screen:

Contacts screen. Simple adding contacts and lighting fast search..
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This looks really nice and very useful.

You having those top icons show which one is active on the finished product? To assist with users getting familiar with the icons it would be nice to have the respective icon shown smaller on that little tab too, where you currently have the tab number [1] [3] [4]...

Probably all in your plan anyway as I know this is WIP, but just in case it wasn't ... :)

Very nice though, will be useful for me as I currently use my phones calendar and I use it a lot, to remind me of pretty much everything ... not quite down to 'wash the dishes' detail, but almost...