Hey All,
OK, I started a thread about 6 months ago wanting to start developing a game for the gp2x but wasn't really sure where to start. Due to life and other stuff this had to be put onto the backburner for sometime. However I'm now ready to start afresh and have another go (well I didn't get started in the first place
), I have the time and motivation to get coding on this cool little box. From the outset I would like to make it clear that I'm a pretty competent C/C++ programmer and have a reasonable knowledge of coding in ASM for 0x86 based processors, but I'm no ASM guru
. This development knowledge has strictly been on DOS and Windoze based boxes. Although I recently installed a flavour of Linux (Ubuntu), I'm a first time user of this and it looks pretty cool
The actual game that I've got in mind will be one that I've already written its on my Windozw box. Its basically a 2D platformer, yeah right I know like the GP2X doesn't need another platformer
. Anyways as far as the algorithms go its pretty good. The game works at a good speed (on my main PC) and I'm happy with it. I just want to port it to the GP2X as an avenue to start developing for it. As a result I would also like to document the complete development process from start to finish. Maybe other newbies to the device might find the information within useful for their own projects on the GP2X. Also I love homebrew and emulation too
Anyway I'm ready to get started. So lets talk dev tools:
So where to start?. Well I have been digging round and there appears to be a wealth of dev tools, so much so that I'm completely swamped in it all. This is even before I start to look at SDKs. They range from command-line compilers to fully integrated development environments. For convienence I would like to use a command-line version of a compiler.
So the first sets of questions are these:
1) Which command line compiler (and version) should I use to get started. Yes I know there is various information on official sites and what not, but I would just like to ask the opinions of you, the coders
. Which also offer good debugging tools?. Is there anything outthere that will allow me to debug my game remotely?.
2) Choice of SDK. I've been battling hard with this one!. SDL looks good and it looks a piece of cake to use but the overhead, I'm sorry but yuck!. So what other choices do I have?. Rlyeh's minimal lib?. That looks pretty cool. Has anybody around here used that before?. I've only seen a few tutorials on using it. Is it any good?. What kind of performance do you get?. What is the overhead in using it?. Could use ASM but that would mean learning ASM for a complete different CPU. As a technical challenge I would like one day to do a complete game from scratch in ASM for the device, but I'm being realistic and would like to learn to walk before I can run
. So outside of the above mentioned what alternatives are there outthere?, if any.
3) Is there any advantage in using tools for Linux over Windows?. I know that the GP2x is a Linux box so should that make developing on a Linux box (Ubuntu) easier better than developing on a Windoze based box?.
Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.
p.s. @twojame: Guess what dude, I finally made it over here
. See your game is coming along nicely too.
OK, I started a thread about 6 months ago wanting to start developing a game for the gp2x but wasn't really sure where to start. Due to life and other stuff this had to be put onto the backburner for sometime. However I'm now ready to start afresh and have another go (well I didn't get started in the first place
The actual game that I've got in mind will be one that I've already written its on my Windozw box. Its basically a 2D platformer, yeah right I know like the GP2X doesn't need another platformer
Anyway I'm ready to get started. So lets talk dev tools:
So where to start?. Well I have been digging round and there appears to be a wealth of dev tools, so much so that I'm completely swamped in it all. This is even before I start to look at SDKs. They range from command-line compilers to fully integrated development environments. For convienence I would like to use a command-line version of a compiler.
So the first sets of questions are these:
1) Which command line compiler (and version) should I use to get started. Yes I know there is various information on official sites and what not, but I would just like to ask the opinions of you, the coders
2) Choice of SDK. I've been battling hard with this one!. SDL looks good and it looks a piece of cake to use but the overhead, I'm sorry but yuck!. So what other choices do I have?. Rlyeh's minimal lib?. That looks pretty cool. Has anybody around here used that before?. I've only seen a few tutorials on using it. Is it any good?. What kind of performance do you get?. What is the overhead in using it?. Could use ASM but that would mean learning ASM for a complete different CPU. As a technical challenge I would like one day to do a complete game from scratch in ASM for the device, but I'm being realistic and would like to learn to walk before I can run
3) Is there any advantage in using tools for Linux over Windows?. I know that the GP2x is a Linux box so should that make developing on a Linux box (Ubuntu) easier better than developing on a Windoze based box?.
Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.
p.s. @twojame: Guess what dude, I finally made it over here