Release Virtual Jaguar


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is a PND of Virtual Jaguar, the emulator of the Jaguar game console.


Here, a video of the emulator on the Pandora from Ingoreis

The Jaguar had many chip inside, and is quite a beast to emulate, so don't expect this one to be full speed on the Pandora.

If you disable DSP (and so sound), it can be of enjoyable speed (but with DSP on, it will be, at best, 50% of speed, so choppy sound).

Beware, the emulator will not work with SGX driver v4.04+

History log

Build 02

  • Update sources
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some customisation and optimizations
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Wow - that almost seems to be running Tempest 2k at full speed.  Shame it can't run with sound at that speed, as the sound of Tempest 2k is quite important to the experience, but very impressive for a first release.  Nice work!
Just wanted to follow-up with a few comments.  I downloaded, put some roms where they needed to be, and ran a few games.

I was surprised how well things ran on my 1 ghz unit.  The interface rocks, the control remap is simple to use and the whole emu is really well done.    

Thanks again for a fantastic Jag Emu.  I played about 15 minutes of AVP and it was responsive and smooth!  Great job!  I leave tomorrow for a trip so lots of plane time.  Going to try several roms then!
Lordbobjones, you only didn't say if you played AVP with or without sound. Because when the sound is enabled, it slows the emulation. It happens with the 1 GHz unit, too? One more thing: What SZ version is in your unit? I also own a 1 GHz unit, with SZ 1.70 RC.
I seem to be having an issue. I changed the directory to suit where the files are, but when clicking insert cartridge, non are coming up. Do they have to be a certain file type?
I seem to be having an issue. I changed the directory to suit where the files are, but when clicking insert cartridge, non are coming up. Do they have to be a certain file type?
Zipped rom is fine. Rom extension is ".jag"
Thanks for the reply pitSeb. My files are zipped up and my file extension is .j64, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I changed the settings to show all files in the destination for EEPROMS (I assume thats where it looks for them...) but it shows no files at all. Is their a really specific place they need to be put?
I seem to be having an issue. I changed the directory to suit where the files are, but when clicking insert cartridge, non are coming up. Do they have to be a certain file type?
Zipped rom is fine. Rom extension is ".jag"
Thanks for the reply pitSeb. My files are zipped up and my file extension is .j64, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I changed the settings to show all files in the destination for EEPROMS (I assume thats where it looks for them...) but it shows no files at all. Is their a really specific place they need to be put?
I don't have my pandora with me, but I think it's the 2nd text field to fill, not the first one in the config dialog.
I seem to be having an issue. I changed the directory to suit where the files are, but when clicking insert cartridge, non are coming up. Do they have to be a certain file type?
Zipped rom is fine. Rom extension is ".jag"
Thanks for the reply pitSeb. My files are zipped up and my file extension is .j64, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I changed the settings to show all files in the destination for EEPROMS (I assume thats where it looks for them...) but it shows no files at all. Is their a really specific place they need to be put?
I don't have my pandora with me, but I think it's the 2nd text field to fill, not the first one in the config dialog.
Aha! That did it pitSeb. I was filling in the top, not the 2nd text field. Thank you for the help!