Release Virtual Jaguar EX - Release

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An Atom at 900mhz is way more powerful than the OMAP in the pandora, at whatever clock you can get yours up to.
I think AvP plays without DSP for a single level, when you try to change level in elevators the game will freeze without DSP, to my experience and what I heard.
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It's a shame that Firefox is no longer developing for the Panda - his Jag emulator ran Tempest 2K at quite a bit more than full speed.

Maybe it was only optimised for T2000 [with custom t2000 hacks*] and firefox knows that it will run only T2000 with acceptabe speed, so after all he didnt released it.. you'll never know..

I'll ask him - I hang out on the same forums as he does. You never know, he might let me faff with the source.


Yeah, just checked. T2K Emulator will run only T2000 game.. and nothing else

It's based on Dio's source, and certainly does run other games as far as I recall - just without sound at present, and not all games are supported. As I said, when I next run into him, I'll ask and see if there's anything you can rip out to improve performance.


As long as I remember on PC I preferred Project Tempest over Virtual Jaguar. Although it's not been updated for a very long time it works really well and I was able to play Alien vs Predator with sound even on the very first EEE-PC (clocked at 900MHz).

The homepage is here:

When searching in Google the result says "An open source emulator for Windows and Windows/SDL capable of running titles such as Tempest 2000 and Pinball Fantasies" but I couldn't find any link to the source.

Maybe the author is willing to share some thoughts though.
Yes you are right project tempest is better than virtual jaguar.

I always plays on pc emulator project tempest,it's just brilliant.

Virtual jaguar on pc doesn't have sound,so pandora version is good as and games plays similar on both systems.

I would prefer to have project tempest plays good speed and many games have sound inc. avp,bubsy,doom,tempest 2000 and many others,if the source is available as you say then they will be chance porting this to pandora.

There's one problem with project tempest it won't save avp.
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No source, no port, no exceptions.

Edit, it seems to be opensource, but i cannot find a download.

Would need allegrogl, too.
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There were just some minor fixes to the original source. You should be able to build it from source version 1.x in no time.

But I can see if I upload it to mediafire or something later today.
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I think so, if StreaK hasn't changed something. Note that you have to build the 68make or something like this seperately for x86 the compile then rest.
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Finally I tested the emu, looks great but don't have music.

@Steak: The frontend on terminal are created on the pxml or you have a src to do that ?

Yes it does have music you will have turn on dsp,the sound isn't great but it's ok.
Finally I tested the emu, looks great but don't have music.

@Steak: The frontend on terminal are created on the pxml or you have a src to do that ?


I think StreaK keeps the frontend closed source.
Hi, the 4floor facebook link doesn't work.... so someone could tell me where to download the Virtual Jaguar emu?

Answer is simple: You can't download it right now, As StreaK seems to have left and took all his pnds with him. But if there is real demand (personally I think it is not worth it, as it doesn't really run anything with fullspeed) , I can package it up again with picklelauncher or something.
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