Also, you could add some tips on good sleep, such as that sleep duration should be a multiple of 90 minutes, but not between 30 minutes and 3 hours.
I've heard this kind of things before, but is there any science to back these claims ?
As far as I'm aware, some aren't, but many are. I've heard this on television a few times, including from people who are known for being careful with what they're saying.
Unfortunately it's apparently not very easy to find reliable information about this on the Internet, or at least I wasn't able to make out a reputable source with a short search. The only thing I can give you on this for now is the following two quotes from Wikipedia, with an explicit warning not to trust these quotes blindly:
A cycle takes approximately 90-110 minutes to complete.
The experimental group was given a 60-90 minute afternoon nap (one full cycle), [...]
Source: (Wikipedia)
If my memory serves me correctly, 90 minutes is roughly the 'middle' (as in, median) value, but I might be wrong with this.
Note that I'm not a professional sleep researcher or anything like that, either. If you cannot find reliable information about this, then better don't implement tips.
Magnums for instance taste better if they're allowed to thaw a bit after they're taken out of the freezer. If an approximate ambient temperature is known, it should be possible to determine a near-ideal (sufficiently ideal) waiting time.
OK, interesting feature - but doenst that depend from the popsicle composition ? If its mostly water of if theres lots of cream, the duration needed to reach the right time for eating would be different

If you can send me a few magnums over I can make some tests however

In Japan we dont have magnums unfortunately.
Sure, I could send you some in a plastic bottle I guess. I don't know whether that would help, though
From my unrepresentative(!) experience the difference between most non-waterice compositions isn't as big as the difference that differing temperatures make. I guess water ice might melt down much quicker, but I don't have experience with that.
Well, I guess the most viable options are:
- ...not to implement this feature;
- find a good way that crowd-sourced information can be made somewhat usable (cheap measurement method with high reliability and comparability);
- guesstimate based on own measurements, then tweak based on future feedback;
- ...or to ask the manufacturer(s).