Actually, I started coding an alarmClock app for my use
I stopped it, but will resume when I have my (1st batch) Pandora.
i will think about integrating your idea.
I have a problem. I want to be sure how "loud" the alarm is. Is it possible to read teh value of the HW-volumeWheel some how?
BTW, why I code my own and don't use cron:
You may have heard of the sleep cycles your body goes thru. if you awake on a "good spot" on that cycle you awake more refreshed.
These cycles are around 90 minutes.
My idea:
When you go to sleep (after reading the latest forum posts on your Pandora) you click a "button" on the P or the touch screen.
In advance you have set wake-up time, say, 08:00am. You activate the alarm Clock at 01:30am. The program then tries to awake you with a not to loud sound (volume Wheel problem!) at 07:30am. If oyu are at a "good spot" in your sleep cycle you will awake fresh and in a good mood. Even in a better mood as you have 30 minutes extra fro a cup of coffee

When you do not awake it tries 10m or 15m later and if everything fails at 08:00am it goes off like a real alarm clock.
I am sure that this all can be done with a basch script, however, I want to make it nice with some Clutter-GUI
that wouldn't be my first project I started but never finished. So if anyone finds the idea good, please tell me so that might motivate me more.
If anyone wants to make the graphic design that would be even more motivating.