Release UAE4All: currently used preset modes (display resolutions)


Very Active Member
Oct 26, 2009

at the moment, UAE4All displays Amiga hires mode by downscaling each line to 320 pixel and the result is upscaled to 640 by SDL. I have now a version where you can select preset modes where hires is displayed without any scaling. Looks much nicer and the permorance seems to be ok (still 50 fps at 600 MHz playing Hybris).

The question: which currently available preset modes are really in use?

When I add an equivalent 640-mode for each existing 320-mode, we have so many modes to cycle throu to find the correct one.

My candidates to remove:

- 320x216 upscaled

- 320x262 upscaled

- 320x200 fullscreen

Does somebody use one of these candidates?


Probably showing my slight ignorance by saying this, but I'm not 100% sure what screenmodes I use! I normally just cycle through them on the fly until I find the one that best fits for a particular game. Would it be feasible to maybe add in a hires mode selector maybe in the options menu, so when that was selected, only the high res modes could be cycled through in-game? If not selected, it would use the 320x modes instead?
Sounds good. Then we need a in game key to switch between 640 and 320 mode. I'm sure we can find one...
L+R shoulder buttons + H? Could you flash a little message on screen then just to say "High Res" or "Low Res"? That seems pretty straightforward to me :)

Ooh while I think of it, could it be possible to cycle thourgh the new CPU speeds with a keyboard shortcut too? That'd be pretty useful too!
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My candidates to remove:

- 320x216 upscaled

- 320x262 upscaled

- 320x200 fullscreen

Does somebody use one of these candidates?
Yes, I.

216 is the height of Turrican I&II, Beast II and some more games, meaning these games fill the whole height of the Pandora's screen in this mode.

200 is the height for about 50% of all Amiga games and gives almost fullscreen on Pandora with aspect ratio completely intact!

262 is the height for Pinball Dreams and Fantasies, Superfrog and some more that use slightly more than 256 pixels height (slight overscan).

None of these shall be removed.
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Ok. So we remove none of the 320 modes and add the same modes for 640...
Ok. So we remove none of the 320 modes and add the same modes for 640...

Or you could just add a hires/lores-menu item. Wenn "hires" is selected the preset resolutions change to 640x200, 640x216, 640x240, 640x256 and 640x262.

edit: the text for the preset modes could be changed to just "200 height, 216 height, ..., 262 height".

And the lores and hires options would mean 320 and 640 width.
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It seems we're thinking along the same lines, hope it's not a tough thing to implement? is there any chance that a special screen mode could be created just for Workbench alone of the full 800X480 Pandora resolution? That was very nice looking on Hideki's P-UAE port :)
It seems we're thinking along the same lines, hope it's not a tough thing to implement? is there any chance that a special screen mode could be created just for Workbench alone of the full 800X480 Pandora resolution? That was very nice looking on Hideki's P-UAE port :)

That'd require the implementation of Picasso support which would/will be a lot more effort to add.
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No problem, just throwing more ideas into the pot that's all! :rolleyes:

This emulaor is certainly becoming something epic with all these updates!!!
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That'd require the implementation of Picasso support which would/will be a lot more effort to add.

Hmm, I wonder... is it that much effort?

"Picasso96 - Picasso96 is a Re-Targettable Graphics system (RTG). Picasso96 has a driver for E-UAE's display, called "uaegfx", and allows you to use VGA resolutions (like 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600, etc.) and full "32bit colour" (24bit with alpha) as if the emulated Amiga had an extra graphics card fitted."

It seems all we need is a to open a display called "uaegfx", and that's it.

I guess this is a normal X display? Then it shouldn't be too hard to implement. Let the user choose between SDL or an XWindow.
Yes if you know where and how to load the driver and switch between SDL and X output it's probably not that hard. I lack the knowledge, but maybe Tom knows how to add it.
Considering VGA resolutions (like 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600, etc.) wolud you please look at source posted on Raspbery Pi forum (file raspbgfx). Upscaling to this resolutions is done used using dispmanx.

To quote the statement with which I agree totally:

No problem, just throwing more ideas into the pot that's all! :rolleyes: This emulaor is certainly becoming something epic with all these updates!!!