Pimping The Manuals :)


Sorry, but I suck at explaining stuff :P
Dec 22, 2005
The cesspit of the world, Bradford U.K
For anyone that doesn't already know..
Ryo added to Gmenu2x the ability to display 3 different types of manuals:

1) Graphic Manuals (made with .png files).
These are the most professional looking but involve the most work to make.

Best kept for completed projects that won't need to be updated constantly & professionaly released software that can be bought from stores etc.

A 20px bar is drawn at the bottom of the screen to display navigation instructions.
There is no limit to the number of pages (except for the dimension of the image the gp2x/sdl can handle) and manuals width should be a multiple of 320px. Pages can use alpha-transparency so they are drawn on top of the menu background.

To be recognized the name must be "nameofgpe.man.png"

2) Text Manuals.
These are made from one single text file, but have the ability to show multiple pages on the screen.

These are perfect for all programmes. They're as easy to make & update as a simple text file, but create a more professional result that's easier to read & edit.

This is a manual written in simple text with a special syntax to define multiple pages.
Define a page by writing it's title in square brackets and the text under it.
There is No limit for the number of the pages.

To be recognized the name must be "nameofgpe.man.txt"

3) Readme Files.
Just like any normal readme text file & the menu will show these on one page only.

Good for beta releases of programmes, when the devs have enough work on there hands & can't be bothered to make a real manual ;)

To be recognized the name must contain the word "readme" and the extension must be ".txt"

e.g. Picodrive could use readme.txt or picodrive_readme.txt

I'm hoping that dev's can start to implement this same system into the programmes themselves. That way everyone can benefit from them & not just the people that use Gmenu2x. To this end I decided to release the text manuals that I've put together recently for my own use.

If dev's want to include these with their own programmes, then all they have to do is copy the code & save it in a text file with nameofgpe.man.txt.

cps2run.man.txt - for the new CPS2 emulator:
[Introduction] #first page
CPS2emu is quick & dirty port of CPS2PSP.
The PSP version was originally made by NJ.

There is currently no sound support yet.

There is a red cast over all the graphics.

There is no Scaling option for the video resulting in the screen being cut off just a little on each side.

The buttons aren't configurable yet.

[Controls] #second page
A = Button 1
X = Button 2
B = Button 3
Y = Button 4

Select = Insert Coin

Start = Start Player 1

L+R+Start to exit the emulator

[Converting Roms] #third page
You need to create the .cache file for each game using the romcnv_cps2.exe from the romcnv directory.

(This is best done on a Windows machine, as the program is an .exe file which may not work on other operating systems?)

You then need to transfer this newly made .cache file into the main cache directory of the emulator from the .cache folder inside the romcnv directory.

.cache files are like .gfx files in gngeo, but they have a specific directory in this emulators main folder.

Check the Compatible Roms List to make sure that yours have a chance of working. This will save a lot of head scratching later on if the games don't work.

[Compatible Roms List] #fourth page
These have been tested with the PSP version but may not all work on the GP2X:

19xx,19XX: The War Against Destiny (US 951207)
19xxa,19XX: The War Against Destiny (Asia 951207)
19xxh,19XX: The War Against Destiny (Hispanic 951218)
19xxjr1,19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951207)

1944,1944: The Loop Master (US 000620) **WORKS ON GP2X**

armwaru,Armored Warriors (US 941024) **WORKS ON GP2X**
armwarr1,Armored Warriors (Euro 941011)

avsp,Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520) **WORKS ON GP2X**
avspa,Alien vs. Predator (Asia 940520)
avspj,Alien vs. Predator (Japan 940520)
avspu,Alien vs. Predator (US 940520)

batcir,Battle Circuit (Euro 970319) **WORKS ON GP2X**
batcirj,Battle Circuit (Japan 970319)

csclub,Capcom Sports Club (Euro 970722)
cscluba,Capcom Sports Club (Asia 970722)
csclubj,Capcom Sports Club (Japan 970722)

cybotsj,Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Japan 950420)
cybotsu,Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (US 950424)

ddsom,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619) **WORKS ON GP2X**
ddsoma,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Asia 960619)
ddsomj,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Japan 960619)
ddsomu,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (US 960619)
ddsomr2,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960209)
ddsomr3,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960208)
ddsomjr1,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Japan 960206)
ddsomur1,Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (US 960209)

ddtod,Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412) **WORKS ON GP2X**
ddtodh,Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Hispanic 940125)
ddtodj,Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940125)
ddtodu,Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (US 940125)
ddtodjr1,Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940113)
ddtodur1,Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (US 940113)

dimahoo,Dimahoo (US 000121)

dstlk,Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705)
dstlka,Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Asia 940705)
dstlku,Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (US 940818)
dstlkur1,Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (US 940705)

ecofghta,Eco Fighters (Asia 931203)
ecofghtr,Eco Fighters (World 931203)

gigawing,Giga Wing (US 990222)

gmahou,Great Mahou Daisakusen (Japan 000121)

gwingj,Giga Wing (Japan 990223)

hsf2d,Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Phoenix Edition / bootleg)

megaman2,Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (US 960708) **WORKS ON GP2X**

mmatrix,Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (US 000412)
mmatrixj,Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (Japan 000412)

mpangj,Mighty! Pang (Japan 001011)

msha,Marvel Super Heroes (Asia 951024)
mshh,Marvel Super Heroes (Hispanic 951117)
mshu,Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024)
mshjr1,Marvel Super Heroes (Japan 951024)

mshvsfj,Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970707)
mshvsfj1,Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970702)
mshvsfu,Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (US 970827)
mshvsfu1,Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (US 970625)

mvscj,Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980123)
mvscu,Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (US 980123)
mvscar1,Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980112)
mvscjr1,Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980112)

nwarr,Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (US 950406)

pfghtj,Pocket Fighter (Japan 970904)

pgear,Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment (Japan 941024)
pgearr1,Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment (Japan 940916)

progear,Progear (US 010117)
progearj,Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117)

pzloop2j,Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205) **WORKS ON GP2X**

qndream,Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan 960826)

rckman2j,Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (Japan 960708)

ringdest,Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902)

smbomb,Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout (Japan 940831)
smbombr1,Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout (Japan 940808)

ssf2,Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911)
ssf2a,Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Asia 931005)
ssf2j,Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 931005)
ssf2u,Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (US 930911)
ssf2ar1,Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Asia 930914)
ssf2jr1,Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 930911)
ssf2jr2,Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 930910)

ssf2t,Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223)
ssf2ta,Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Asia 940223)
ssf2tur1,Super Street Fighter II Turbo (US 940223)

ssf2xj,Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940223)

sfa,Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727) **WORKS ON GP2X**
sfar1,Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950718) **WORKS ON GP2X**
sfar3,Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950605)
sfau,Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (US 950627)
sfzj,Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950727)
sfzjr1,Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950627)
sfzjr2,Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950605)

sfa2,Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306) **WORKS ON GP2X**
sfz2a,Street Fighter Zero 2 (Asia 960227)
sfz2j,Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960227)
sfz2aa,Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826)
sfz2aj,Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Japan 960805)

sfa3,Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904)
sfa3r1,Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980629)
sfz3j,Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980904)
sfz3ar1,Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980701)
sfz3jr1,Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980727)
sfz3jr2,Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980629)

sgemf,Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (US 970904)
sgemfa,Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix (Asia 970904)

spf2t,Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (US 960620)
spf2ta,Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Asia 960529)
spf2xj,Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Japan 960531)

vampj,Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705)
vampja,Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705 alt)
vampjr1,Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940630)

vhuntj,Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950316)
vhuntjr2,Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950302)
vhunt2r1,Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970913)

vsav,Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519)
vsava,Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Asia 970519)
vsavj,Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970519)
vsavu,Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (US 970519)
vsav2,Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)

xmcota,X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105)
xmcotaa,X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217)
xmcotaj,X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941219)
xmcotau,X-Men: Children of the Atom (US 950105)
xmcotaj1,X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941217)
xmcotajr,X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version)

xmvsfr1,X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 960910)
xmvsfu,X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (US 961023)
xmvsfur1,X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (US 961004)

I hope that these manuals will help out new users, that aren't used to the concept of actually reading the readme files ;)

gngeo2x.man.txt - includes info on the Rage2x frontend.

GnGeo2x is a NeoGeo MVS/AES emulator and a port of GnGeo for the GP2X. 

GnGeo2x is part of the GnGeo development, both are the work of pepone using CPU core from other projects.

- Sound is not really optimized and slows down the emulation.
- Some roms don't work correctly.
- Some games have sound issue's while loading from a save state.

1. Download and unzip GnGeo2x, place it on your SD.

2. Edit the conf/gngeorc as you want. 
Enable or disable sound, FPS display, change country/region etc.... 

3. Install Rage2x if you want, a great alternative frontend :)

4. Unlike MAME GP2X, GnGeo2X needs the neogeo bios files listed on the next page.

[Bios Files]
All files are placed in the roms directory within GnGeo2x (or where ever you're storing your roms). 

If you have similar files (like ng-lo.rom, ng-sfix.rom) just rename them properly.

(1) NG-LO.ROM should be named 000-lo.lo

(2) NG-SFIX.ROM should be named SFIX.SFX

(3) NEO-GEO.ROM should be named SP-S2.SP1 - Or to any of the other countries (if you want to use them).

* mandatory files
- 000-lo.lo
- sfix.sfx
* country files (only needed if you configure country)
- usa_2slt.bin - USA
- vs-bios.rom - Japan
- asia-s3.rom - Asia
- sp-s2.sp1 - Europe

* system files (only needed if you configure system)
- aes-bios.bin - A.E.S: 

As of the latest version, uni-bios.rom is being used as the default config.

Now there are cheats for every game, you can pause, there's a music player, you can play MVS or AES with region selection.

There are so many new features added just by implementing unibios and I just wanted to give thanks to the creator of gngeo and unibios.

* To access the cheat menu pause, then press select and start at the same time. 

* To access the region menu and jukebox press axb at the same time during the splash screen. 

[Key Configuration]
While in the game select screen, push Y to enable sound (see the bottom of the screen).

In Game:
L+R+Start or L+R+Select = Menu

L+Stick push = Bios

X = A
B = B
A = C
Y = D
Start = Start
Select = Insert Coin/Select

L (default to A&B) = Combo1
R (default to C&D) = Combo2

In Menu:
L = Test switch on.
Go to setting up the soft dip to make changes to how you game plays, enable/disable blood, number of rounds, difficulty etc.

X = confirm choice, increase number
B = decrease number

A = go back 

While in the file selector:
Y = cycles forwards, from sound off, sound on, sound off with log.tx, sound on with log.txt

A = cycles the options above backwards 

[Rage2x - Alternative Frontend]
Rage2x is a frontend developed by JyCet.

Unpack rage2x.gpe, rage2x.lng and rage2x.dat in your main gngeo2x emulator folder.
rage2x.cfg is automatically generated when it doesnt exist.


* Screen Shots of the games in 152*112*8bits.
* Games's informations.
* Search of the avaible games in /gngeo/roms/ (configurable).
* Options selection show fps, sound, samplerate(between 11025 and 44100Hz), speed of the 68000 or Z80, CPU speed of the GP2x (between 100 to 310MHz).

--showfps (and --no-showfps)

--sound (and --no-sound)

--samplerate=11025 (--samplerate=22050 or --samplerate=44100)



--raster (and --no-raster)



--screen320 (and --no-screen320)



and 2 seperate roms folder paths.

Key Configuration:

UP/DOWN = Choose a game or an option

LEFT/RIGHT = Change some numerique option (cpu frequency)

A = Go to launching window (run gngeo or quit rage2x)

SELECT = Go to setting window

START = Quick exit

RIGHT & LEFT SHOULDER to go on the bottom/top of game list

Q: Why RAGE2X is not launched when I quit GNGEO2X emulator?

A: Check if you have enable "AUTO RELOAD GUI" option and dont rename RAGE2X.GPE to another name.


-finish game information in database file (EDITOR,YEAR,TYPE,SIZE,STATUS)

-put a better title (150*30*8bits)

Thanks to everybody on #gp2xdev for their help :)

Thanks to pepone for his great neogeo emulator!

Rage2x ChangeLog:

-add 44100Hz sample rate option

-add gp2x underclock option (start at 100MHz)

-chg gp2x max overclock to 310MHz

-rage2x.gpe compressed with gpecomp v0.4 of rlyeh

v0.8.8 (debug release):

-fix save error for system arcade || system console for CF file

-fix selector move bug beetween 11 to 19 roms in a list

-fix selector display when you have 0 rom in available list

-fix black screen lock when rage2x.dat or rage2x.lng is missing and display error message

-fix bug with --68kclock=0 in global config when another value exist in CF file

-fix bug with --z80clock=0 in global config when another value exist in CF file

-fix bug in windows slide when you press quickly SELECT or A

-fix bug display for CF info when a CF file exist but when one (or more) option line doesnt exist in this CF

-cleaning sources

v0.8.7 (ConFig file release):

-export language package to rage2x.lng file, now everybody can add one language. It's automatically loaded by rage2x. Language limitation are no accents no space (replace it by _ ) and no more 25 caracteres

-add Norwegian language (thanks to cowai)

-add 68k clock option to over/under clock cpu 68000 (-50% to +50%)

-add z80 clock option to over/under clock cpu z80 (-50% to +50%)

-add full *.cf information view if exist in options menu (pepone suggestion and he have right it's easier to manage your different roms setting :))

-fix the display of general config when a CF file is saved (bug introduce in v0.7.7)

-chg some gfx design and font color (more brightness)

-fix bug when gngeo is launch at 200MHz (thanks to pepone for his help !)

-add launching window by A button (delete B button function)

-add invert run choice option (I prefere without cf in first but pepone prefere with cf in first so ... new option)

v0.7.7 (language release):

-add polish language (thanks to kardasan)

-add spanish language (thanks to iignotus)

-add dutch language (thanks to Inopia)

-add turkish language (thanks to techFreak)

-add portuguese language (thanks to Paulo Becker)

-add --no-screen320 option (and saved) (not translated yet)

-add finnish language (thanks to Jarska333)

-add swedish language (thanks to Megamannen)

-fix bug to diplay NO PREVIEW picture

-fix bug with arcade/console system option

-add option to generate dedicated CF file for each roms (very beta phase)

-add view if config file exist or not

-add B button to use CF file to launch a rom instead of A for general config (very beta phase) (problem know : cf file have always the priority on cmd line)

-add --no-raster --no-sound --no-showfps for genreral options cmd line


-little FAQ here :)

-add deutch language (thanks to EvilDragon)

-add french language

-reduce cpu speed to 133MHz

-add some game info in rage2x.dat (thanks to Fagemul)

-add right & left shoulder to go on the bottom/top of game list (thanks to Nickmon for the idea;))

-add full rom name diplay

-chg options position for more space (to add more options)

-add little visual effect GAME LIST<>OPTIONS

-add language frontend options (and saved)

-del game info options (always displayed now)

-add view all/available/missing roms set option (and saved)

-add little rage2x icon (thanks to Fagemul)


-fix stupid raster option bug

-reduce cpu speed to 150MHz


-change video synch by my own little function (now ~54fps for each lcd setting)

-add system option (for unibios;))

-add country options (not used with unibios)

-change a little the design.

-add mame zip name in game information

-add all small alphabet letter (abcdefg...) in font

-cleaning of source (win lot of space)

-automatic generation of RAGE2X.CFG if it doesnt exist (/!\ THE FIRST TIME ERASE RAGE2X.CFG FROM BETA4 /!)

-save all setting (thanks to gfoot for his recommendation)


-fix little bug to display the first preview at rage2x launch

-big optimisation of font display

-add option to choose a GUI speed (LEFT || RIGHT)

-change key to swap windows to SELECT

-change gfx mode to 16bits for a better preview diplay (thk to paeryn for his SDL lib)

-fix LIST.DAT by antidark (thk to him)

-add all preview by antidark (thk to him too :)) (around of 3.6MB;))

-add external configuration file (rage2x.cfg) you can look inside;)

-add option auto reload of GUI (/!\ ONLY FOR THE NEXT NEW GNGEO /!)

-add option CPU speed (/!\ ONLY FOR THE NEXT NEW GNGEO /!) 

-you can change the roms folder in rage2x.cfg

-add a second roms folder (priority is romspath1>romspath2)

-add raster option (use for super side kick game scrolling)

-rename file LIST.DAT to RAGE2X.DAT

-started to enter additional information in DAT file (you're welcome to complete it and share you're work :))

-correct (i hope) the uncompatibility with gp2x-cramfs (but gpe size is bigger now)

-add option to see or not additional game information

-remove FPS count in upper left

beta3 (private):

-import external database of game information (NAME_OF_GAME file)

-see preview (152*112*8bits)

-quick scan of available roms in ./gngeo/roms/ (keep the mame zip name)

-options fps, sound, samplerate selectable

[Large Roms]
Large roms need to be dumped using pepone's dumpgfx utility before use, because of RAM limitation.
Don't worry as the program will now do this for you. Seperate Linux, Windows & OSX versions of this utility are still available though if needed.

The created dump.gfx is placed along with the rom.zip in the roms directory.

As only the dump.gfx file is accessed for graphics information; it is now possible to replace the existing graphics rom/bin files within the rom.zip with dummy 0kb files to save the space taken up by each game.

These files can simply be made up using any text editing software.

"c" files are for the graphics, i.e. 123_c1.rom or abc_c1.bin.

You can save further space if you run a particular rom without sound as you can also replace the exisiting sound rom/bin files with dummy 0kb files.

"v" files are for the sound, i.e. 123_v1.rom or abc_v1.bin.

change in 0.7
. Save state support
. Change the exit sequence to L+R+Select or L+R+Start.
Actually it's not really an exit sequence anymore.
. Add a minimal menu system (access it via the "exit" sequence)
. Fix TVout with Selector (still some work to do)
. Add Squidge's MMU Hack (via mmuhack.o module, more stable).
. Support dos line ending in the rom.rc files and in the gngeorc file
. Fix the bug that prevent volume change when using a .cf file
. Fix miexchng slowdown, again :D
. Romrc.d officially replace the big romrc file. Every game have a unique file (ie: mslug.rc) that go to $(prefix)/share/gngeo/romrc.d by default.
The path is configurable via the romrcdir option
. Add longname option in the romrc.d files to describe tha full name of a driver (must be the first line of the .rc file)
. Add biospath option. This option tel where the bios is. Now you can have your roms and your bios in different place
. Fix a bug with error handling when a bios file isn't present.

change in 0.6.12
. Add an option to under/overclock the z80: --z80clock=-20 will underclock it by 20%
. Hotkeys support bound to L and R (default configuration L=A+B R=C+D)
. Rename the overclock option to 68kclock
. Add optimisation for zoomed sprites.
. Optimised ClearScreen.
. Update dumpgfx for crypted roms support [Anonymous]
. Correctly draw char in crypted roms [Anonymous]
. Fix crashing when the romset isn't supported.
. Command line now override any configuration made in gngeorc/<game>.cf
. Add a --bench option. It will run gngeo for 5000 frames, the quit and show the average fps. 
Thanks to Artemio for the idea.

change in 0.6.11
. Add Drz80 support for arm processor
. Fix memory leek in generator68k [Donald Liew]
. Fix blitter/effect list help messages [littletux]

change in 0.6.10
. GP2X: Fix miexchng slowdown
. Memcard support (only one available, saved in ~/.gngeo/memcard )
. Unibios settings are now saved
. GP2X: Now, gngeo will create a gfx dump automaticaly if the selected rom is too large to fit in memory. See README.GP2X for details.
. GP2X: Add overclocking control. ie. --cpu_speed 266
. GP2X: Suppress --no-selector option. I replace it with --frontend=<command> where command is the frontend that gngeo have to relaunch when it exit. By defaut --frontend=gngeo2x.gpe so that gngeo restart Selector at exit. 
. Update the romrc with some newer hacked roms.
. GP2X: Sound is now complete in garou, last blade 2 etc.

change in 0.6.9
. GP2X: Center the screen
. Add universal bios support. Use --system=unibios to activate it (uni-bios.rom is needed)
. Fix kof99 with Cyclone enabled.

change in 0.6.8
. Update the game list that need sram protection hack
. GP2X: Optimize a little sound mixing routine
. GP2X: By default, return to selector after exit (use --no-selector to disable it)
. GP2X: Add sound volume support.
. GP2X: some optimisation here&there

change in 0.6.7
. Update romrc to reflect mame romset
. GP2X: Add big rom support. See Readme.GP2X
. GP2X: Push L to go to the bios setting screen (blood in mslug)
. Improved frameskip

change in 0.6.6a
. GP2X: Now use case 2 from DaveC joy configuration
. GP2X: Bug fix in cyclone init code

change in 0.6.6
. Fix for gcc 4 compilation
. Fixed point timer in the ym2610 emulation
. GP2X port. Read the readme.gp2x for more info

This version of PicoDrive is another enhanced version of Dave's Megadrive / Genesis emulator for Pocket PC. 

The original Dave's code was heavily modified (including Cyclone core), parts of it were rewritten in asm, many features added, accuracy increased. 

This version is aimed at ARM-based handheld devices, so ports exist for GP2X handheld console, Symbian smartphones and PocketPC devices.

[Make It Run]

Copy PicoDrive.gpe, code940.bin and mmuhack.o to any place in your filesystem (all 3 files must be in the same directory) and run PicoDrive.gpe.

Then load a ROM and enjoy!

If you have any problems (game does not boot, sound is glitchy, broken graphics), make sure you enable "Accurate timing", "Emulate Z80" and then disable "Fast renderer". This way you will get the best compatibility this emulator can provide.

[Key Configuration]
When you select "Configure controls" from the menu, you enter a key configuration mode, where you use SELECT to change an action, and then press a key you like to bind to that action. 

You can press the same key again to unbind. Select "DONE" action and press any key to finish.

1. "Renderer"

8bit fast:

This enables alternative heavily optimized tile-based renderer, which renders pixels not line-by-line (this is what accurate renderers do), but in 8x8 tiles, which is much faster. 
Because of the way it works it can't render any mid-frame image changes (raster effects), so it is useful only with some games.

The other two are accurate line-based renderers. The 8bit is faster but does not run well with some games like Street Racer.

2. "Accurate Timing"

This adds some more emulation precision, but slows the emulation down. 
Without this option some games do not boot (Red Zone for example), others have sound problems.

3. "Accurate Sprites"

This option improves emulation of sprite priorities, it also enables emulation of sprite collision bit. 
If you see one sprite being drawn incorrectly above the other (often seen in Sonic 3D Blast), you can enable this to fix the problem.

This only works with the default renderer (see first option).

4. "Show FPS"

Self-explanatory. Format is XX/YY, where XX is the number of rendered frames and YY is the number of emulated frames per second.

5. "Frameskip"

How many frames to skip rendering before displaying another.
"Auto" is recommended.

6. "Enable Sound"

Does what it says. 
You must enable at least YM2612 or SN76496 (in advanced options, see below) for this to make sense.

7. "Sound Quality"

Sound rate and stereo mode. 
If you want 44100Hz sound, it is recommended to enable the second core (next option).

8. "Use ARM940 Core for Sound"

This option causes PicoDrive to use ARM940T core (GP2X's second CPU) for sound (i.e. to generate YM2612 samples) to improve performance noticeably.

9. "6 Button Pad"

If you enable this, games will think that 6 button gamepad is connected. 
If you go and reconfigure your keys, you will be able to bind X,Y,Z and mode actions.

10. "Genesis Region"

This option lets you force the game to think it is running on machine from the specified region.

11. "Use SRAM Savestates"

This will automatically read/write SRAM savestates for games which are using them.
SRAM is saved whenever you pause your game or exit the emulator.

12. "GP2X CPU Clocks"

Here you can change clocks of both GP2X's CPUs. 
Larger values increase performance.

There is no separate option for the second CPU because both CPUs use the same clock source. 
Setting this option to 200 will cause PicoDrive NOT to change GP2X's clocks at all.

13. "Advanced Options"

Enters advanced options menu (see below).

14. "Save cfg as default"

If you save your config here it will be loaded on next ROM load, but only if there is no game specific config saved (which will be loaded in that case).

15. "Save cfg for current game only"

Whenever you load current ROM again these settings will be loaded.
Squidgehack and RAM settings will not take effect until emulator is restarted.

[Advanced Configuration]
Enter [advanced options] in config menu to see these options.

1. "Scale 32 Column Mode"

This enables hardware scaling for lower-res genesis mode (where width is 32 8-pixel tiles, instead of 40 in other mode).

2. "Gamma Correction"

Alters image gamma through GP2X hardware.
Larger values make image to look brighter, lower - darker (default is 1.0).

3. "Emulate Z80"

Enables emulation of Z80 chip, which was mostly used to drive the other sound chips.

Some games do complex sync with it, so you must enable it even if you don't use sound to be able to play them.

4. "Emulate YM2612 (FM)"

This enables emulation of six-channel FM sound synthesizer chip, which was used to produce sound effects and music.

5. "Emulate SN76496 (PSG)"

This enables emulation of additional sound chip for additional effects.

Note: if you change sound settings AFTER loading a ROM, you may need to reset game to get sound. 
This is because most games initialize sound chips on startup, and this data is lost when sound chips are being enabled/disabled.

6. "gzip Savestates"

This will always apply gzip compression on your savestates, allowing you to save some space and load/save time.

7. "USB Joy Controls Player X"

If you are able to use USB joysticks with your GP2X, this options selects which player the joystick controls.

8. "Don't Save Config on Exit"

This will disable config autowrite on exit (which might cause SD card corruption according to DaveC).

9. "Craigix's RAM Timings"

This overclocks the GP2X RAM chips, but may cause instability. Recommended if you use the second core for sound. 

Needs emulator restart to take effect. See this thread:


10. "Squidgehack"

Well known way to improve the GP2X performance. 
You must restart the emulator for the change of this option to take effect.

[Problems / Limitations]
* 32x, Sega CD, SVP are not emulated.

* Various VDP quirks (window bug, scroll size 2, etc.) are not emulated, as very few games use this.

* Some games don't work or have glitches because of inaccurate timing and sync between the emulated chips.

This emulator uses code from these people/projects:


Cyclone 68000 core, Pico emulation library

Homepage: http://www.finalburn.com/


GP2X port, Cyclone 68000 hacks, lots of additional coding (see changelog).

Reesy & FluBBa

DrZ80, the Z80 emulator written in ARM assembly.

Homepage: http://reesy.gp32x.de/

Tatsuyuki Satoh, Jarek Burczynski, MultiArcadeMachineEmulator development

software implementation of Yamaha FM sound generator

MultiArcadeMachineEmulator (MAME) development.

Texas Instruments SN76489 / SN76496 programmable tone /noise generator.

Homepage: http://www.mame.net/

[Additional Thanks]
* Charles MacDonald (http://cgfm2.emuviews.com/) for old but still very useful info about genesis hardware.

* Stéphane Dallongeville for creating Gens and making it open-source.

* Steve Snake for all that he has done for Genesis emulation scene.

* Bart Trzynadlowski for his SSFII and 68000 docs.

* Haze for his research (http://haze.mameworld.info).

* Mark and Jean-loup for zlib library.

* Anyone else I forgot. You know who you are.


* rlyeh and all the other people behind the minimal library.

* Squidge for his famous squidgehack(tm).

* Dzz for his ARM940 sample code.

* GnoStiC & Puck2099 for USB joystick support.

* Hermes PS2R, god_at_hell for the CpuCtrl library.

* craigix for supplying the GP2X hardware and making this port possible.


* Peter van Sebille for his various open-source Symbian projects to learn from.

* Steve Fischer for his open-source Motorola projects.

* The development team behind "Symbian GCC Improvement Project"

(http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/symbian-gcc/) for their updated pre-SymbianOS9 compile tools.

* AnotherGuest for all his Symbian stuff and support.

* Inder for the icons.


  * GP2X: Fixed a sound buffer underflow issue on lower sample rate modes, which was happening for NTSC games and causing sound clicks.

  * GP2X: Redone key config to better support USB joysticks (now multiple joysticks should be useable and configurable).

  + GP2X: Added save confirmation option.

  + GP2X: Added 940 CPU crash detection.

  + ALL:  UIQ3 port added.


  * GP2X: Gamma-reset-on-entering-menu bug fixed.

  * GP2X: Recompiled PicoDrive with gcc profiling option set as described here:



  * GP2X: Fixed an issue with incorrect sounds in some games when dualcore operation was enabled (for example punch sound in SOR).

  * GP2X: Limited max volume to 90, because higher values often cause distortions.

  * GP2X: Fixed a bug with lower res scaling.

  * GP2X: Gamma is now reset on exit.


  * ALL:  Severely optimized MAME's YM2612 core, part of it is now rewritten in asm.

  + GP2X: The YM2612's code now can be run in GP2X's ARM940T CPU, what causes large performance increase.

  * ALL:  Accurate renderers are slightly faster now.

  + GP2X: Using quadruple buffering instead of doublebuffer now, also updated framelimitter, this should eliminate some scrolling and tearing problems.

  * GP2X: Fixed some flickering issues of 8bit accurate renderer.

  + GP2X: craigix's RAM timings now can be enabled in the menu (see advanced options).

  + GP2X: Added ability to save config for specific games only.

  + GP2X: Gamma control added (using GP2X's hardware capabilities for this).

  * GP2X: Volume keys are now configurable.

  + GP2X: GnoStiC added USB joystick support, I made it possible to use it for player 2 control (currently untested).

  * GP2X: squidgehack is now applied through kernel module (cleaner way).


  * ALL:  Fixed a bug in sprite renderer which was causing slowdowns for some games.

  + GP2X: Added command line support

  + GP2X: Added optional hardware scaling for lower-res games like Shining Force.

  * ALL:  Sound chips are now sampled 2 times per frame. This fixed some games which had missing sounds (Vectorman 2 1st level, Thunder Force 3 water level, etc.).

  + ALL:  Added another accurate 8-bit renderer which is slightly faster and made it default.


  + GP2X: Added frame limiter for frameskipped modes.

  * GP2X: Increased brightness a bit (unused pixel bits now also contain data).

  * GP2X: Suidgehack was not applied correctly (was applied before allocating some high memory and had no effect).


  + Added GP2X port.

  * Improved interrupt timing, Mazin Saga and Burning Force now works.

  * Rewritten renderer code to better suit GP2X, should be faster on other ports too.

  + Added support for banking used by 12-in-1 and 4-in-1 ROMs (thanks Haze).

  + Added some protection device faking, used by some unlicensed games like Super Bubble Bobble, King of Fighters, Elf Wor, ... (thanks to Haze again)

  + Added primitive Virtua Racing SVP faking, so menus can be seen now.



SquidgeSNES is a SNES emulator originally created by Squidge & later worked on by Reesy, Pepone & Notaz.

The menu system used in SquidgeSNES is fully skinnable. 
The easiest things to change are the icons and the background, although you can change the rest as well. 
All files should be 24bpp BMP files.

A previous version of SquidgeSNES, 0.35 beta, will not play ROMs on some GP2X's. 
In some cases this can be fixed by running CloneKeen2X, closing the application, and then trying to run SquidgeSNES again. 
It is not yet clear why the issue exists, but on the whole it appears to be fixed in later versions. 

SquidgeSNES currently has a problem with the transparency layer, ignore documenting these issues if they are minor since any game that uses it will have the same issues.

1. Choose a directory on your SD card and unpack the archive directly to it.

2. Copy roms into the roms directory. 

Note that the skin and roms directory must be present in the same directory as the executable (squidgesnes.gpe).

You can also put your ROMs in roms\snes, then in the options uncheck: Use absolute rom dir. 

[Commamd Line Usage]
If you wish to use the emulator in the command line, you must use the following arguments:

* nrtm - /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu does not charge while leaving.
* loadrom=<Rom> - <Rom> loads automatically with launching. 

Example: squidgesnes.gpe nrtm loadrom=roms/maRom.smc 

A = 
Menu escape - Goes back a menu, returns to OS or game if one is playing

B or control stick click = 
Menu select - Chooses a menu item

Up/Down on control stick = 
Choose menu item

Vol+/- = 
Volume Control

In Game:
All keys are mapped directly to the GP2X equivalent buttons, apart from the action buttons which are mapped according to the preferences in the settings menu.

To exit back to the menu, hold the select button down for a few seconds until the menu shows.

[Settings Menu]
*  Use full screen scaling:
Stretches the image of the screen of the SNES to all the screen of GP2x.

* Show FPS:
Posts a meter of FPS (Images per seconds) in the top left of the screen.

* Enable vsync:
Always waits until the screen is completely full before refreshing it (reduction of the flickerings).

* FPS to limit:
Limit the emulator not to exceed the number of FPS (Images by seconds posted) definite here.

* Frameskip:
Number of jumps of the image. 
A large value indicates a fast emulation, but deformed graphics. 
A low value allows a fluid, but slower emulation.

* Audio processor enabled:
Activates the emulation of the sound processor of the SNES. 
It can slow down the emulation thus high value it is not recommended.

* Audio processor transfers:
Mutes the sounds generated by the processor of the SNES. 
Perfect if a game nessesary that the sound processor functions but that you do not want a sound.

* Use Rom absolute to dir:
Uses the absolute way, /roms/snes (where roms is located at the root of your SD card) in the place of the relative way, roms (in the same directory as the executable).

* SNES-type action short props:
Rocker enters the buttons A, B, X, Y. With = Y, B = A, X = B, Y = X (the standard lever SNES). 

Always remember to save the settings after making adjustments.

Settings are saved to the file ssnes.cfg in the same directory as the executable. 


* MMU hack now uses kernel module (safer).

* Looks like the above change fixed load= command line option.

+ Added ability to save config for every game.

* Save states should now be written properly to SD card.


* Fixed some serious memory leaks in the menu system, which caused emulator crash after entering menu certain number of times.

* Hopefully fixed some strange slowdonwn/blank display issues.


* Fixed incorrect centering in some games.

* Frameskipping/framelimitting engine has been completely rewritten.

* Sound outputting code has been also rewritten.

+ Sound quality is now selectable (was previously forced to 16500Hz stereo).

* Merged source code with Symbian UIQ smartphone version (including addition of ASM spc700 core and various other optimizations in main CPU and sound code).

- Removed loads of (hopefully) unused/dead code.

+ SuperFX emulation added (Yoshi's Island works but runs very slow).

* Other minor changes.


? Reversed sprite drawing order. This is better at least in a few games.

* Pal games are now properly centered when scaler is disabled.

* Pressing left or right in ROM selector menu now does the same as shoulder buttons.

* Replaced Yoyofr's gamma code with other version which uses GP2X hardware.

* Added CPU clock control, RAM timing and gamma options to the menu for conveniance.

rage2x.man.txt - seperate manual for the gngeo frontend.
Rage2x is a frontend for the NeoGeo emulator gngeo2x.
It's written and developed by JyCet.

Thanks to everybody on #gp2xdev for their help :)

Thanks to pepone for his great neogeo emulator!

Q: Why RAGE2X is not launched when I quit GNGEO2X emulator?

A: Check if you have enable "AUTO RELOAD GUI" option and dont rename RAGE2X.GPE to another name.

Still ToDo:

-finish game information in database file (EDITOR,YEAR,TYPE,SIZE,STATUS)

-put a better title (150*30*8bits)

Unpack rage2x.gpe, rage2x.lng and rage2x.dat in your main gngeo2x emulator folder.
rage2x.cfg is automatically generated when it doesnt exist.

* Screen Shots of the games in 152*112*8bits.
* Games's informations.
* Search of the avaible games in /gngeo/roms/ (configurable).
* Options selection show fps, sound, samplerate(between 11025 and 44100Hz), speed of the 68000 or Z80, CPU speed of the GP2x (between 100 to 310MHz).

--showfps (and --no-showfps)

--sound (and --no-sound)

--samplerate=11025 (--samplerate=22050 or --samplerate=44100)



--raster (and --no-raster)



--screen320 (and --no-screen320)



and 2 seperate roms folder paths.

[Key Configuration]
UP/DOWN = Choose a game or an option
LEFT/RIGHT = Change some numerique option (cpu frequency)
A = Go to launching window (run gngeo or quit rage2x)

SELECT = Go to setting window

START = Quick exit

RIGHT & LEFT SHOULDER to go on the bottom/top of game list

[Rage2x ChangeLog]

-add 44100Hz sample rate option

-add gp2x underclock option (start at 100MHz)

-chg gp2x max overclock to 310MHz

-rage2x.gpe compressed with gpecomp v0.4 of rlyeh

v0.8.8 (debug release):

-fix save error for system arcade || system console for CF file

-fix selector move bug beetween 11 to 19 roms in a list

-fix selector display when you have 0 rom in available list

-fix black screen lock when rage2x.dat or rage2x.lng is missing and display error message

-fix bug with --68kclock=0 in global config when another value exist in CF file

-fix bug with --z80clock=0 in global config when another value exist in CF file

-fix bug in windows slide when you press quickly SELECT or A

-fix bug display for CF info when a CF file exist but when one (or more) option line doesnt exist in this CF

-cleaning sources

v0.8.7 (ConFig file release):

-export language package to rage2x.lng file, now everybody can add one language. It's automatically loaded by rage2x. Language limitation are no accents no space (replace it by _ ) and no more 25 caracteres

-add Norwegian language (thanks to cowai)

-add 68k clock option to over/under clock cpu 68000 (-50% to +50%)

-add z80 clock option to over/under clock cpu z80 (-50% to +50%)

-add full *.cf information view if exist in options menu (pepone suggestion and he have right it's easier to manage your different roms setting :))

-fix the display of general config when a CF file is saved (bug introduce in v0.7.7)

-chg some gfx design and font color (more brightness)

-fix bug when gngeo is launch at 200MHz (thanks to pepone for his help !)

-add launching window by A button (delete B button function)

-add invert run choice option (I prefere without cf in first but pepone prefere with cf in first so ... new option)

v0.7.7 (language release):

-add polish language (thanks to kardasan)

-add spanish language (thanks to iignotus)

-add dutch language (thanks to Inopia)

-add turkish language (thanks to techFreak)

-add portuguese language (thanks to Paulo Becker)

-add --no-screen320 option (and saved) (not translated yet)

-add finnish language (thanks to Jarska333)

-add swedish language (thanks to Megamannen)

-fix bug to diplay NO PREVIEW picture

-fix bug with arcade/console system option

-add option to generate dedicated CF file for each roms (very beta phase)

-add view if config file exist or not

-add B button to use CF file to launch a rom instead of A for general config (very beta phase) (problem know : cf file have always the priority on cmd line)

-add --no-raster --no-sound --no-showfps for genreral options cmd line


-little FAQ here :)

-add deutch language (thanks to EvilDragon)

-add french language

-reduce cpu speed to 133MHz

-add some game info in rage2x.dat (thanks to Fagemul)

-add right & left shoulder to go on the bottom/top of game list (thanks to Nickmon for the idea;))

-add full rom name diplay

-chg options position for more space (to add more options)

-add little visual effect GAME LIST<>OPTIONS

-add language frontend options (and saved)

-del game info options (always displayed now)

-add view all/available/missing roms set option (and saved)

-add little rage2x icon (thanks to Fagemul)


-fix stupid raster option bug

-reduce cpu speed to 150MHz


-change video synch by my own little function (now ~54fps for each lcd setting)

-add system option (for unibios;))

-add country options (not used with unibios)

-change a little the design.

-add mame zip name in game information

-add all small alphabet letter (abcdefg...) in font

-cleaning of source (win lot of space)

-automatic generation of RAGE2X.CFG if it doesnt exist (/!\ THE FIRST TIME ERASE RAGE2X.CFG FROM BETA4 /!)

-save all setting (thanks to gfoot for his recommendation)


-fix little bug to display the first preview at rage2x launch

-big optimisation of font display

-add option to choose a GUI speed (LEFT || RIGHT)

-change key to swap windows to SELECT

-change gfx mode to 16bits for a better preview diplay (thk to paeryn for his SDL lib)

-fix LIST.DAT by antidark (thk to him)

-add all preview by antidark (thk to him too :)) (around of 3.6MB;))

-add external configuration file (rage2x.cfg) you can look inside;)

-add option auto reload of GUI (/!\ ONLY FOR THE NEXT NEW GNGEO /!)

-add option CPU speed (/!\ ONLY FOR THE NEXT NEW GNGEO /!) 

-you can change the roms folder in rage2x.cfg

-add a second roms folder (priority is romspath1>romspath2)

-add raster option (use for super side kick game scrolling)

-rename file LIST.DAT to RAGE2X.DAT

-started to enter additional information in DAT file (you're welcome to complete it and share you're work :))

-correct (i hope) the uncompatibility with gp2x-cramfs (but gpe size is bigger now)

-add option to see or not additional game information

-remove FPS count in upper left

beta3 (private):

-import external database of game information (NAME_OF_GAME file)

-see preview (152*112*8bits)

-quick scan of available roms in ./gngeo/roms/ (keep the mame zip name)

-options fps, sound, samplerate selectable
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Wonderful work TM but as I think that most users won't bother having to copy this manuals from this post, I suggest to the devs (as you already mentioned in your post) to include this manuals in their archives, or maybe someone could repack all this applications, inserting the manuals and re-upload them on the archive.
I think I'll leave all the repacking etc. to other people. I've got my hands full trying to make the manuals at the moment ;)

I'm slowly working my way through this list of software & I need to get all the information from the wiki for the programs, as well as the readme files included in the programs archives.

Busy, busy :lol:

EDIT: I'm keeping the full text files as well, so I could always email them to the dev's or put them on the standards site for download.

EDIT2: Uploaded the text files & they can be downloaded here by right clicking the link & saving as :)
Nice! You are already doing great. Maybe the devs will use them...
Don't really see why they wouldn't?

It's just as easy to make one of these as a standard readme file & thanks to the page seperaters, they're easier to keep upto date than a normal readme file.
It's not half as bad on the eye's when you have page breaks lol.

Here's hoping :D
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how come you put the changelog, etc. in your manuals? i would think all that's really needed is the bare minimum, since it's only there for convenience and the readme can be more of a reference. nice work nonetheless. one of these days i'm going to send you a few graphic manuals to put in the photo gallery.
how come you put the changelog, etc. in your manuals? i would think all that's really needed is the bare minimum, since it's only there for convenience and the readme can be more of a reference. nice work nonetheless. one of these days i'm going to send you a few graphic manuals to put in the photo gallery.
I basically just put in as much info as I could get hold of.
As the changelogs at the very end of the manual, I can't see it interfering much. People can always exit out before that part anyway ;)

Some graphics manuals would be good cheers.
Myriad is completely finished now if you want to do that one? I'm sure that Clare would like the idea & you wouldn't have to worry about updating it ever :lol:

I think I'll make the manual for my project so you can read it in links2x (the lightweight web browser).
Sounds interesting Blah. Not tried it myself yet, as I've no way to get my 2x online at the moment.
Bet it rocks though :D
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It won't need to be online, it will load off the sd. A gpe script will be included for easy launching.

edit: on gp2x standards I am spacecoyote.
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