Great British Meet Up 2005

If there were a GB Meet Up in 2005, would you attend?

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  • No

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craigix posted on Feb 3 2005 at 01:23 PM said:
Newcastle you southern bastards.

I live in the North (Hull) and Newcastle is still a good few hours away I seem to remember :(
I suggest either Manchester, London or Leeds (or Hull :P).
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DrJones posted on Feb 3 2005 at 12:35 PM said:
Pah, let your fellow european neighbours in on the game too, let's all meet in The Netherlands :)

Hmmm... I'm liking this idea! An Easyjet flight to Amsterdam would be cheaper than a train ticket to London. Of course York is very nice this time of the year too...

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No further north than Hull, Hull is north enough as it is.

Leeds would be good, erm I dunno... the meet im going to on the board of biffo is in London and im crashing at a guys house, the next is in Leeds and im going to have to navigate my drunk ass to the train station which should be nice.

Also I make the point im not attending if im gonna be sober, im a social guy but without a few drinks it would be odd. Sigh.
London isnt necessarily the best for Euro users.

There are plenty of airports up north with budget airlines.
Plus a ferry from Holland to Hull is dirt cheap and easy.
DJWillis posted on Feb 3 2005 at 02:23 PM said:
Bath again, at least I can help organise that ;).
Woohoo, my Dad could drive me there.
When should this one be? I think it would be best if it was in the Summer holidays as a lot of board members are still in education.
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As long as Easyjet flies to it I'll attend, but don't base it in London, rooms would be expensive as fuck.
have it in scotland and i will go :D. London takes 5 and a half hours to get to from here <_< . I onc emissed my train home from london and it cost me 90 odd quid for a single home :o .
Not even a little?

Erm, Finty... you dont need a room, the streets are fun to wander around :P

Or if it was in Hull a couple of people could crash maybe if my mum pisses off.
Would a venue colse to a train station somewhere be handy? Anywhere seems to be accessible by train nowadays an saves on petrol and drink drivin.
Was thinkin Manchester mite b cool but its kinda scary. Theres also places with airports 2 consider 4 foreigners.
Manchester does seem like a good idea, especially Piccadily. Then there's a train station from the airport to Picadily I believe.

I must say it's a horrid, grey smokey place though, and that's from someone who lives in Stoke. Wouldn't really matter if in a booked room though.
A geek meet in Manchester seems fairly foolish.

At least we wouldn't have to go to some shithole sweaty nightclub full of poor people because we are all proper internet types.
I would say that Manchester, Bristol or Newcastle are always fairly good places to hold any meet up. They all also have good rail/plane links and iare fairly (sorta) central. I would say that if we want to any progress in this plan we need to delegate responsibility for organising the event to one person who's fairly responsible and a prominent member of the community, I would suggest either of the shop owners, either craigx or nigelibrown would be good people to organise it.

I would say that whoever organises it gets the pick of the venue which is easiest for them.