Is Anyone Still Working On Lynx Emulation?

it was freakishly huge. (the first model) that you can serve dinner on it!

lol and yes, i don't consider the lynx as a portable console. i carry my gp32 or my gba with me, but my lynx is always lying beneath my pillow.

maybe someone can use the lynx as a modding case for a psx or xbox :P
0-bake posted on Feb 3 2005 at 10:24 AM said:
it was freakishly huge. (the first model) that you can serve dinner on it!

lol and yes, i don't consider the lynx as a portable console. i carry my gp32 or my gba with me, but my lynx is always lying beneath my pillow.

maybe someone can use the lynx as a modding case for a psx or xbox :P

I know I've said this in another thread... but has anyone ever taken a Lynx II apart? The Lynx I was huge but thinner than the Lynx II. When my first Lynx II's membrane died I took it apart and it's laughable the amount of empty space in the thing. It could quite easily have been about half the thickness if they had placed the components a bit more wisely. I've even drawn a quick top-down diagram...


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Always wanted a Lynx... E-bay seems to have only broken ones...

Game Gear was one of my "to-get" things, but they are rare too... That and the tv card...

Hum, I quess there's a tv card to GBA?
i think i saw a tv tuner on Lik-Sangs website for GBA, that was about 3 months ago, i don't know if they still have it or not.

I bought my Lynx off of ebay for $8 with 4 games and i bought 2 or 3 other games seperate. First thing i did when i got it was take it down to Radio shack and get an ac adapter. the games I have

Hydra (good game)
Steel Talons (good game)
Kung Food (horrible)
SuperSkweek (average, fun at times but i have to be in the mood to play this)
Cyberball(ok at times, horrible most the time though)
Xybots(good game)
Chips Challenge(good game)
Gates of Zendicon(average game)

GameGears are not that rare and can be bought fairly cheap on EBAY, mine is pretty banged up and scratched up so i'll probably be getting a new one soon, but I don't like it nearly as much as my Lynx, i guess it's because i'm an Atari Fanboy
Really a great device.
I own a Lynx I and when playing with adapter you really can play for hours, because of the BIGGER size. :blink:

My favorite games, no special order:
- Zarlor Mercenary
- Chips Challenge
- Blue Lightning
- Rygar

A Lynx emulator for the GP32 would really be great!
You guys know that the Lynx used a flourescent light bulb for a backlight right? That alone drains HUGE amount of power. If the unit was modded to replace the bulb with white LEDs the batteries would last much longer.
Unrealistic maybe but its just an idea so dont shoot me down right away..........

How much different chipwise was the atari jaguar to the atari lynx besides having a shed load more power.

There are quite a few jag emu's about. Just wondered

A: is there any source

B: would it help lynx emulation.

maybe you could release the source you done already, so maybe someone else, who is interested might look at it.
look posted on Feb 3 2005 at 05:24 PM said:
Unrealistic maybe but its just an idea so dont shoot me down right away..........

How much different chipwise was the atari jaguar to the atari lynx besides having a shed load more power.

There are quite a few jag emu's about. Just wondered

A: is there any source

B: would it help lynx emulation.

No, they were TOTALLY different. Different CPUs, different custom chips, everything so it would not help unfortunately.
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Err... are any of the people who made the original Lynx hardware still alive? :unsure:

If they are, maybe somebody who wanted to find some information about the Lynx hardware could contact them and ask them? ... ?