Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

When playing lemmings I noticed there is some graphic corruption on the first so many pixels of each line (basically a bar down the left side of the screen).

Since this is my first time using it I do not know if it has been present all along. The version I used is the latest.

Fantastic job on UEA4ALL. It's so good to be able to carry my favourite Amiga games around with me. What a machine, eh?
Any joy with the built in CPU overclocking? That would be a great help now that my 1.4 FW prevents the CPU/LCD tweaker from working correctly.
Also, Volume mappings to the volume button would be fantastic! I loaded Pinball Dreams on the train yesterday and had a whole bunch of people tutting at me as the Intro music thrashed out of my Gp2x!
Great job so far. I'm looking forward to the future updates!
Thanks. :D
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 21 2006 at 03:19 PM said:
Hey, this is unfair, trying to pull a GP2X coder away :P

But anyway, PSPUAE seemed a bit faster to me than UAE4ALL on the GP2X, at least nowadays.

As I mentioned earlier, PSPUAE is running at 333MHz, which might give it a bit of a boost! I don't have a PSP, anyway.

I've just made version 0.4.1 available for download at

I've had a go at providing overclocking options. (200/250/275). It's could probably use some more work - basically, I just used the settings that herc provided.

EDIT: I haven't got the overclocking quite right - the point at which it applies the settings is currently wrong - it'll have t wait until tomorrow for a fix now, sorry.

I also added volume control (use vol-/+, provides dodgy on-screen display), as someone asked for that.

Finally, due to popular demand, I changed the throttle settings to be a bit more sensible (hopefully).

Anyway, I'd be grateful if you good people could let me know how it all works for you.. if it's not too dodgy I'll announce it properly tomorrow (I've only had the chance to do limited testing). Thanks for the good wishes and donations from people - I'll be working on more improvements ASAP.

With the increased number of options, I think it's only sensible to implement loadable configurations next, along with supporting putting disks in df1, etc. Argh - why do I keep putting off speeding up the graphics code?

I believe the screen corruption on the left came in when I started using the hw sdl libs, so I'll have to look into that too.
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0.4.1 - volume control is working and I like the slider.

But overclocking doesn't seem to do anything? I set it to frameskip 0, throttle 0 and didn't notice any difference in speed or sound quality. I then timed a couple of games booting up and there was no difference in time.

This is at 250MhZ as I can't run 275. I am using the 0.0.4 fastboot firmware by Theoddbot, which is read only, if that is the problem?

EDIT: I see you have sussed this!

Don't be afraid of the graphics code, I am sure it is friendly (ish) :)
skeezix posted on Feb 15 2006 at 05:39 PM said:
Two questions.

Eye of the Beholder?
Liberation - Captive 2?

(I'm surprised no one fired up Dungeon Master.. guess everyone got enough of that in the ST ;)

I'm not... :)
(I don't think there is an Amiga version of it...)
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Radek posted on Feb 21 2006 at 11:34 PM said:
(I don't think there is an Amiga version of it...)

Oh yes there is :) I still know where my box for it is! (oh god how sad is that...)
I assume you mean Dungeon Master that is.....

I'll be playing it as soon as I can find my DVD of ADFs :)
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Critical: Now when you added cpu speed selection, is the speed set no matter if you change it anyhow or not? I mean, now the emu has a lot of scanlines for me even when I dont touch the speed selector which I guess is caused by setting the speed precisely to 200MHz. I am not sure how the LCD Tweaker handles cpu speeds, because when I set it to 200MHz, quit and run it again, a few MHz less is displayed. This could mean the GP2X is running at, say, 197MHz even though I set it to 200MHz and there are less scanlines.
To sum it up, could you please leave the speed as it is when starting UAE4ALL and change it only when the user really changes it? Maybe I am wrong and you do it just like that already, its only a guess as UAE4ALL used to have scanline-free image for me.
Great work on the constant updates critical.

Some things I should mention about the new features:

The overclocking option messes with the FPL/UPLL so if you are going to add overclocking features to the emu perhaps these settings should be included also. At the moment the colours are very washed out and the screen has scanlines it didn't have in the earlier version.

On screen volume indicator only seems to work while emulation is in joystick mode.

The menu screen seems to have a bit of flicker to it that I didn't notice in the earlier version.

Thanks again for the constant updates. :)
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 22 2006 at 11:05 AM said:
Critical: Now when you added cpu speed selection, is the speed set no matter if you change it anyhow or not? I mean, now the emu has a lot of scanlines for me even when I dont touch the speed selector which I guess is caused by setting the speed precisely to 200MHz. I am not sure how the LCD Tweaker handles cpu speeds, because when I set it to 200MHz, quit and run it again, a few MHz less is displayed. This could mean the GP2X is running at, say, 197MHz even though I set it to 200MHz and there are less scanlines.
To sum it up, could you please leave the speed as it is when starting UAE4ALL and change it only when the user really changes it? Maybe I am wrong and you do it just like that already, its only a guess as UAE4ALL used to have scanline-free image for me.

Iorgy77 posted on Feb 22 2006 at 12:28 PM said:
The overclocking option messes with the FPL/UPLL so if you are going to add overclocking features to the emu perhaps these settings should be included also. At the moment the colours are very washed out and the screen has scanlines it didn't have in the earlier version.

Can you try this:

Delete the .gpe extension from uae4all in your uae4all folder.

Download this script uae4all.gpe extract it from the .zip and place it in your main uae4all folder. Then just use the script to launch uae4all. It sets the LCD mode to UPLL timing rate 2 and leaves the CPU speed @ 200mhz, so you can use the built in overclocking in uae4all.

I wrote and run this script myself after trying the default uae4all.gpe and it works sorting out the problems described above.

Let me know if it works for you. :)

Critical thank you for your continued hard work, Amiga was and still is one of my favorite gaming formats. :D
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Nah, this does not solve it for me. Its the same as running the tweaker separately as I am still using fw 1.2.0. The scanlines are the same as UAE4ALL must be changing the LCD mode internally. Any modifications prior to running the emu will not help.
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:45 PM said:
Nah, this does not solve it for me. Its the same as running the tweaker separately as I am still using fw 1.2.0. The scanlines are the same as UAE4ALL must be changing the LCD mode internally. Any modifications prior to running the emu will not help.

I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps my script settings are wrong for your LCD, you can adjust the settings as follows.

Taken from the CPU & LCD Tuner read me.

0=FPLL mode (broken in f/w1.4) or 1=UPLL mode
The second parameter sets the prescaler for the LCD-timing.
Get your prefered values with the graphical-menue.
Choose values between -20 and 36 for FPLL-mode and -5 and 10 for UPLL-mode.
The third parameter sets the CPU-frequency in MHz.

I'm running on 1.4 and it works fine for me with this script.

Without the script I get a shimmering uae4all menu with some noticible scanlines.

After running the script to launch uae4all the menu is rock steady with no noticible scanlines.

Either way it's just a tempory fix. As it does look like Critical is might have to add more features to allow for more flexible LCD/CPU combinations or remove the overclocking and leave it to the end users to set things up.

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Thanks for trying to help. The problem, however, is that UAE4ALL changes the lcd settings. I dont know how it works in fw 1.4.0, but for me no changes made PRIOR to running the emu will do no good. The settings you suggested are exactly how I set the lcd using the tweaker so it would looks good IF the emulator did not change them somehow.

But never mind, I am sure critical will look into the lcd settings :)

/me leers at critical
Well strange as it may seem there is definatley a difference on my GP2X when launching uae4all with the script and when not.

But as we're running different firmwares that could be all the difference.

Especially as FPLL mode is fubar'd on 1.4. If you run FPLL mode and exit a program the GP2X menu you return to is a shimmering mess. :lol:
god_at_hell posted on Feb 22 2006 at 11:29 PM said:
hm ... i just wanted to take a look at the LCD-code, but i can not download the source, cause i get a 403.
Sorry, I've been sick the last couple of days so things have been a bit muddled. It's just calling the lcd_tweak code with the params herc suggested (passing 1, -2, clockSpeed to the main function). It's ugly, and I've haven't taken the time to understand the overclocking options anyway. I'll put up some new code tomorrow with some changes I made this evening (shunting the overclock code elsewhere). I've fixed the file attributes on the source for the old 0.4.1 if you want to grab it anyway, btw (I'm not GPH).
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