Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

'Butterman' said:
It's not open-source either ;).
Sounds like a great reason not to pay attention to anymore TINCs-related posts. Darn.
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Suit yourself. I made the decision at the start of development not to. That said, I'm in the process of releasing modular parts of its code. The model format and the networking abstraction for now.

You can't learn anything off my game logic or how I encode packets. So you don't need to see them, if somebody wanted to "hack" TINCS, being able to see how the packets and encrypted and made would help them a whole fucking load. They could just sniff the packets that relate to player positions and be able to work out where everybody is in real time. Yes, they could do it anyway, but they would have to not only work out how I'm encrypting the packets, but how to get past it.

But you can learn off the modules I'm releasing.

Anyway. I was fixing up some basic menu logic to help myself debug a whole lot easier and I came across something I could do in one line. I just dropped a draw line into the menu loop if we're connected to the server. It's a frozen picture, game logic isn't being updated, that's something I have to sort out, so you don't leave the server just because you're on the menu and so you can see peoples moving about while you're on the menu. Also, the white spot is the crosshair.

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'Butterman' said:
Suit yourself. I made the decision at the start of development not to. That said, I'm in the process of releasing modular parts of its code. The model format and the networking abstraction for now.
Absolutely. Your hard work, your decision. If the idea is to prevent cheating, I am all for it, but closed source doesn't seem to prevent cheating. UT2004 is a great example. I have pretty much moved to OpenArena and Nexuiz. The downside of closed source is that I get hooked on it and the lone developer decides to move on to something else and abandons the game. Oh well, as I said I respect your contribution and you certainly can choose whatever model you like. Good luck.
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Totally understand. I thought you was one of those "OPEN SOURCE FTW LOLOLOLOL CUZ ITS COOL LOLOOL" fags.

As for moving on. I'm not going anywhere soon. I'm going to be part of this community as long as I have a Pandora and that's going to be for a long time. At least until "Pandora 2" and then, we're going to get a prettier TINCS. :D
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Closed source only makes it easier for user system integration! :D You do what you want, cause this project is looking pretty sweet so far.
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'lingenfr' said:
'Butterman' said:
It's not open-source either ;).
Sounds like a great reason not to pay attention to anymore TINCs-related posts. Darn.

You're going to ignore a great looking game just because it's not open source? Alright. well, don't expect to play many of the emulators that will be popping up...
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Closed-source is a part of life. Its too bad you cant play around with the code, but the upside is that the avaibility of closed-source is that it will be more likely for the devs to make apps/games for free because they will have all the credits to them in closed-source

Butterman, I think you made a great choice to keep it closed-source. Also have you thought of these 4:

-Are you offering TINCS for free, or will you ask 5 bucks (or someting like that) for it?
-Are you going to server all games? Noone else can host it because you have the server source.
-How is singleplayer gonna work? Do you still need internet to play singleplayer? Because all the movement thinking is done by the server( or do both the server and the client do that?)

Anyway, the progress is looking nice.
It's definetly free. I will release server binaries, for the game server. I will host the only master server, but everybody can run their own game server. I'll probably just include the server class in the client for singleplayer, then connect to Lots of games do it already.
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I don't see anything wrong with closed source as long as the developer is still active. People who want open source should go code something themselves ;)
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Eolair said:
People who want open source should go code something themselves ;)

Wait... what?
What's the point of open source if you can't take someone else's code?
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever ;)

Still, I see why you would want to keep this closed source: to keep cheaters away, as you said (let's for one minute not think about what can be done with the simple netcat and TCP filters etc).
Because I see no other reason, if the game is free and all (except to maybe make life harder for people who want to make similar FPSs).
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Ya, I mean my whole plan is to make it harder for people to make games. How did you work it out?

Enough of the open-source stuff guys, it's entirely off-topic, because my decision is made.

P.S : Chickens.
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Wow. Had to check the URL for a sec there, to make sure that I wasn't on the page mentioned in rule #1 and #2.

Speaking of off-topic, first time I've seen a thread starter wheer off in a tangent :P
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Prove it. :D

The most productive thing I've done with TINCS so far this week is a backup. I really need more time. Hopefully I'll be free this weekend.

Should be able to roll in collision detection and ray->quad tests for shootang.
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Not bad, not bad! Either that or rEvolution. I think I'm leaning more towards Human Condition though.
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