Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

I'll do some more backstory this week. If there's anything in particular you'd like more background on, feel free to make a request. I'll post my work on "The till-now-unnamed-Game Forum", in the Story Development section, for your approval:

I'm halfway done writing a story about how the government and corporations decided to forcibly augment everyone:
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'Butterman' said:
Wow, how long until they get hit with a cease and desist order?

I think they will get that order as soon as it goes gold... Let them waste their time on something that will be screwed up later on :P

BTW: I like the name tin soldiers, too! Pretty different from what you find today :)
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:o Tin Soldiers is awesome! It's not too over the top or sci-fi-ish, it's original, and it has a deeper meaning than the usual bio-tough-guy-nuclear-awesome-killing-soldiers kind of thing. It's all class.
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i dont like tin soldiers but at least there should be some scifi elements in it.
advanced tin soldiers( or tin soldiers advanced)
tin soldiers 2050, or something like that

also a name i would like to suggest:
'pelrun' said:
Shooty Shooty Run Run Run, Errk!
Reminds me of playing army games with my friends when I was younger, there was always someone who got shot at close range and still denied it :lol:

Toy Soldiers would work as a name in regards to the government implanting and controlling the population like radio controlled toys. It would also give you a couple of kick ass songs for a sound track ;)
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Wow, loads of name ideas are flooding in. Love it. Would you guys mind putting them up on:


Name ideas is on the first page, that way it's easy for me to make the poll (this weekend?).

Trying to get 2D drawing working along the 3D stuff in the client, I can't just turn off shaders, because there is no real fixed function stuff on ES 2.0, so I'm having to switch between shaders, which is causing problems.

I've also run back into a problem regarding what I believe to be memory managment. 1 out of 5 times I connect to the server via the client, it crashes. The call stack shows none of my functions at all and looks different each time, but it always crashes on free().

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Quick check: make sure you're not trying to free unallocated memory? I'm not sure if this is the case, but you could get an error if you try to free a pointer/var that's still null. (That shouldn't happen, but who knows.)

Also, what is it trying to free when it crashes?
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I have no idea what it's trying to free, the call stack just has funciton within the MSVC C++ libraries. I'm pretty sure I'm using free on a un-initialized pointer, the problem is, I could be doing it in hundreds of places. I'm going to have to just step through debug. Which is a pain, cus I have to find the SDL debug libraries, or MSVC will refuse to debug properly.
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'Butterman' said:
I have no idea what it's trying to free, the call stack just has funciton within the MSVC C++ libraries. I'm pretty sure I'm using free on a un-initialized pointer, the problem is, I could be doing it in hundreds of places. I'm going to have to just step through debug. Which is a pain, cus I have to find the SDL debug libraries, or MSVC will refuse to debug properly.

// deinit
// log bad free
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So, who can guess what I'm up to?
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