I don't understand how Craig and you can differ so wildly in your estimations. Don't you guys talk outside of the forum? Do you disagree so badly about this that Craig finds it necessary to post something amazingly different from what you state to make sure he doesn't get blamed for it later? Or is Craig intending to use most of his share of original pre ordered Pandora's to sell for full price instead of sending them on unless they upgrade?
I asked Craig back then how many preorders he had still left and he mentioned it was only about 800.
That's how my full plan is based on, the business plan all potential investors got and which went pretty much as it should until now
Craig never mentioned something about 9000 units need to be sold, he mentioned that it won't happen before the end of the year and someone at this thread made that "9000 units"-calculation.
Based on his bad experiences with CC, I can imagine he's rather careful
That's totally understandable
So Craig only mentioned I got the calculations, he never said it has to be 9000 units.
Don't mix up assumptions by the community with something Craig says
One thing is for sure, your noses are not in the same direction. ED's remark about how the potential money Craig could sue out of CC would be used is another example of that.
Officially, OpenPandora Ltd. (Craigs company) made the contract with CC.
CC has absolutely no resposibility towards my company (OpenPandora GmbH).
I can't sue them, I never did business with them - only Craig can do that.
Legally, I could sue Craig for not delivering all the Pandoras my company should've gotten from his company... though that wouldn't really make sense, would it?
Legally though it would be like that
So let's hope Craig will get some money from them soon