How's it going? (2012-03-05)

Got mine in today as well, haven't had time to play with it much yet but I noticed that it seems impossible to close windows with the touchpad (can't touch high enough on the screen). Anyone else noticed this before?
Generally I don't have issues with the top of the screen.. sometimes clicking on the way bottom tends to be tough.. but adding a little pressure to push the bezel down or up in your case works.. If all else fails the nubs in mouse mode work fine.

Although honestly.. the touchscreen is the least used feature in my uses.
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Hi all, my Pandora is set to arrive tomorrow according to UPS... or today now I guess... so I thought now might be a good time to join the forums.

When I receive it I will let you know if I have similar issues with the touch screen, though I hope not! Either way I look forward to all of your aid in the future, I am sure I will have plenty of questions :)
Generally I don't have issues with the top of the screen.. sometimes clicking on the way bottom tends to be tough.. but adding a little pressure to push the bezel down or up in your case works.. If all else fails the nubs in mouse mode work fine.

Although honestly.. the touchscreen is the least used feature in my uses.

About that mouse mode, couldn't find the left & right mouse button :P
Generally I don't have issues with the top of the screen.. sometimes clicking on the way bottom tends to be tough.. but adding a little pressure to push the bezel down or up in your case works.. If all else fails the nubs in mouse mode work fine.

Although honestly.. the touchscreen is the least used feature in my uses.

About that mouse mode, couldn't find the left & right mouse button :P

clicking is moving the nub left or right on the right nub..

I got mail from UPS that my Pandora is send of in Nurnberg, Germany :) :)

orderd 1 oct 2008 by Michael.
Hmm, I may actually get my original pre-order before I start my PhD if this keeps up ..