The Unofficial Volume Control Poll

What kind of volume control do you prefer?

  • Analog wheel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Analog slider (6 mm)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Analog slider (10 mm)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Digital volume control tied to the kernel (software-independent)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 22, 2007
GP32Spain, Spain
I know this has already been discussed and even decided, but I open this poll for 2 reasons:

1. Knowing what's exactly what the people expect for the Pandora volume control.

2. Opening my first poll ever on a forum :P

Hope you find your preferred control in the poll options.

I'm voting for a digital control, but only if all applications use a normalized volume rule.

If not, then I choose an analog wheel.
It must be hewn from solid oak, polished with the finest linseed oil and, most importantly, it must go to 11.

Nothing less will suffice.
Yeah, I saw the typo after writing the message, and, AFAIK, there's no way to edit the poll options. :P

So, to make it clear, the first option should be read as "Analog wheeL".

Cast your votes!! ;)
Senor Quack said:
It must be hewn from solid oak, polished with the finest linseed oil and, most importantly, it must go to 11.

Nothing less will suffice.
You mean like the Silver Rock Signature Volume Knob?


Only $495... or it was before they stopped selling it.
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3Designer said:
I really don't care as long as it works properly
I'm seconding that.

Also I'd rather they just put a slider in and didnt delay the release too much rather than struggling to find space to fit a wheel especially as the difference between wheel and slider seems pointlessly small, I know the wheel would have a larger range but generally for me I'd only change between off, half and full volume. Is there really any huge gain to be had from a wheel?? This seems to me like people are just picking on the smallest flaw atm which is not really helping the production team.
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I feel like the wheel is more precise than the slider, but who knows, I've only used one on the DS.