The RetroPi

Damn I'm more of a NES person then a SNES person... and my mother threw out my genesis..... damn shame this looked so damn cool. Not for me sadly.
6 revisions later

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^ I think that's supposed to be something in the way of a monogram? From my perspective the letters are now so obfuscated that I really can't see them anymore.

Certainly, if I hadn't seen your earlier version, I wold have just said that looked like an angular squiggle. Perhaps even a character in some Asian script?
A prototype of a NES plugin already exists.
Afaik it exists for quite a while already,is it still progressing ?
I would be very interested in buying the NES plugin, is it a case where it needs a manufacturer? I've only briefly looked over that project a while ago.
No, I hope to have that as stretch goal for manufacturing it. The guy working on it is slowly working on cleaning the firmware and including NES support.

It doesn't work with the current firmware :)
The RetroPi has a logo? I can't find anything on ... Do you mean the retrode logo? Or the word "RETROPI" at the top?
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Can the RetroPi (and Retrode) be used to dump saves from carts, specifically Game Boy carts?  Can it write to them?  I would like to back up some Game Boy Camera stuff, and possibly some other things that may not work since they aren't official carts, and they may work in weird ways.  I might be able to pretend this justifies the purchase.
It has font-based naming, which is very good, for establishing recognition for something unknown.

What it doesn't have is a figure-mark, emblem, or mascot, which corporations who are/get known, transcend onto. For lack of better word, thats a lot of what "brand" is.

Space Invaders has both a great and iconic name/font, what gives it depth, but what it also does so well is the pictographic creature(s), which is the essence.

I wanted these elements

  • Retro pixelated           jagged diagonals and colour
  • All letters/symbol        from name found/hidden
  • The element               the eyecatching d-pad would be preferable and thematic, but was too complex, so up/down arrow will have to do.
  • The whole                  For the whole to look aesthetic
  • Magic bonus               Play between space/negative space, on the name, mascot like feature, which also makes the right hand box serve a purpose.
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Can the RetroPi (and Retrode) be used to dump saves from carts, specifically Game Boy carts?  Can it write to them?
Yes and yes!The Retrode appears as a disk containing two files: the ROM and the battery save. You can read and copy the battery save, and then write it back, or write whatever you want into it really.

As to your actual use case, once you've got the battery save I'm not sure how you would read the data, but at least you'd have it and be able to restore it later if you wanted.
Can the RetroPi (and Retrode) be used to dump saves from carts, specifically Game Boy carts?  Can it write to them?
Yes and yes!
The Retrode appears as a disk containing two files: the ROM and the battery save. You can read and copy the battery save, and then write it back, or write whatever you want into it really.

As to your actual use case, once you've got the battery save I'm not sure how you would read the data, but at least you'd have it and be able to restore it later if you wanted.
Would reflashing be theoretically possible?
You mean flash a ROM on the cartridge? Well... sort of. You'd need to create a reprogrammable cartridge, modify thr firmware of the Retrode to be able to flash and code a flasher for your computer as well.

A normal cartridge can't be reprogrammed, it's a ROM (Read Only Memory)
Can the RetroPi (and Retrode) be used to dump saves from carts, specifically Game Boy carts?  Can it write to them?
Yes and yes!
The Retrode appears as a disk containing two files: the ROM and the battery save. You can read and copy the battery save, and then write it back, or write whatever you want into it really.

As to your actual use case, once you've got the battery save I'm not sure how you would read the data, but at least you'd have it and be able to restore it later if you wanted.
Would reflashing be theoretically possible?
In addition to what ED said, it might also depend on the type of cart you have.  There is a decent amount of information available on making your own, but the flashing process may be different for commercial carts.  There are at least 2 that I know of that are designed to be easy to use without proprietary software and such on the computer, one of which ED sells (Everdrive), which uses microSD (I think).  Another you just connect to a USB port and it is treated like a USB drive, but I think it only supports 1 ROM at a time.  They are both more expensive than the other commercial options.

Edit: D'oh.  Some everdrives use regular SD, and the USB cart I mentioned is GB only.  There are other options I neglected to consider for different consoles...
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Just found about this from a flyer that came with an item from the dragonbox shop. Sound awesome! 

With this - I'd play the GBA game on the go, and then continue in the living room on the big TV once I get home. Just need to get GBA adapter for retrode I guess. Can't wait to get one of those.
Still the only thing left for me is to finish the video... but I am lacking some time right now.

I WILL go live this year, I'll force myself to that!