It arrived!

The box

The box again

The insides, The packaging is very nice.

The unit itself.


Yes the thing on the top is my Pandora

The extras. The Rose Colored Gaming sticker is particularly nice.

Also this.

The back and the K-Card, which is from a crystal blue version it looks like.

The screen looks very nice, 2x resolution on left stretch to screen size on right. It's not on full brightness in the picture.
The K-Card came with some homebrew gba ROMs on it, but I'm playing A Link to the Past from the cartridge.
The buttons and D-Pad work nicely but they have a tendency to stick down temporarily, you can still push them though and I suspect with a little more wear it wont be a problem.
It's the most annoying with the D-pad, sometimes when I go from right to down, for example right will stick for a bit.
I'm guessing this is just due to the fact that the buttons and d-pad are custom, hopefully with a little use they'll stop sticking.
Update: I tryed my version of The Legend of Zelda NES Classics cartridge and it works fine.
Well fine as in it starts and plays, it does have frequent slow downs in certain areas.