Electronics USB Wiring Question


DNF (Did Not Finish)
Apr 25, 2011
I'm sure somebody on here might be able to help. It should be simple, but I'm not sure I can get me head around it.

I bought two USB-A panel extension cables to go in my Amiga600 case, which is populated with a Raspberry Pi, but the cables are quite thick and long, so I can't seat them nicely inside the case.

As an alternative, I thought about using pre-made cables, the most common is USB to microUSB; so I bought some breakout boards that I can solder and 3D print a base for that can be secured in the Amiga case using hot glue.


So as I'm only trying to pass the USB-A from my breakout to the Raspberry Pi, do I need a cross-over of D+ and D- between breakouts? or does the D+ line need to stay straight through
pretty sure they have to be straight through. D+ and D- are a differential pair. D+ needs to be D+ all the way through.
Thanks. Once I've wired it up, I'll probably test with an old mouse on a pi zero so if anything blows it's nothing expensive or important
Thanks. Once I've wired it up, I'll probably test with an old mouse on a pi zero so if anything blows it's nothing expensive or important

Or maybe get yourself a USB tester? I think I got mine for something like $16.
Old mouse is effectively free anda pi zero is £4... Plus i have all of them in the house without the need to order anything :-)