The case of the case.

If we are going to have 6 buttons, we should have a close to perfection 6 button layout. Just to keep up to the Pyra's spirit of a portable device done right.

As they are now, they look forced in that small space.

Even if the device gets a bit larger, if we end up with a perfect button layout I think most people would be happier.
Reading the earlier conversations, I'm not convinced "perfect button layout" is something people agree on.
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It would be even, and it would make all of the other 2x3 layout games that already exist the most comfortable they could be on a handheld.  What will provide the most comfort in Pyra-specific games isn't a factor before there are any Pyra-specific games, and if ED chooses a brand new layout that applies to nothing yet then all of the Pyra-specific games will be written for it, and a wall will be built between the Pyra and the usual 6 button layout games forever.  This is still very relatively simple to fix, but not fixing it will be irreversible.

It looks to me like it can fit.  I feel that the buttons would not be too small, I've used much smaller buttons.  Can you imagine playing The Nocturne Of Shadow on ED's layout, or even The Prelude Of Light?
but if this comes down to a poll and your version is included then our votes are going to be chopped in half between the two possibilities, killing us.
The poll would have to be made so that one doesn't kill the other by the simple splitting of votes.
The leftmost buttons are always the primary and most used buttons, they can not be the smallest buttons.
Leftmost buttons isn't anymore primary than ED layout is. The primary buttons was left untouched.
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How about just keep the Pandora 4 Button layout? I never missed 2 extra Action buttons, even with N64 emulation it was doable with 4 + surrounding buttons. I only missed 2 extra shoulder buttons once because Tomb Raider 4 on the PSX somehow needs them (and I thought 4-trigger games were rare on the PSX).

The current Design really is crowded, no way to play this device comfortable with average big hands imho. So or so it needs alot of tweaking to get an better case, still to much Pandora in this Pyra design.
So or so it needs alot of tweaking to get an better case, still to much Pandora in this Pyra design.
I agree, if we are going to stick with the same size, cramming more stuff on it is not a smart way to go. 5mm - 10mm extra is IMO something we could bear.

I know the case designers are yet to work on the case, but I don't know how far can they fo from Pandora's looks.
They should be made sharper instead ... if you can't stand the pain, you ain't worthy of Pyra. :angry:

... just joking. :p
5mm - 10mm extra is IMO something we could bear.
Nope. It is already as large as many people have already expressed comfort using.
Well, maybe I'm mistaken but I don't think the Pandora held any extensive tests with a wide variety of case sizes.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember any of that.

There are other handhelds I don't have to mention which are bigger, and they have sold millions of units. I don't think this community has especial hands nor I think we all share the same handsize. So comfort is a weak argument here. I think the only acceptable factor to consider is pocketability, and that is a matter of balance.

I've never carried my pandora in my pocket anyway, it would be very uncomfortable.

So a "not a single extra millimeter" attitude is just stubborn to say the least. Not only that, you want more buttons and 3G and whatnot, but in the same space.

No one is talking of doubling its size, just to check how much bigger it would need to be in order to have a most standard 6 button layout.

I think we now have more ways to test this thanks to 3D printing.
I never carried my PSP or Vita anywhere, because it simply is too wide.

The Pyra will not be increased in width.

Besides, anyone willing to pay the costs needed for all the design changes and 3D prints?

I think with about a donation of 15,000 EUR, we could do some more tests here...
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PSP to wide? That tiny little credit card? Did you ever played an original ATARI LYNX? :D

So or so you have to do new molds, at the moment it cost nothing to adjust the case design because nothing exists to be adjusted, only virtual. ;) I suggest to make the Pyra wider horizontaly, 5-10mm wouldn't make any difference, it would still fit in the pockets if you do not change the thickness or "depth" of the case (the shorter sides).

With this Design you could round and flatten the edges more without changing the battery area (same size). I made some sketches a while ago to show this concept. AFAIK this case is only 5mm wider than the Pandora and has the same overall height/thickness even if it looks much more slim.   ;)

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I really don't like the idea of a wider device. For me Pandora is already on the fringe between acceptable and uncomfortable for typing on the keyboard and reaching buttons near the middle.

Being selfish, I would prefer the device to be smaller. But I can understand the size limitations so I can deal with small comfort issues if the device is kept the same width as Pandora.

But making it wider would just make it worst for me, thus I'm completely opposed to that.
I'm with Yoyobuae.

Personally I don't find the current Pandora shape uncomfortable and would be turned off by making it any larger than it is for reasons stated by many already.  Perhaps an optional rubber bumper shroud could be manufactured for the dainty handed?
I never carried my PSP or Vita anywhere, because it simply is too wide.

The Pyra will not be increased in width.

Besides, anyone willing to pay the costs needed for all the design changes and 3D prints?

I think with about a donation of 15,000 EUR, we could do some more tests here...
I'm with Yoyobuae.

Personally I don't find the current Pandora shape uncomfortable and would be turned off by making it any larger than it is for reasons stated by many already.  Perhaps an optional rubber bumper shroud could be manufactured for the dainty handed?
I hate to disagree, but I find the size of the 3DS-XL is super portable.  Pyra can be the size of the 3DS-XL with no compromise in portability department :)
I hate to disagree, but I find the size of the 3DS-XL is super portable. Pyra can be the size of the 3DS-XL with no compromise in portability department :)
Well the 3DS-XL isn't as thick as the Pandora/Pyra either, nor does it have a keyboard where thumb length matters.
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I have small hands but can easily reach both of my thumbs in the middle of the 3DS XL.  Also, Pandora is not that much thicker than the 3DS XL. 

So thickness of the Pandora, width and length and roundness of the 3DS XL = Perfect Pyra :)
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I have small hands but can easily reach both of my thumbs in the middle of the 3DS XL.  Also, Pandora is not that much thicker than the 3DS XL.
I call BS on that, I have large hands and can barely touch my thumbs together with a proper gaming grip with the Pandora as it is.
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I have small hands but can easily reach both of my thumbs in the middle of the 3DS XL.  Also, Pandora is not that much thicker than the 3DS XL.
But can you do so without relaxing your grip? Going any further than the middle keys on the Pandora causes me to switch how I hold the device.