Release SuperTuxKart for Pandora


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is SuperTuxKart, ported to the Pandora.


This port use OpenGL (via gl4es).

First thing you need to do is go the settings screen to customize keyboard and reduce detail. Use preset "2" for optimal speed.

There are some known problems. Main one is the "Render to Texture" is not working. So, in the Select Kart screen, you don't see the Spinning Karting, and there is no MiniMap in race.

Also, if you download some tracks (or karting), note that the big tecture may kill the performances (you can still downsize, I suggest you use mtPaint -thanx mcobit- for this, it works very well).: fixed with build 04

/!\ You'll need a Swapfile on CC model /!\

Also some texture may be just White on the CC model...

History log


  • Updated libs
  • Added Zenity menu to select different GL profile

  • New build, using GCC 7.1
  • Updated libs

  • New build, using more agressive optims
  • Using tremor instead of vorbisfile
  • Downsampling of texture more effective for Rebirth & CC model

  • New build, using latest 0.8.1 source base
  • Using latest Irrlicht build, with glshim
  • FBO now work (enable it in option/graphics), kart preview and Minimap are functionnals
  • Using automatic Texture downsize mecanism, with a more agressive approach for CC & Rebirth model.

  • Switched to openal-soft 1.15 git, as it include many neon optim (thanks mcobit for the tips)
  • More neon in the compile option for bullet lib
  • Added some neon code (using intrinsec) to base type of bullet
  • Reduce size of more texture
  • Reduce LOD of objects on tracks when possible
  • Changed labels of Pandora Buttons in Setup screen

  • Redirect "Addons Download" to appdat folder (was writing on NAND before)
  • recompiled ogg & vorbis libs with neon optims

  • Initial release
  • downsized all biggest texture, adapted a few dialog boxes
  • forced low-res mesh for items when available
  • only fullscreen mode
  • no RTT (so no kart preview in kart selection and no minimap).


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Analog control would be nice to have.

Anyway, if the graphics get sorted this will be really good.

Edit: I love to see how the Pandora gets the best opensource ports first. I bet now that they see that its possible, it will be on the android market soon.
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Hi !

Thanks ptitSeb for porting STK to the Pandora :)

It runs very well with OC @ 1 GHz, preset 1 and music off.

Do you think you could squeeze some more FPS out of it ?

Bye, and thanks again !

Magic Sam
There are some known problems. Main one is the "Render to Texture" is not working. So, in the Select Kart screen, you don't see the Spinning Karting, and there is no MiniMap in race.
Are you trying to use EGL functionality for this?
No, I was trying to use FBO, but I cannot get FBO with GL_RGBA on GLES-1. With EGL, it's with PBuffer, right?
There are some known problems. Main one is the "Render to Texture" is not working. So, in the Select Kart screen, you don't see the Spinning Karting, and there is no MiniMap in race.
Are you trying to use EGL functionality for this?
No, I was trying to use FBO, but I cannot get FBO with GL_RGBA on GLES-1. With EGL, it's with PBuffer, right?
Correct, once you render to the pbuffer you can create a texture from it, and use that to render with opengl
There are some known problems. Main one is the "Render to Texture" is not working. So, in the Select Kart screen, you don't see the Spinning Karting, and there is no MiniMap in race.
Are you trying to use EGL functionality for this?
No, I was trying to use FBO, but I cannot get FBO with GL_RGBA on GLES-1. With EGL, it's with PBuffer, right?
Correct, once you render to the pbuffer you can create a texture from it, and use that to render with opengl
I'll try in a few days. This will require some modifications to Irrlicht I think, but it should be doable.
Awesome! I tried getting this working a bit back but didn't put the effort in to make it work in the memory of my CC pandora and optimize for speed.
Great work!

Not really playable, but close enough to be a serious proof-of-feasibility.

I'm looking forward to showing this off to the unbelievers :)
Great work!

Not really playable, but close enough to be a serious proof-of-feasibility.

I'm looking forward to showing this off to the unbelievers :)
Try lowering the details. At "2" (from 4 bu default), it became playable, with fps around 15 and easily more than 20 in many places if you O/C a bit.
^ I tried that.

I just found the jerky motion too distracting to concentrate on gameplay (maybe that's just me)

About half of maths class is smooth as long as there aren't any other karts.

Edit: I would have expected this sort of thing to be a 2fps jobbie, so getting a consistent 20fps is wonderful. Keep it up :)
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  • Addons are saved to your home directory - use with care
  • 'skyline' works smoothly but looks ugly
  • I have a retextured version of skyline somewhere :)
  • Addons are saved to your home directory - use with care
  • 'skyline' works smoothly but looks ugly
  • I have a retextured version of skyline somewhere :)
Oh ?! I though I had redirected it on the right folder :(

I'll take care of that quickly !

*EDIT* Ah yes, my bad, it use "XDG_DATA_HOME" and not "HOME" to find home root. I'll updload fixed release soon.
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New release, I redirected the Addon download to appdata (but I didn't copy previously donwloaded ones, you have to do it yourself).

I'm off for a week now, going in vacacions...



  • Redirect "Addons Download" to appdat folder (was writing on NAND before)
  • recompiled ogg & vorbis libs with neon optims