- gameplay feels a bit slow (compared to asteroids) you said "patience", but yeah I'd boost it up a bit - more acceleration, faster rocks.
This is by design. The game contrasts careful and slow precision movement in getting rid of the asteroids to fast paced races for powerups and dodging UFOs. The gameplay gets a lot more hectic as the game progresses as you have less and less room to manouver. Try playing to level 20 and tell me it's slow
Ok, that makes sense.
Can you make an option to start at any previously attained level, like _wb_ did with nub nub?
I would really appreciate that. You could just use some key on the Pandora for "skip to next level".
(or I can do it, thanks for being open sourcey)
Your second preview pic on the repo is a 900Kb 1920x1180 (!) png image, I think that's some kind of record...!
Spacerocks really wants to have C4A support. It's not very hard to do that, even I managed it.
You could maintain the ship's position and velocity between levels. I think Asteroids does that, it's up to you what you prefer of course. If you do change the background image between levels, I suggest include plenty of images and shuffle them up randomly. Could do some hyperspace effect ala Thrust between levels, or whatever. Maybe hyperspace doesn't work if there are space rocks around ... vestigial plot developing ...
Also there is a slight pause on the first "shoot", I guess it's loading that sound effect on demand, it would be better to pre-load it somehow.
What's special about the green powerups that they confuse the driver? You're not using shaders or anything, right? It's just regular gles 1.1? I'm asking because I used a whole lot of different images in my game, plotted with GL and rotated them etc, with no such "driver issues". Are you using one texture for all the images, or separate textures? They're all sized right with powers of 2? Just trying to figure out what could be going wrong.
By the way, space rocks is "top game" again on the repo
for a little while at least.