Serial Porter
Here is ProjectX: Forsaken. This is the original Forsaken Windows Game, turned Open Sourced (sources and data).
This version is a beta version. It should be fully functional (I tried Single Player and Network, with only 2 Players on Pandora), at least on the beginning but it may crash on later level, with a "Bus error". If this is the case, try to get a savegame near the crashing point, so I can hunt the bug down.
There is a default layout adapted to the Pandora, but you may alter it if it's not to your taste (mainly, invert Y axis maybe).
Left Nub is configured as Joystick, and used for Forward/Back/Strafe.
Right Nub is configured as Mouse, and used for Aiming.
Left Shoulder is Right Click, and Secondary Fire
Right Shoulder is Left Click and Primary Fire
{A}/{B}/{X}/{Y} to cycle Primary/Secondary Weapons
DPad is used to Strafe Up/Down and Roll Left/Right
Note that you can change Nub behavior by changing the "left_nub" and "right_nub" files inside appdata/projectx/
History log

And a nice Video of the GamePlay on the Pandora by IngoReis
/!\ On 256Mo model, you'll need a Swapfile to run this game /!\
/!\ On Gigahertz, there are many graphical artifacts with default driver, update to 4.03.02 is advised /!\
This version is a beta version. It should be fully functional (I tried Single Player and Network, with only 2 Players on Pandora), at least on the beginning but it may crash on later level, with a "Bus error". If this is the case, try to get a savegame near the crashing point, so I can hunt the bug down.
There is a default layout adapted to the Pandora, but you may alter it if it's not to your taste (mainly, invert Y axis maybe).
Left Nub is configured as Joystick, and used for Forward/Back/Strafe.
Right Nub is configured as Mouse, and used for Aiming.
Left Shoulder is Right Click, and Secondary Fire
Right Shoulder is Left Click and Primary Fire
{A}/{B}/{X}/{Y} to cycle Primary/Secondary Weapons
DPad is used to Strafe Up/Down and Roll Left/Right
Note that you can change Nub behavior by changing the "left_nub" and "right_nub" files inside appdata/projectx/
History log
- Bumped version number to offical version number
- Moved "left_nub" and "right_nub" to the appdata/projectx (compatible with pndconfig)
- Fixed the problem after loading a saved game, where mouse was not grabbed
- Initial release
- Beta status, may still "Bus error"
- GLES Renderer, with DownScale of large texture to fit the memory
- Many ARM adaptation, to avoid Float access unaligned (=> bus error)
- Default mapping adapted to the Pandora
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