I've been calling around, Toys R us, Gamestop, EB, Game Crazy, Best Buy, Fry's, are all sold out of PSP's as of the first day.
That should be a good indicator how well they are selling.
And I've been saying forever that as far as the PSP goes (and probably many other Sony products), Sony's quality control sucks MAJOR ass and most units do have at least one small problem or another, wether it be dust, dead pixels, sticking buttons, scratches or nicks on the screen, bubbles in the screen, UMD doors that dont close properly, etc.
DaveC - I TOLD you you were gonna be assed out trying to sit and exchange units at Best Buy or anywhere else, even though you insisted you wouldn't settle for less than a PSP without one single dead pixel... I'm surprised they even let you try two others like they did... I kept saying there is no way they're just gonna let you sit there trying systems until you find a 'perfect' one... especially since... so few of them seem to be perfect

You could have tried them all day and never found one to satisfaction.... now hearing all this from you guys and having asked around a bit more with my friends at gamestop, it seems the dead pixels are still a problem after all... it was funny most of us lined up outside didn't get any, but the three gamestop employees who worked the midnite 'event' and got theirs all had dead pixels, each of them had 4-5 dead pixels EACH! THAT sucks... 5 is a lot.
By the way... I mentioned mine, though dust and dead pixel free, had some small scratches on the face of the unit? Turns out, one of those scratches, a small hairine about 1 cm long right in the middle of the screen, is actually directly on the LCD, not on the face cover. Ouch....