Smashgp Characters


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Jan 29, 2004
Scotland, UK
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Hey. I've been working on characters for smashGP namely falco and samus but i don't know why they don't work. Has anyone successfully made .chr files that work and if so could you help me.
put the images of the sprite on gpmm/smashgp with the .*chr

or use the bmp2pak converser and pass the images of the sprites and name the *.pak with the same name of the characterer

Sorry cause my bad english i´m spanish... :ph34r:
the .pak will load at the star of the game... when in the screen you can see LOADING...

Sorry cause my bad english i´m spanish... :ph34r:
The game will look for any .chr file in gp:\gpmm\smashgp.
Then, for each .chr file found, it will try to open a .pak file with the name name (mario.chr -> mario.pak...).
Or you can directly put your files into the smashgp dir. Loading will be slower and filenames more limited.

EDIT: Obviously this is not the problem here. Looks like you tried to convert 16 or 24 bits bmps with the old bmp2pak... Which wasn't possible at that time. Now it's ok !! You can do that !! Sunday, in the beginning of the afternoon, I'll ulpoad the 0.2b version of the game with the latest bmp2pak.

Sorry for being late, but I didn't have much time lately, and I'd like Sonic to be a part of this release to show people that it's possible (and when you'll see the results, you'll understand :) ).
EDIT: Obviously this is not the problem here. Looks like you tried to convert 16 or 24 bits bmps with the old bmp2pak... Which wasn't possible at that time. Now it's ok !! You can do that !! Sunday, in the beginning of the afternoon, I'll ulpoad the 0.2b version of the game with the latest bmp2pak.

Sorry for being late, but I didn't have much time lately, and I'd like Sonic to be a part of this release to show people that it's possible (and when you'll see the results, you'll understand :) ).

Your the man mATkEUpON; looks like this is shaping up to be one of the gp's best homebrew games :)
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I can supply sprites for people to make characters, and am willing to do so. But in the event I do so, you must make the character downloadable, and not hog it to urself. :P

One of my favorites is my Gunstar Heroes minion sprite sheet. The minions rule ALL!
It's fantastic !!!! It works perfectly, and looks very good !!!

I love it ! Would just need a few more sounds, and a combo maybe...
good job guys now i got three players im working on link right now as we speak ill leave the file when im done
Hi! I have updated the Samus character :lol: . I have modified the damage and two hits and more smaller changes. Please, tell me if you like it and what could be changed. Thanks ;)
I'm working on a Link character, using sprites from Four Swords.

Should he be called Link or Young Link or what? Initially I just put Link, but there may be a ton of people making different Links. :P

I'm not 100% sure if I'll actually finish this though... especially since I don't know of any way of testing out my character, other than compiling it and putting it on my gp32, but me doing that every time I want to test something? Seems like a bit of trouble. Oh well, I'm working on importing the sprites, I'll set attributes later.

Edit: I should read these posts more carefully, someone's doing Link already...

Cool, now we'll have 2 Links. :D
I would happily do one for Zero (Megaman Zero from Gba) but the problem is that I don't know how. This there any faq or guide anywhere?