Am I The Only Person Alive Who Dislikes Nintendo?

ARGH, I wish I'd had access to the internet when I was actually playing these games.

Although there are some cool action replay cheats for goldeneye which are really fun. I made one personally that turned all the guards into zombie like creatures, you'd shoot them and the death animation would play, then they'd get back up and carry on trying to kill you. I t was excellent
RoboJoe32 posted on Mar 6 2005 at 12:49 PM said:
and if u'd even touched Wind Waker (you probably didnt coz it was "KIDDY") then you wouldve have had the whole story explained in lames terms, which even you would understand

Sorry, you do not win the prize :rolleyes:

Where did link get a sister? why is he tiny again? why does it mention him growing up in the kokiri forest in OOT with no known family if wind waker is BEFORE then? Wait, in OOT it said he never left the forest before the whole great deku tree thing... OH SNAP THEN HOW COULD HE DRIVE A BIG BOAT AND SAVE HIS SISTER? And How does LTTP factor into all of this? and the GBC ones?

And how in the bloody HELL does Zelda 2 for NES factor into it?

Sorry, the zelda games do not click together well at all, it's like each game is other crazy guy in a pub's variation of the story, the only thing being consistant is link wearing a tunic and hitting things with a sword.

"If u'd tuched dem1!ONE" you might have realized they don't quite click either

And I love how you listed a racing game in the "backstory" arguement :P

WTF u dumbass


it explains that the link in OOT is the legedary link, and each year the kids dress up as him to celbrate

in the wind waker his name isnt link, it is jus assumed

u complain about backstories then dont even pay attention
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c0ncept posted on Mar 6 2005 at 07:05 PM said:
ARGH, I wish I'd had access to the internet when I was actually playing these games.

Although there are some cool action replay cheats for goldeneye which are really fun. I made one personally that turned all the guards into zombie like creatures, you'd shoot them and the death animation would play, then they'd get back up and carry on trying to kill you. I t was excellent

ever seen shaun of the dead, great film. he keeps the zombie of his best friend chained up in his shed. lol.

anyway mattm, u are right bout ww. dont get pissed off with him, this guy has no idea what he's talking about.
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i hate nintendo... their arrogence bothers me, and the characters I didnt grow up with are being smashed in my face every time I flip a page in EGM or something. I havent bought a nintendo console since the NES
So according to you, wind waker isn't even a zelda game because there's no link OR zelda?

So wind waker "link" is actually some kid dressed up like link and somehow managed to do alot of the things he can do despite not being legendary in the least?

Damn nintendo is a tricky bastard, with their plot holes and all :rolleyes:

Plus you still havn't tied zelda 2, the GBC zeldas, OOT, Majora's Mask, and Wind waker together with a common theme besides the main character being link and a few items (Ok that's an exception if you're right about wind waker, every character is in a green tunic then :rolleyes: )

And how was the triforce originally ALOT MORE PIECES than 3 (Zelda 1 for NES) but now is only about 3 pieces?

I would like the series alot more than a distraction when nothing else is out at the moment worth playing, IF they would have took the time and the detail to have more little cameos and tie ins to past games, a deeper story, and something that explains what the hell is up with all of the different links/worlds/time zones.

(Like a final zelda game that explains that each link is another diminsional version of the same guy, or is a legendary hero and each game was someone else's story about him and in THIS final game you actually play as the real link through his own eyes (not someone elses)

THEN I would actually look at the series in a different light, untill then it's just a fun adventure game you can play without having to spend more than 12 hours on at most. And nintendo can almost endlessly continue it without anyone being the wiser due to the lack of connectivity between each game (hence how final fantasy survived so long, and the only games I liked in that series were 5 and 6.)
c0ncept posted on Mar 6 2005 at 08:05 PM said:
ARGH, I wish I'd had access to the internet when I was actually playing these games.

Although there are some cool action replay cheats for goldeneye which are really fun. I made one personally that turned all the guards into zombie like creatures, you'd shoot them and the death animation would play, then they'd get back up and carry on trying to kill you. I t was excellent
How did you make it yourself?
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if its the same as you do now on emulators

you look at pieces of code, the do something and see how the code changes, you can the use this and chane it a bit
to make an infinite bullet cheat, for example:

1) start the game with the action replay attached

2) go into the action replay menu once the game has started

3)there is an option in the menu somewhere that lets you 'record' game data, turn it on

4) go back into the game and fire a bullet

5)go back into the action replay menu and it will present you with a list of values that have changed, yuo can then alter each one individually to see what effect it has

I just messed with the guards difficulty level and health (down and up respectivly). This made them REALLY easy to kill but with a massive health bar, which resulted in them dying and then being revived. Pretty fucked up to watch!